*It is so EASY TO STAY OUT OF TROUBLE, BUT DIFFICULT to COME OUT OF IT. The following are easy tips to stay out of trouble:*
*1. Do not offer lift to anybody at night for any reason whatsoever. You may be fallen into a trap.*
*2. If you were robbed and any of your property is taken away by the robbers, you should report the incidence within minutes, because if the robbers are caught and your property is found with them, without your report at The Police Station recorded, you will be deemed to be part of the robbers and may be charged and prosecuted as an Accomplice!*
*3. Do not buy used phones or laptops, except you are buying from a known friend and you have ascertained that he was the previous User, as it could be a product of theft, armed robbery or kidnapping, if so and you are arrested, you will be dealing with a case of armed robbery or kidnapping. Also do not buy vehicles from vendors, until you check the registration details at the National Vehicles Registration Database to know the actual owners, or you ascertain that the Customs Papers are genuine, it could be stolen, robbed vehicles or a product of a kidnapping operation.*
*4. Do not leave Credit Alerts on your phone. Delete them immediately, it could make a target of kidnapping in some circumstances or an easy way for fraudstars to empty your account.*
*5. Do not disclose your location online, it could make you an easy targets for assailants.*
*6. Do not give anybody, no matter how close, your phone or sim to make calls or allow people to put their sims in your phone to make calls, instead offer them airtime or your battery. If the person is wanted for a crime, you could be a soft target for the Police to get to the person.*
*7. Do not respond to strange persons, telling you about NNPC Contract, PHCN Contract, or errors in your accounts, they are fraudsters.*
*8. Do not ever stay in the midst of a mob, if any body dies from the mob action and you are apprehended at the scene, you will become a Murder Suspect!*
*9. Always watch your rear through your side or inner mirror while driving to ascertain if you are being trailed, if yes, drive to the nearest Police Station.*
*10. When flagged down by security agencies,, be calm, polite and communicate with them in good English. It helps. If at night put on your inner lights before you approach them, it shows you have nothing to hide.*
*11. Do not allow anybody to use your account or email for a third party transaction and do not transfer money for people indiscriminately, because you could be a soft target for the Police to get to the Person.*
*12. Do not use ATMs at remote places at night, you could be robbed or kidnapped.*
*13. Do not use an ATM Machine that shows Microsoft Error or any other error covering the screen, it may have been programmed by Yahoo Boys to siphon your money.*
*14. Do not give testimonies in church or at an occasion with details of you making money or acquiring priced assets, you may acquire a kidnapping value, the Church is a mixed crowd and venue of an event is not a safe place.*
*15. Keep details of your financial dealings away from your domestic staff and security details.*
*16. If you have Security Details, be careful what you say or do in their presence, they are also with you to spy on you.*
*17. If you worked in a Government Establishment or Multinational, be careful what you relate to your colleagues, Government may have spies in every Government Body and Major Company in Nigeria.*
*18. Be careful what you say on the phone, write on text and social media messages, every conversation is being monitored!*
*19. Always keep your outside light on and the light inside off at home when sleeping. It confuses robbers and other assailants.*
*20. Be careful what you communicate on Messenger, WhatsApp, or phone calls. They could easily be used as evidence against you by the Law Enforcement Agent. If wanted to make a classified communication, do it by WhatsApp calls. It cannot be recorded as it is an encrypted, end to end communication.*
*22. Read documents very well before you sign.You are bound by what you sign. Do not allow any police man, investigating officer or security agent to force you make any statements. Insist on seeing your Lawyer. By the New Law -ACJL, they will oblige you, never make a statement for any reason that will implicate you as you could be on your way to jail.*
*23. Having exotic dogs like Alsatians, Rotweilers, etc, not local dogs easily wades off criminals and alert you on the communication Assailants.*
*24. Always have enough credit on your phone before sleeping, never sleep without airtime on your phone.
Friday, 30 August 2019
The Reality At Old Age
Such a nice read not just for senior citizens but for all of us. Getting old is a reality that we need to embrace and prepare for 😊
*The Sky Gets Dark, Slowly*
Mao Dun literary prize winner Zhou Daxin’s latest novel to be published, “The Sky Gets Dark, Slowly”, is a sensitive exploration of old age and the complex, hidden emotional worlds of the elderly in a rapidly ageing population.
In it he writes, “…Many elderly speak as though they know everything, but of old age they are in fact as ignorant as children. Many elderly are in fact, completely unprepared for what they are to face when it comes to getting old and the road that lays ahead of them.
