Sunday 23 June 2019

Teachers Must Do Away With Fixed Mindset



This write up focuses on some of the mindset of teachers and how they need to see thing in a different way to help them change their mindset positively.


Most learners are lazy, don't do their home work, even their parents want you to do  their work for them


Most teachers don't care to know if the learners truly understood the work before going home. Best practice is this, let them start the home work 5 minutes to the end of the class and once they are on track, finish it at home.
As they start it in class, the teacher should go round and see how many can actually do it, you may be shocked to see that the teacher is the only one that can do the home work.
Home work is to reinforce what has been taught in class, make it simple and self reflective.


The learners like making noise in class when I am teaching and losing concentration, so they make my lesson ineffective and inconclusive


Learners MUST make noise in class as long as they are healthy, hence the teacher should stimulate healthy noise in the class after every 10 minutes in the form of a class quiz, group work, out door experience or singing of a learning related rhyme. This will help them channel their own notice to your expected noise and not lose concentration


Learners must be caned or learning will be constantly disrupted


Learners will learn if a teacher is welcoming and has the right strategy to get them to learn. A friendly but firm teacher will get learners to learn than a rigid and unfriendly teacher


My class decoration is still beautiful, there is no need to change it after a term or year.


Class decoration is not only to make the class beautiful but to reinforce learning hence, classroom decoration should be curriculum based for example if you are going to teach WATER, FAMILY at the course of the term, let the decoration reflect some of the topics so that when learners are coming in and out of class, they can also remember what they have been taught by just looking at the work on the class wall. Decoration should serve as learning aids too.

Some learners don't like school, it is like they are being forced to come, they prefer break time and  closing time. They need discipline


Do teachers like coming to work too or they just want to earn a living?
When the learners see the spark in teachers eyes for the love of their job and the genuine concern they show towards their learning, they will begin to love school.
It starts with teachers spending some time researching on how to make students learn better which many don't do and it reflects on the learners.

Whatever the learners score in their test is what I will record even if they score zero.
The school can not force me to 'dash" them marks because they want to please  parents.


Do you know that if assessment is done correctly no child should score ZERO? Because teachers use more of the Summative form of assessment in class and not other forms of assessments, that is why a learner will score zero.
Imagine if a teacher gives one mark at the end of a class by asking each  learner to stand up and say something different from another person what he/she has learnt in the lesson of the day.
You will be surprised how many of them will contribute positively to the class. But when a teacher leaves the class by asking; do you understand? The answer obviously will be "yes". This type of method of checking for understanding is now obsolete.  So no one should get zero.
Give marks for out door activities, give marks for class presentations, give marks for class contributions; no one should score ZERO.


No matter my efforts, no one seem to be recognising it. I am giving my BEST, heaven knows I will soon leave this school.

Measure your BEST with your organisation's BEST. Then ask yourself if you are actually giving your best.
Measure your best in the light of the learner's aptitude, school's policy, your job role and relationship with other colleagues around. Measure the level of your emotional intelligence at work.
The bad thing about quitting is that you will find the same characters where you are going with probably different names. So it's about changing your mindset

Good classroom management is when the learners are quiet, take turns to talk and are listening to the teacher.


Good classroom management is more than that;
The class should be filled with humour, interactive, engaging, evaluating the learners, challenging in a comfortable learning environment with having good control of time and making good  use of instructional aids as stipulated in your lesson plan. That is good classroom management

The students are undisciplined because their  parents are pampering them and the school is not putting her feet down because of the business


For learners to be disciplined in a school system, the following must be in place
* There must be a visible school culture in place that you want learners to pattern their daily life style to

* It takes consistency of both teachers and management to build a school culture but when the learners find a soft landing from either end, building a school culture may be difficult

* Low turn over of staff will help build a culture of discipline. When teachers come and go at will, this will disrupt the building of a culture of discipline, new teachers may not know the culture and learners may begin to break the culture from that end, that is why you find out in some secondary schools that new teachers are mostly frustrated at the few weeks of their resumption. Learners will want to test them.

* Have a visible school hand book that stipulates acceptable and non acceptable behavior, follow it with no exception.

* Lastly, having a proper orientation for learners at the beginning of the school term and have an avenue where learners can channel their grievances like a counseling unit, a "talk to me box" etc will help curtail indiscipline and build a school culture.


The learners learning is the most important reason we are in school and changing our mind set positively to help them learn will go a long way to making them love learning and seeing school as fun.

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