Thursday, 28 May 2020

Questions To Answer Before Schools Are Opened.

Questions for teachers
I. How safe am I if schools are opened?
2. Are students  books safe to mark?
3. Do I get free medication if I get covid at work
4. Is my family compensated if I die after getting covid at school?
5. Will I get risk allowances when schools opening ?
6. Is it worth to die for 40$ US which is not enough to feed , cloth and shelter my family?
7. Will I be able to teach 6 x 35 minutes periods in a day with a musk
7. I have other health conditions that might affect me in this covid pandemic and am supposed to teach my o level class. How do I go about it?

1. If a student in class shows covid symptoms after lunch during learning . Do we also quarantine the teachers , the whole class or the whole school ( writing classes)?
2. How frequent do we test temperature of teachers and students?
3. If given 1 machine to test temperature . Is it possible to test 20x 4 classes before lessons?
4. Who Will test temperature of the students ? Teachers are  not paid for that.
5. Is the teaching and learning going to continue if we run out of sanitizer?
6. If the teacher is in self quarantine, who will take his/her load?

1. Are all schools having enough desk to maintain social distance?
2. Are you able to employ more teachers since the teacher to pupil ratio decreases? How many teachers are need per school in each department per subject?

1. Is my child not going to bring covid home?
2. How safe is my child if schools open?
3. Is education the first priority than life of your child?

Let's not forget that covid is spread out by air and  contact therefore its a contagious disease.
Let's hope for the best and keep praying

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