Monday, 31 December 2018

Moral Decadence

In recent time, new wave of social personality radicalism has come up under the aegis of feminism. Feminism which should ordinarily be a positive course to advance the enforcement of women rights, awareness and advocacy has suddenly been hijacked by some uninformed persons. In the social media, some groups abound which misinterpret the meaning of feminism, thereby deceiving some unsuspecting young ladies and leading same astray. For emphasis sake, WOMEN EMANCIPATION should be the responsibility of every right-thinking members of the society. But GENDER EQUALITY is hoax, tricky, and unachievable. Even in the western word where some of these abnormalities are imported from, GENDER EQUALITY is just not possible.
Africa has norms and our cherished values which no matter the western pressure, we can never succumb to. Let me state clearly that issues of pride price, man as the head of the family and in any relationship and such issues remains African values which will remain till eternity. Sorry I digressed. Homosexuality, misunderstood feminism, and all such are outlandish and alien to African values and culture. Strangely, this misunderstood feminism has led majority of the proponents adopting and promoting homosexuality as instinct and normal relationship form. This is wrong, abnormal and a psychological disorder.
Homosexuality of gay and lesbianism are complete departure from natural and innate form of sexual relationship. The main essence of sexuality is for procreation, and satisfaction of biological desires which can also be psychological. There could be few other cogent reasons. Anything less that this is both abnormal and psychologically incorrect. My Christian believe made me to understand that God created man, and gave man the mandate ’multiply and dominate. These mandates apply in most religions of the world viz: Christianity, African traditions, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism etc. Imagine me been attracted to another man sexually? Homosexuality is known to exist among some birds and few sea mammals, but the cause, reason and implications are unknown in biology and general science. Investigations into these abnormality is still on going. It remains an abnormality. Homosexuality among human beings is still a wonder, and its origin unclear. Though it dated back to 12th century, and later became popular in 14th century. Its wide spread in 1938 films was condemnable. Homosexuality is so controversial that many countries of the world condemned it and have promulgated laws to discourage it. I am aware that some countries adopted it as a legal relationship, that notwithstanding. The pertinent question I have always asked the promoters/supporters of the homosexuality are:
1: Why have they not married a fellow man or woman in the name of homosexuality.  A young lady will claim to be a feminist and supporting homosexuals but would go and marry a fine gentleman and raise beautiful kids, while deceiving some unsuspecting minds.
2. If our parents were homosexuals, would our generations be born?
Until such, and when these two major questions and others are satisfactorily answered, HOMOSEXUALITY REMAINS ABNORMAL, ALIEN TO AFRICAN VALUES AND A TOTAL SOCIAL DISORDER.
Nwankwor Chukwudi Emmanuel is my name.

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