In the time between a person turning 60 years old, as they begin to age, right until all the lights go out and the sky gets dark, there are some situations to keep in mind, so that you will be prepared for what is to come, and you will not panic.
The people by your side will only continue to grow smaller in number. People in your parents’ and grandparents’ generation have largely all left, whilst many your peers will increasingly find it harder to look after themselves, and the younger generations will all be busy with their own lives. Even your wife or husband may depart earlier than you, or than you would expect, and what might then come are days of emptiness. You will have to learn how to live alone, and to enjoy and embrace solitude.
Society will care less and less for you. No matter how glorious your previous career was or how famous you were, ageing will always transform you into a regular old man and old lady. The spotlight no longer shines on you, and you have to learn to contend with standing quietly in one corner, to admire and appreciate the hubbub and views that come after you, and you must overcome the urge to be envious or grumble.
The road ahead will be rocky and full of precarity. Fractures, cardio-vascular blockages, brain atrophy, cancer… these are all possible guests that could pay you a visit any time, and you would not be able to turn them away. You will have to live with illness and ailments, to view them as friends, even; do not fantasise about stable, quiet days without any trouble in your body. Maintaining a positive mentality and get appropriate, adequate exercise is your duty, and you have to encourage yourself to keep at it consistently.
Prepare for bed-bound life, a return to the infant state. Our mothers brought us into this world on a bed, and after a journey of twists and turns and a life of struggle, we return to our starting point – the bed – and to the state of having to be looked after by others. The only difference being, where we once had our mothers to care for us, when we prepare to leave, we may not have our kin to look after us. Even if we have kin, their care may never come close to that of your mother’s; you will, more likely than not, be cared for by nursing staff who bear zero relation to you, wearing smiles on their faces all whilst carrying weariness and boredom in their hearts. Lay still and don’t be difficult; remember to be grateful.
There will be many swindlers and scammers along the way. Many of them know that the elderly have lots of savings, and will endlessly be thinking of ways to cheat them of their money: through scam phone calls, text messages, mail, food and product samples, get-rich-quick schemes, products for longevity or enlightenment… basically, all they want is to get all the money. Beware, and be careful, hold your money close to you. A fool and his money are soon parted, so spend your pennies wisely.
Before the sky gets dark, the last stretches of life’s journey will gradually get dimmer and dimmer; naturally, it will be harder to see the path ahead that you are treading towards, and it will be harder to keep going forward. As such, upon turning 60, it would do us all well to see life for what it is, to cherish what we have, to enjoy life whilst we can, and to not take on society’s troubles or your children’s and grandchildren’s affairs on for yourself. Stay humble, don’t act superior on account of your own age and talk down to others – this will hurt yourself as much as it will hurt others. As we get older, all the better should we be able to understand what respect is and what it counts for. In these later days of your lives, you have to understand what it means, to let go of your attachments, to mentally prepare yourself. The way of nature is the way of life; go with its flow, and live with equanimity.
*******For all of us, a nice read, very beautiful, very true .... !
Hardly the day started and ... it is already six o'clock in the evening.
Barely arrived on Monday and it's already Friday.
... and the month is almost over.
... and the year is almost up.
... and already 50 or 60 or 70 years of our lives have passed.
... and we realize that we lost our parents, friends.
and we realize that it is too late to go back ...
So ... Let's try to take full advantage of the time we have left ...
Let's not stop looking for activities that we like ...
Let's put color in our greyness ...
Let's smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts.
And yet, we must continue to enjoy serenely the time that remains.
Let's try to eliminate the "after" ...
I do it after ...
I will say after ...
I will think about it after ...
We leave everything for 'later' as if "after" was ours.
Because what we do not understand is that:
after, the coffee cools ...
after, priorities change ...
after, the charm is broken ...
after, health passes ...
after, the children grow up ...
after, the parents get older ...
after, the promises are forgotten ...
after, the day becomes the night ...
after, life ends ...
And all that afters, we find it's often too late ....
So ... leave nothing for 'later' ...
Because in always waiting for later, we can lose the best moments,
the best experiences,
the best friends,
the best family ...
The day is today ... The moment is now ...
We are no longer at the age where we can afford to postpone until tomorrow what needs to be done right away.
*The Sky Gets Dark, Slowly*
Mao Dun literary prize winner Zhou Daxin’s latest novel to be published, “The Sky Gets Dark, Slowly”, is a sensitive exploration of old age and the complex, hidden emotional worlds of the elderly in a rapidly ageing population.
In it he writes, “…Many elderly speak as though they know everything, but of old age they are in fact as ignorant as children. Many elderly are in fact, completely unprepared for what they are to face when it comes to getting old and the road that lays ahead of them.
