Friday, 20 July 2018

You Are Destroying Your Child With Your Hand

Dear Parents,
There are things that parents do
that makes me wonder if they
know the implications. In my
teaching career, I've come to
realize that children who are well
brought up produce better results.

What I see these days is training
the "butty"(aje butter) way which
gets me scared of what will
happen in the next 10-15years.

I see eight year olds who don't
bother to lay their beds.
I see 10year olds served by the
maid or "caring mum" on the
table and they either don't pack
the table or they just dump the
plates in the kitchen for the maid
or "caring mum".

Drivers carry the bags of
children above 5years and the
children call them "my driver".
Manual cloth washing is
gradually been replaced by
washing machines yet the maid
or "caring mum" will be the one
to do the laundry.

Children wake up and go straight
to the TV and sleep late watching
TV with mum & dad but mum &
dad don't allow them read late.
They'll say "go and sleep".
I see parents play game for
hours on their phones yet
wonder why their children don't
read and why their results are
poor despite investment in
expensive schools.

I see tweenagers and teenagers
who can't cook common white
rice because there's maid,
nanny, cook, "caring mum" etc.
I see children who are addicted
to cheating in exams,
assignments, class work and the
parents aren't taking conscious
steps to correct it instead some
will bribe teachers to make their
children first l, teach them
during external exams or take them to "miracle centres" to write their exams.

I see children who talk to their
parents and other adults
disrespectfully and all parents
say is "children of now a days
are outspoken".
Your children's wardrobe is full
of clothes but they don't have a
single book.
You buy them lots of toys but
you didn't buy them books.

I can go on and on.
See, when next you tell your
child not to do house chores,
study hard etc have it at the
back of your mind that what
you're saying is "don't take
responsibility for your life".

I guess parents don't know that
chores and morals are almost
directly proportional to academic
Haven't you thought of it that
when our forefathers went to
farm, fetched water etc before or
after school, the world was a
better place?
Haven't you thought of it that
our local proverbs which have
remained relevant were coined
by unlettered men and women?
A Hausa proverb says, "Ka so naka, duniya ta 'ki shi..." favour your son & the world will reject him..." (vice-versa)
A yoruba proverb also says, "eni a
nwo ki wooran"...."those who
make news don't watch news".
So when you're mentoring your
children to be T.V. addicts you
should understand what you're
grooming them to be.

There are TWO PAINS in life and
everyone must suffer one; PAIN
When you're preventing your
children from going through pain
of discipline, just understand
that you're automatically
preparing them for pain of

Some parents feel that their
children's careers are secured
because of their financial stand.
Now, let's do this analysis;
1. You get your children a job
2. You make them take over your
3. You set up a business for

1. If you get them a job and they
have the wrong attitude at work
like being late, talking rudely to
clients etc which made the
company lose a big contract,will
they keep them there?
2. They take over your company
and your company lost within
three months an amount that
you didn't make in your first five
years in business due to their
lack of discipline, will you pat
them on the head and say I'm
proud of you child?
3. They run the business shabbily
and there's nothing to show for
it within few years.
The earlier we stop these
pampering the better. You will
give an account to God

Train your child in the way he
should go and when he is old, he
won't depart from it.
A concerned Parent.

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