Monday, 27 August 2018

Dangers Of Favouritism In Schools


*What is Favouritism in Classroom Management?*

This is when a learner gains favor in the eyes of the Teacher by receiving preferential treatments which are not extended to other learners by the Teacher within and outside the classroom environment.

Over the years, Teachers have demonstrated the act of favouritism and been trained and warned not to show favouritism in verbal and non-verbal ways. This is because pupils/students are quick to detect such signals or act of favouritism.

*Who is a Teacher's Pet?*

Is a pupil/student who has gained favour in the eyes of the Teacher within and outside the classroom environment.

There are still cases when other pupils/students notice that there is *"Teacher's Pet"* in the class; the one who is the apple of the eye, the one which gets the Teachers attention, the one who is trusted more than anyone else. Being professional, how can Teachers ensure fairness, especially when calling on pupils/students, grading, rewarding, and interacting in general with them.

*How To Avoid Favouritism In Classroom*

The following are suggested ways to avoid favouritism:

1) *Leave no child behind*.
Make sure that every child gets called and everyone in the class has had a turn.

2) *Teachers should examine their emotions/behavior*.
Teachers may consider these questions:

a) Do I use the same amount of time for answers from high achievers as I do from low achievers?

b) Do I praise all pupils/students and offer individual help, no matter what the child's level?

c) Do I spend equal time standing in proximity to high achievers as I do to low achievers?

d) Do I consciously or unconsciously smile at a few selected learners while teaching?

e) Do I know the names of all the pupils/students in the classroom apart from a few pupils/students' names?

3) *Find something to praise in every pupil/student*.
A pupil or student may not be good at academics but he/she may be doing well in sports or other co-curricular activities. A child may not be that bright but if he/she shows desirable values, by then, he/she deserves to be praised.

4) *Teachers must ensure fair assessment and grading of learners*

5) *Teachers must give equal quality time to all pupils/students while teaching*

6) *Teachers should have control of their emotions*.
Teachers need to be aware of their emotions towards various pupils/students and not let those emotions interfere with the learning experience.

*Reasons Why Teachers Should Not Play Favourite*

1) *The child that is the favourite will be isolated from his/her peers.*
The favorite pupil/student is not going to be liked by your other pupils/students.

2) *You make prior judgements about children*.
When you have favourites and pay attention to them alone in classroom, what you are doing is making judgements about the other pupils/students in your class without giving them a chance to prove themselves.

3) *Undue attention and opportunities given to children who may or may not deserve it*.
You may become blind to reasons as to why they are your favourites, when you find yourself blindly trusting them or giving them opportunities without even considering your other pupils/students, maybe it is time to evaluate why they are your favourites.

4) *The favourites might not be part of the learning process since the Teacher has a soft sport for them.*
The Teacher tends to ignore areas that require maximum attention and correction in the learning process of the child.

5) *Your teaching style becomes biased.*
When you have favourites, your teaching style changes accordingly. You will only focus on the pupils/students you want too, not the other pupils/students too.
One of the main jobs of a Teacher is to teach everyone equally, irrespective of likes or dislikes.

Favouritism is one of the major practices that has killed Self Esteem of Children at the expense of their Future.

 *why do favouritism exist in class/school?*

Most teachers and school personnel engaged in the practice of favouritism for these reasons:

1. *Most intelligent students in class*

Most teachers tend to show undue favour or attention to students that are brilliant in class and so tends to value them more than the others, forgetting that intelligence varies in individuals, and every child is intelligent in different ways and areas.

 Every child should be given equal opportunity to show case his/her intelligence/talent.

2. *Student whose parent give more gifts or expensive gifts*

Some teachers mar their sense of judgement by physical materials and therefore ridicule their personalities and lose their honour in the presence of the students and even parents.

This is unprofessional and should not be encouraged in schools.

3. *The child of the School Owner (if private) or influential Parents*

Some teachers will give attention or allow the children of the school owner/ influential parents to get away with some things that other children in class are not allowed to.
They even give positions to them in place of other most preferred/qualified students.

This is unethical and against the right of the other students in class/ school.

As executives, teachers and administrators, we must ensure this does not have root in our schools and classrooms.

 Every student in your school is there by right of payment of school fee and is entitled to equal right and best treatment.

Treating every student right is also a good way to market your school and project your school as save for nurturing student's potential.

*Let's be fair, friendly and firm in relating with the foremost customer in our care - The student*

Adapted by;


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