In the time between a person turning 60 years old, as they begin to age, right until all the lights go out and the sky gets dark, there are some situations to keep in mind, so that you will be prepared for what is to come, and you will not panic.
The people by your side will only continue to grow smaller in number. People in your parents’ and grandparents’ generation have largely all left, whilst many your peers will increasingly find it harder to look after themselves, and the younger generations will all be busy with their own lives. Even your wife or husband may depart earlier than you, or than you would expect, and what might then come are days of emptiness. You will have to learn how to live alone, and to enjoy and embrace solitude.
Society will care less and less for you. No matter how glorious your previous career was or how famous you were, ageing will always transform you into a regular old man and old lady. The spotlight no longer shines on you, and you have to learn to contend with standing quietly in one corner, to admire and appreciate the hubbub and views that come after you, and you must overcome the urge to be envious or grumble.
The road ahead will be rocky and full of precarity. Fractures, cardio-vascular blockages, brain atrophy, cancer… these are all possible guests that could pay you a visit any time, and you would not be able to turn them away. You will have to live with illness and ailments, to view them as friends, even; do not fantasise about stable, quiet days without any trouble in your body. Maintaining a positive mentality and get appropriate, adequate exercise is your duty, and you have to encourage yourself to keep at it consistently.
Prepare for bed-bound life, a return to the infant state. Our mothers brought us into this world on a bed, and after a journey of twists and turns and a life of struggle, we return to our starting point – the bed – and to the state of having to be looked after by others. The only difference being, where we once had our mothers to care for us, when we prepare to leave, we may not have our kin to look after us. Even if we have kin, their care may never come close to that of your mother’s; you will, more likely than not, be cared for by nursing staff who bear zero relation to you, wearing smiles on their faces all whilst carrying weariness and boredom in their hearts. Lay still and don’t be difficult; remember to be grateful.
There will be many swindlers and scammers along the way. Many of them know that the elderly have lots of savings, and will endlessly be thinking of ways to cheat them of their money: through scam phone calls, text messages, mail, food and product samples, get-rich-quick schemes, products for longevity or enlightenment… basically, all they want is to get all the money. Beware, and be careful, hold your money close to you. A fool and his money are soon parted, so spend your pennies wisely.
Before the sky gets dark, the last stretches of life’s journey will gradually get dimmer and dimmer; naturally, it will be harder to see the path ahead that you are treading towards, and it will be harder to keep going forward. As such, upon turning 60, it would do us all well to see life for what it is, to cherish what we have, to enjoy life whilst we can, and to not take on society’s troubles or your children’s and grandchildren’s affairs on for yourself. Stay humble, don’t act superior on account of your own age and talk down to others – this will hurt yourself as much as it will hurt others. As we get older, all the better should we be able to understand what respect is and what it counts for. In these later days of your lives, you have to understand what it means, to let go of your attachments, to mentally prepare yourself. The way of nature is the way of life; go with its flow, and live with equanimity.
*******For all of us, a nice read, very beautiful, very true .... !
Hardly the day started and ... it is already six o'clock in the evening.
Barely arrived on Monday and it's already Friday.
... and the month is almost over.
... and the year is almost up.
... and already 50 or 60 or 70 years of our lives have passed.
... and we realize that we lost our parents, friends.
and we realize that it is too late to go back ...
So ... Let's try to take full advantage of the time we have left ...
Let's not stop looking for activities that we like ...
Let's put color in our greyness ...
Let's smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts.
And yet, we must continue to enjoy serenely the time that remains.
Let's try to eliminate the "after" ...
I do it after ...
I will say after ...
I will think about it after ...
We leave everything for 'later' as if "after" was ours.
Because what we do not understand is that:
after, the coffee cools ...
after, priorities change ...
after, the charm is broken ...
after, health passes ...
after, the children grow up ...
after, the parents get older ...
after, the promises are forgotten ...
after, the day becomes the night ...
after, life ends ...
And all that afters, we find it's often too late ....
So ... leave nothing for 'later' ...
Because in always waiting for later, we can lose the best moments,
the best experiences,
the best friends,
the best family ...
The day is today ... The moment is now ...
We are no longer at the age where we can afford to postpone until tomorrow what needs to be done right away.
Thursday, 29 August 2019
Nigerians Should Rethink
It's funny that Nigerians were crying over an image that doesn't exist. They made it look like an igbo thing.
Wadume a kidnapper, had lots of followers, built mosques and even contested for a political post.
Ganduje was caught on camera stealing but he was re-elected as a governor.
