Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Special Advice As You Celebrate Christmas

1. Don't spend all your savings celebrating Christmas. Don't forget there are more bills to settle in January.

2. Don't compete with any family even if you earn the same income or you earn more. Christmas is not a contest.

3. Don't plan to impress anyone. If you must impress anyone it should be the celebrant(Jesus).

4. Don't involve yourself or children in too much of parties. There will surely be endless events this season, chose the once that are important.

5. Spend quality time with your family since is holiday time. Don't use this time to make money at the expense of time together with your family even if this is the season of your business. Plan your schedule and ensure your family aren't left out.

6. Beware of temptations because they are always on the increase this time. Don't engage in illicit sex, don't attempt beer or cigarette. All these things will be readily available in excess this time.

7. Don't over eat. Control what you consume at this time so it won't land you into trouble. Beware of poison, many eat poison during this time.

8. December and especially 25th is always cold, please help your children prevent cold. Most parents want the world to see their children's Christmas clothes, hence they may not want to cover them up.

9. If you travel to the village be conscious of what you eat, where you go and what you do. Many traps are always set awaiting Christmas victims in the village. Don't let the kingdom of darkness use you or any of your family member to balance their account in this 2018.

10. Don't spend too much time in the village. You don't have to start begging for transport back to your station.

11. Be vigilant, watchful, security conscious and prayerful. Don't shut down your prayer life or fellowship with God because of Christmas celebration.

12. If you don't want more children please don't forget your family planning. Don't sow a seed for September 2019 you can't cater for.

13. Share whatever you have with others, especially those who are less privileged. Don't consume everything alone, put a smile on someone's face.

May you and your family have a glorious Christmas celebration.

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