Friday, 20 September 2019

The Indiscipensible Role Of Teachers

*To All Teachers !!!*

Teachers Are Held In Very High Esteem By God, Do Not Abuse Your Office Because, You Will Give Account. Guard Your Duty Post With All Seriousness.

Whatever you impart in your students now will face you and challenge you in the future. If you teach them well, you will partake of it, if you don't, you will still partake of your negligence.

Be careful what you deposit into the generation of today because, they will come back to feed the next generation which may encompass the generation of your children or grandchildren.

Lead and teach your students to always do what is right. Give them great attention.

You're a teacher so that you can mold their lives. One day, what you do to your students now will stare at you and ask you questions that you have to answer in the future.

Don't pretend not to be concerned about the wrong they do and correct them. Students that were left uncorrected became the pain we face today in the society.

Teachers' mistakes become truants, armed robbers, assassins, kidnappers, ritualists, drug addicts, fraudsters, area boys and girls, bad parents, bad citizens etc.

Let the correction of eering students be an assignment that must be done with passion, with great love and affection for them.

You're in that school, church, mosque, home, family to help mold and refine the next generation of leaders.

Those students in your class today are the leaders of tomorrow. You were in someone's class yesterday and you are a leader today. They did not, give up on you, don't give up on your students.

Discharge your duty with the fear of God, knowing fully well that one day, you will give account to the one that has commissioned you.

God bless all teachers with more knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
Continue to impact and be relevant .

You will not labour in vain. You will be greatly rewarded here on Earth and in Heaven.

Sunday, 8 September 2019

Be Careful When Someone Calls Your Name While On The Road

From Segun Babayemi:

This comes easily possible now especially if you are driving your own car and someone with a data plan on his mobile device quickly checks your plate number to get your car details. It would come with your name, car details and your person data is sold out; just as you have on your vehicle license.

 Subterfugists or tricksters now use this to access people unaware. As a Special Marshall in the FRCN, I have been priviledged to know ahead of time, and Lagos State government recently opened a website for this aswell.

This unknown to one who tried a trick session on me along Ikorodu road, he waived me down and shouted my name "Mr. Segun Babs". He was clever to make it more friendly with the way he called me so I may think he was familiar with me, I knew I didn't register any of my vehicles with that name, but he was confused as I did not get exited. I just raised up my galaxy tab with a sign that I could also browse to know his name from his vehicle. I allowed him to raise ahead as he was insisting I should pull to the service lane to pack so we may talk. I declined by allowing him to race ahead of me.

I had just taught my family members how to get that right and good enough my son who presently works with me was in the car, he did it immediately And I raced forward to give my "new friend" his report card. I called out, ..."Prince Ogunşesomething". Then he yelled "won ti jaę si" saying it as Lagosians would say  'so you've been posted'.

Please, friends, be posted, don't be chickened by any who just called you by your names. Road safety operatives, police and other security corps also have their software to get auto mobile owners details. Don't be surprised. If you jump a traffic regulation on the highway, they don't have to run after you as in the time past, you may be visited thereafter at home to pay your bill.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Prayer Against Task Masters

May the Lord break the power of the taskmaster over you, anybody who has made himself a lord and taskmaster over you shall lose their authority, the staff of authority and the instrument of wickedness in their hand shall be broken, the same God who delivered Israel from Egypt shall deliver you, may you enjoy the freedom that is in Christ Jesus henceforth in Jesus mighty name. Good morning