Chief James Ibori held a thanksgiving service after returning from the prison. A bishop called him the light of the Urhobo kingdom.
A drug peddler became a party leader in Ogun state.
A drug Lord built a church in a remote area in Anambra state.
A drug dealer was a governor and currently a national party leader.
A fraudster is heads the green chamber of the national assembly.
A police officer who involved in an extra-judicial execution was promoted to a high rank.
The major part of the music industry is powered by fraudsters.
Every form of crime is rewarded with good here in Nigeria and you expect progress in such society?
Most billionaires in Nigeria in Forbes lists were created by social injustice.
Nigerian constitution itself , the compass of the society is fraudulent.
Professors, lecturers creates a very corrupt system in the academic sector.
Fraudulent and corrupt tax systems.
Corrupt and fraudulent arms of govt.
Very large insensitive and ignorant followers and voters.
Fraudulent, corrupt and vile national religious leaders.
The military? Haa that one is the devil's goals and objectives.
Civil service? Untrained, square pegs in round holes, no focus, no direction.
Thugs decides elections and are given special treatment and are seen as national heroes.
Student unions - useless as the p in psychology.
We the citizens litter the environment, willingly request to offer bribes to officials to do their work.
The banking industry? Coperate thieves, scammers, "Invictus" littered all over banks headquarters.
President- live within your means but not living within his certificate nor qualification.
Nigerians where is the image?
Where's the revolution coming from?
Cybercrime,ritual killings = South West
Drugs (Cocaine, Heroine),advanced fee fraud = South East
Human trafficking,Cybercrime, abroad prostitution = South South
Drugs (Codeine,Tramadol etc), Fake rice syndicate,Terrorism = North
If I hear "tarnish our image" again I will locate you and deal with you. Nonsense.
It's obvious that the country was designed and structured to fail.
It's a jungle. We hunt and kill ourselves to survive.
We are not ready yet until when we are set to purge the system of the iniquities and evil tendencies that was corrosive and kept on ravaging the system.
Wadume a kidnapper, had lots of followers, built mosques and even contested for a political post.
Ganduje was caught on camera stealing but he was re-elected as a governor.
Chief James Ibori held a thanksgiving service after returning from the prison. A bishop called him the light of the Urhobo kingdom.
A drug peddler became a party leader in Ogun state.
A drug Lord built a church in a remote area in Anambra state.
A drug dealer was a governor and currently a national party leader.
A fraudster is heads the green chamber of the national assembly.
A police officer who involved in an extra-judicial execution was promoted to a high rank.
The major part of the music industry is powered by fraudsters.
Every form of crime is rewarded with good here in Nigeria and you expect progress in such society?
Most billionaires in Nigeria in Forbes lists were created by social injustice.
Nigerian constitution itself , the compass of the society is fraudulent.
Professors, lecturers creates a very corrupt system in the academic sector.
Fraudulent and corrupt tax systems.
Corrupt and fraudulent arms of govt.
Very large insensitive and ignorant followers and voters.
Fraudulent, corrupt and vile national religious leaders.
The military? Haa that one is the devil's goals and objectives.
Civil service? Untrained, square pegs in round holes, no focus, no direction.
Thugs decides elections and are given special treatment and are seen as national heroes.
Student unions - useless as the p in psychology.
We the citizens litter the environment, willingly request to offer bribes to officials to do their work.
The banking industry? Coperate thieves, scammers, "Invictus" littered all over banks headquarters.
President- live within your means but not living within his certificate nor qualification.
Nigerians where is the image?
Where's the revolution coming from?
Cybercrime,ritual killings = South West
Drugs (Cocaine, Heroine),advanced fee fraud = South East
Human trafficking,Cybercrime, abroad prostitution = South South
Drugs (Codeine,Tramadol etc), Fake rice syndicate,Terrorism = North
If I hear "tarnish our image" again I will locate you and deal with you. Nonsense.
It's obvious that the country was designed and structured to fail.
It's a jungle. We hunt and kill ourselves to survive.
We are not ready yet until when we are set to purge the system of the iniquities and evil tendencies that was corrosive and kept on ravaging the system.
Sunday, 25 August 2019
The Most Productive People At Work Places Are Above 60
Question; Why should companies recruit people over 50 for senior and responnsible positions?
Answer : Because they are more productive than those below 50!
A massive study in America found that *the most productive age in a man's life is 60 - 70*
*From 70 - 80 is the 2nd most productive age.*
*The 3rd most productive age is 50 - 60.*
The average age of a Nobel Prize winner is 62.
The average age of a CEO in a Fortune 500 company is 63.
