Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Concept Of Classroom Discipline

Discipline is not control from the outside; it's order from within. Discipline is not about getting the learners to do what you want them to do. That's what dictators do, and you are not a dictator ------ you are an educator.

*What is Classroom Discipline?*

It is a systematic way of providing an environment in which positive teaching and positive learning can occur simultaneously.

*Tips For Achieving And Maintaining Classroom Discipline:*

1) *Greet pupils/students at the door*
Interact with your pupils/students on a personal level every day. Greet them by name. Shake their hand, and welcome them into the classroom  this sets a positive tone for a lesson or for the day.

2) *Get pupils/students focused before you begin any lesson*
Be sure you have their attention before you begin.

3) *Use positive presence*
Move around the classroom continuously. Don't sit or remain stagnant while teaching. Make frequent eye contact, and smile with pupils/students. Monitor pupils/students with your physical presence.

4) *Model the behavior you want pupils/students to produce*
If you exhibit respectfulness, trust, enthusiasm, interest, and courtesy in classroom, pupils/students will return the favor in kind. Remember the saying, *"Values are caught, not taught "*.

5) *Use low profile intervention*
When you see a pupil/student who is misbehaving, be sure your intervention is quiet, calm and inconspicuous.

6) *Verbal reprimands should be private, brief, and as immediate as possible*
The more you reprimand privately, the less likely you will be challenged. The more immediate the reprimand, the less likely the pupil/student will feel you condone his or her behavior.

7) *Acknowledge positive pupil/student behavior when it is not expected*.

8) *Acknowledge hard work, kindness, and dependability*.

9) *If you have rules, enforce those rules.*

10) *Be consistent*
Although, this is easier said than done, the key to an effective discipline policy in any classroom is consistency. Make this principle part of your classroom action plan.

11) *Don't hand out lots of warnings without following through on consequences*
Lots of warnings tell the pupils/students that you won't enforce a rule.

12) *Be fair and impartial*
The rules are there for everyone, and that includes girls as well as boys, tall people and short people, pupils/students with freckles and pupils/students without freckles, and special needs pupils/students as well as gifted pupils/students.

*Other Likely Factors To Consider Before Enforcing Discipline:*

a) Age of the child
b) Health condition of the child
c) Nature/gravity of the offence
d) The school rules and regulations.

*Kindly note that Discipline or Punishments should not be Vindictive or Overrated but Corrective*.

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