*The average age of the pastors of the 100 biggest churches in America is 71*.
*The average age of Pope's is 76*
This tells us somehow *God has designed that the best years of your life are 60 - 80!*
*It is when you do your best work.*
*A study published in NEJM found that at 60 you reach your peak of potential and continue up to 80!*
*So, if you are between 60 - 70, or 70-80, you have the best and second best years of your life with you!*
Source: *N.Engl.J.Med 70.389(2018)*
Answer : Because they are more productive than those below 50!
A massive study in America found that *the most productive age in a man's life is 60 - 70*
*From 70 - 80 is the 2nd most productive age.*
*The 3rd most productive age is 50 - 60.*
The average age of a Nobel Prize winner is 62.
The average age of a CEO in a Fortune 500 company is 63.
*The average age of the pastors of the 100 biggest churches in America is 71*.
*The average age of Pope's is 76*
This tells us somehow *God has designed that the best years of your life are 60 - 80!*
*It is when you do your best work.*
*A study published in NEJM found that at 60 you reach your peak of potential and continue up to 80!*
*So, if you are between 60 - 70, or 70-80, you have the best and second best years of your life with you!*
Source: *N.Engl.J.Med 70.389(2018)*
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
World War III
Nuclear war between US and Russia would ‘blot out the Sun for a decade’ as experts predict apocalyptic aftermath of World War 3
By Harry Pettit
A NUCLEAR war between the US and Russia would envelope the planet in a decade of darkness during which nearly all life on Earth would perish.
That’s the cheery finding of a new scientific study in which experts envision the catastrophic aftermath of all-out nuclear war.
It follows the decision earlier this month by US President Donald Trump to pull out of a decades-old nuclear treaty with Russia.
White House officials said Russia had been in “material breach” of the treaty and made no effort to “come back into compliance.”
The new research was carried out by scientists at Rutgers University in New Jersey, USA.
They predicted the impact of nuclear war on the planet using climate models based on the effects of soot and ash coughed up by recent forest fires and volcanic eruptions.
A nuclear war between the US and Russia would cough up enough smoke to shroud the plunge the world into darkness for a decade
The research follows the decision earlier this month by US President Donald Trump to pull out of a decades-old nuclear treaty with Russia
Much like massive wildfires and eruptions, it’s predicted that multiple nuclear blasts would throw up enough smoke to blot out the Sun.
According to the study, a “large number of nuclear bombs” detonated in major cities would plunge the planet into “nuclear winter”.
Smoke generated by the blast “would cover the entire planet for years, blocking the Sun.”
Across the planet, average temperatures would drop by 9C, wreaking havoc on the planet’s wind and weather patterns.
Nuclear blast during a 1946 bomb test at Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands
This would result in “devastating” agricultural losses and the collapse of the summer monsoon season.
The study lines up with a 2007 climate model that also predicted what would happen in the aftermath of a nuclear war.
“Despite having different features and capabilities, both models produce similar results,” researchers wrote in the new paper.
“Nuclear winter, with below-freezing temperatures over much of the Northern Hemisphere during summer, occurs because of a reduction of surface solar radiation due to smoke lofted into the stratosphere.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin
This smoke would take about a decade to disperse, they concluded, leading to the death of much of life on Earth.
Models took into account a number of variables, including the number of bombs dropped, where they landed, and the amount of smoke produced.
All bombs were assumed to land either in Russia or the US, according to the research.
As tensions between the US and Russia rise, the threat of nuclear war between the two looms.
A UN arms chief recently warned that the world is closer to a nuclear conflict now than at any time since World War 2.
Terrifying space weapons of the future
Here are three of the scariest...
Rods from God
A strange but utterly terrifying weapon has been dubbed “rods from the God” and is based on the concept of creating man-made meteorites that can be guided towards the enemy.Instead of using rocks rods the size of telephone poles are deployed.These would be made out of tungsten — a rare metal that can stand the intense heat generated by entering Earth’s atmosphere.One satellite fires the rods towards the Earth’s atmosphere while the other steers them to a target on the ground.Reaching speeds of 7000mph they hit the ground with the force of a small nuclear weapon — but crucially creating no radiation fall out.As bizarre as it sounds, a US Congressional report recently revealed the military has been pushing ahead with the kinetic space weapons.
Molten metal cannons
This intriguing idea is being developed by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).It is called the Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munition or MAHEM.This game changing rail-gun can fire a jet of molten metal, hurled through space at several hundred miles per second by the most powerful electromagnets ever built.The molten metal can then morph into an aerodynamic slug during flight and pierce through another spacecraft or satellite and a munition explodes inside.
Space force ships
Already the United States is powering head with its spacecraft, although China is busy developing one of their own.The top secret American XS-1 under development by DARPA.It can travel ten times the speed of sound and launch missiles.Meanwhile an unmanned craft is currently being developed in the China Aerodynamics Research and Development Centre in Mianyang, Sichuan province, which is also known as Base 29.
According to the researchers, the only way to avoid such a scenario is total nuclear disarmament.
“To completely remove the possibility of an environmental catastrophe as a result of a full‐scale nuclear war, decision makers must have a full understanding of the grave climatic consequences of nuclear war and act accordingly,” they wrote.
“Ultimately, the reduction of nuclear arsenals and the eventual disarmament of all nuclear capable parties are needed.”
By Harry Pettit
A NUCLEAR war between the US and Russia would envelope the planet in a decade of darkness during which nearly all life on Earth would perish.
That’s the cheery finding of a new scientific study in which experts envision the catastrophic aftermath of all-out nuclear war.
It follows the decision earlier this month by US President Donald Trump to pull out of a decades-old nuclear treaty with Russia.
White House officials said Russia had been in “material breach” of the treaty and made no effort to “come back into compliance.”
The new research was carried out by scientists at Rutgers University in New Jersey, USA.
They predicted the impact of nuclear war on the planet using climate models based on the effects of soot and ash coughed up by recent forest fires and volcanic eruptions.
A nuclear war between the US and Russia would cough up enough smoke to shroud the plunge the world into darkness for a decade
The research follows the decision earlier this month by US President Donald Trump to pull out of a decades-old nuclear treaty with Russia
Much like massive wildfires and eruptions, it’s predicted that multiple nuclear blasts would throw up enough smoke to blot out the Sun.
According to the study, a “large number of nuclear bombs” detonated in major cities would plunge the planet into “nuclear winter”.
Smoke generated by the blast “would cover the entire planet for years, blocking the Sun.”
Across the planet, average temperatures would drop by 9C, wreaking havoc on the planet’s wind and weather patterns.
Nuclear blast during a 1946 bomb test at Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands
This would result in “devastating” agricultural losses and the collapse of the summer monsoon season.
The study lines up with a 2007 climate model that also predicted what would happen in the aftermath of a nuclear war.
“Despite having different features and capabilities, both models produce similar results,” researchers wrote in the new paper.
“Nuclear winter, with below-freezing temperatures over much of the Northern Hemisphere during summer, occurs because of a reduction of surface solar radiation due to smoke lofted into the stratosphere.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin
This smoke would take about a decade to disperse, they concluded, leading to the death of much of life on Earth.
Models took into account a number of variables, including the number of bombs dropped, where they landed, and the amount of smoke produced.
All bombs were assumed to land either in Russia or the US, according to the research.
As tensions between the US and Russia rise, the threat of nuclear war between the two looms.
A UN arms chief recently warned that the world is closer to a nuclear conflict now than at any time since World War 2.
Terrifying space weapons of the future
Here are three of the scariest...
Rods from God
A strange but utterly terrifying weapon has been dubbed “rods from the God” and is based on the concept of creating man-made meteorites that can be guided towards the enemy.Instead of using rocks rods the size of telephone poles are deployed.These would be made out of tungsten — a rare metal that can stand the intense heat generated by entering Earth’s atmosphere.One satellite fires the rods towards the Earth’s atmosphere while the other steers them to a target on the ground.Reaching speeds of 7000mph they hit the ground with the force of a small nuclear weapon — but crucially creating no radiation fall out.As bizarre as it sounds, a US Congressional report recently revealed the military has been pushing ahead with the kinetic space weapons.
Molten metal cannons
This intriguing idea is being developed by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).It is called the Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munition or MAHEM.This game changing rail-gun can fire a jet of molten metal, hurled through space at several hundred miles per second by the most powerful electromagnets ever built.The molten metal can then morph into an aerodynamic slug during flight and pierce through another spacecraft or satellite and a munition explodes inside.
Space force ships
Already the United States is powering head with its spacecraft, although China is busy developing one of their own.The top secret American XS-1 under development by DARPA.It can travel ten times the speed of sound and launch missiles.Meanwhile an unmanned craft is currently being developed in the China Aerodynamics Research and Development Centre in Mianyang, Sichuan province, which is also known as Base 29.
According to the researchers, the only way to avoid such a scenario is total nuclear disarmament.
“To completely remove the possibility of an environmental catastrophe as a result of a full‐scale nuclear war, decision makers must have a full understanding of the grave climatic consequences of nuclear war and act accordingly,” they wrote.
“Ultimately, the reduction of nuclear arsenals and the eventual disarmament of all nuclear capable parties are needed.”
Lagos State Commissioners And Their Portfolios
1. Mr. Rabiu Olowo Onaolapo
Honourable Commissioner for Finance
Rabiu according to his twitter and Linkedln handle profile is a Certified Fraud Examiner, Experienced Chief Audit Executive, Adjunct Professor and Authorised Trainer of The ACFE in West Africa, an anti-fraud organisation and premier provider of anti-fraud training and education.
2. Mrs. Folashade Adefisayo
Commissioner for Education
Folashade is an educationist with more than 20-year experience in the sector. She is a principal consultant/CEO at Leading Learning Limited, a company she founded herself in 2014.
3. Prof. Akin Abayomi
Commissioner for Health
Prof. Emeritus Abayomi is a specialist in Internal Medicine, Oncology, Environmental Health and Biosecurity. Akin studied at the Royal Medical College of Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital in the University of London where he attained his first graduate degree in Medicine and progressing to obtain fellowships from both Royal College of Medicine in the United Kingdom and the College of Medicine of South Africa.
4. Dr. Idris Salako
Commissioner for Fiscal Planning and Urban Development
Idris is the Managing partner at Adesanya Salako and Associates. He is a member of the Nigerian Institute of Town Planners (NITP) and a member at the Town Planning Registration Council of Nigeria (TOPREC).
5. Mr. Tunji Bello
Commissioner for Water Resources and Environment
Bello, according to his profile on Bloomberg served as worked with various companies like First Bank of Nigeria, Concord Press Nigeria Ltd., St. Petersburg Times, Florida USA, to mention just a few.
The former commissioner and immediate Secretary to the State Government (SSG) had various publications to his credit ranging from business to politics.
He is a member of the following bodies: Nigerian Bar Association, Nigerian Society of International Law, Nigerian Guild of Editors, Nigerian Union of Journalist, and Civil Liberty Organisation.
6. Mr. Gbenga Omotoso
Commissioner for Information and Strategy
Gbenga is an award-winning journalist and the current Editor-in-Chief of The Nation Newspaper.
7. Mrs. Bolaji Dada
Commissioner for Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation
Dada is the former Vice-Chairman of Apapa Local Government, a position she held twice. She is a 1991 graduate of the Lagos State University graduate of Industrial Chemistry with a Masters in Corporate Governance from the Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom.
8. Mr. Lere Odusote
Commissioner Energy and Natural Resources
Olalere is an acknowledged power sector expert responsible for creating partnership strategies that guide new business and infrastructure development.
He has a BSc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Ibadan and an MBA in Investment Management and Information from Pace University, New York.
9. Dr. Frederic Oladeinde
Commissioner for Transportation
Oladeinde is the Head of Corporate and Investment Planning Department of Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA). He joined LAMATA in 2008 as Technical Adviser and head of Transport Planning.
He holds a Ph. D. degree in Transport Planning from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in the United Kingdom.
He began his career as a transport consultant in Oscar Faber Consulting in London, United Kingdom before joining the Department for Transport, UK as a Senior Transport Planning Adviser where he was responsible for advising the British government on the impact of various transport policies.
10. Mr. Gbolahan Lawal
Commissioner for Agriculture
Gbolahan is the immediate past Commissioner of Housing and a former Commissioner of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Lagos State. A seasoned security & development practitioner and socio-entrepreneur, he has deep understanding for political economy of development, especially in low and medium-income economies.
11. Moruf Akinderu Fatai
Commissioner for Housing
12. Mr. Moyo Onigbanjo (SAN)
Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice
Moyosore is a first-class litigator. In recognition of his excellence in this regard the Legal Practitioners Privileges Committee, chaired by the Chief Justice of Nigeria, the Hon. Justice Aloma Mukhtar GCON conferred Mr. M.J. Onigbanjo with the rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria on 23rd September 2013.
13. Mr. Hakeem Fahm
Commissioner for Science and Technology
Hakeem is an ICT specialist and a former Commissioner for The Ministry of Science and Technology. He is also a Network Infrastructure Director.
14. Mrs. Ajibola Ponnle
Commissioner for Ministry Establishment, Training and Pension
Mrs. Ponnle is an accomplished Consultant, Executive Coach and Organisational Psychologist. She has a B.Sc. in Economics from the University of Ibadan and a M.Sc. in Organisational Psychology from the University of London.
She has over 22 years’ experience in various fields having worked in companies such as Arthur Andersen (now KPMG International) and British American Tobacco.
With a combined experience in Human Capital development of over 14 years, Ponnle has worked extensively with leaders and teams in both private and public sectors with focus in the area of learning and development, leadership and team development, diversity and inclusion and change management.
15. Engr. Aramide Adeyoye
Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure
16. Mr. Segun Dawodu
Commissioner for Youth and Social Development
Dawodu is a former Commissioner of Sports in Lagos.
17. Mrs. Uzamat Akinbile-Yusuf
Commissioner for Home Affairs
Uzamat is a Pharmacist, Politician and the immediate past Commissioner for Wealth Creation and Employment, Lagos State
She had her primary education at Ansar-Ud-Deen Primary School, Ile Ife from 1980-1986. On completion she gained admission into the Seventh Day Adventist Grammar school Ile Ife between 1987-1992 after which she was admitted to University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos for her B.Pharm graduating in the year 2006.
18. Mrs. Yetunde Arobieke
Commissioner for Local Government and Community Affairs
19. Mrs. Lola Akande
Commissioner for Commerce and Industry
20. Mrs. Olufunke Adebolu
Commissioner for Tourism Arts and Culture
21. Mr. Sam Egube
Commissioner for Economy Planning and Budget
Egube is the Board Chairman of CeLD Innovations Limited. He is an engineer with significant banking experience.
He is also an author and socially smart entrepreneur whose carrier runs through a significant number of local and international institutions.
His banking sojourn as management staff and consultant cuts through top Nigerian banks including, United Bank for Africa Plc, NNB International Bank Plc, First Bank of Nigeria Plc and Diamond Bank Plc.
Dr. Wale Ahmed
Special Duties and Inter-Governmental Relations
Dr. Wale is a Medical doctor and a member, Nigerian Medical Association, Society for International Relations & Diplomacy and Nigerian Red Cross Society.
He is a one-time Commissioner for Special Duties and Assembly member who sponsored the motion for free treatment of accident victims within the first 24 hours.
23. Ms Ruth Bisola Olusanya_ not available
Special Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture
24. Princess Aderemi Adebowale
Special Adviser of the Office of Civic Engagement
Princess Adebowale, founder of Remindales Healthcare Agency, is a one-time freelance journalist and politician. She is a former aspirant of the Epe Federal constituency in the House of Representatives.
25. Mr. Afolabi Ayantayo
Special Adviser on Political and Legislative Affairs
Ayantayo is a crime and fictional writer turned politician. A graduate of Mass communications from the University of Lagos, Ayantayo has been writing from an early age.
He was Secretary to the Local Government, Orile Agege and presently a member, Lagos State House of Assembly Service Commission (LAHASCOM)
26. Mrs. Toke Benson-Awoyinka
Special Adviser, Ministry of Housing
She is a barrister turned politician. She is also the Assistant Legal Adviser, All Progressives Congress (APC) Lagos State.
27. Joe Igbokwe
Special Adviser for Drainage and Water Resources
28. Tubosun Alake
Special Adviser for Innovation and Technology
29. Architect Kabiru Ahmed Abdullahi
Special Adviser, Urban Development
30. Anofi Olanrewaju Elegushi
Special Adviser, Central Business Districts
31. Bonu Solomon Saanu
Special Adviser, Arts and Culture
32. Oluwatoyin Fayinka
Special Adviser, Ministry of Transportation
33. Oladele Ajayi
Special Adviser on Commerce and Industry
34. Tokunbo Wahab
Special Adviser, Ministry of Education
35. Solape Hammond
Special Adviser on Sustainable Development Goals
*Lagos Panorama*
1. Mr. Rabiu Olowo Onaolapo
Honourable Commissioner for Finance
Rabiu according to his twitter and Linkedln handle profile is a Certified Fraud Examiner, Experienced Chief Audit Executive, Adjunct Professor and Authorised Trainer of The ACFE in West Africa, an anti-fraud organisation and premier provider of anti-fraud training and education.
2. Mrs. Folashade Adefisayo
Commissioner for Education
Folashade is an educationist with more than 20-year experience in the sector. She is a principal consultant/CEO at Leading Learning Limited, a company she founded herself in 2014.
3. Prof. Akin Abayomi
Commissioner for Health
Prof. Emeritus Abayomi is a specialist in Internal Medicine, Oncology, Environmental Health and Biosecurity. Akin studied at the Royal Medical College of Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital in the University of London where he attained his first graduate degree in Medicine and progressing to obtain fellowships from both Royal College of Medicine in the United Kingdom and the College of Medicine of South Africa.
4. Dr. Idris Salako
Commissioner for Fiscal Planning and Urban Development
Idris is the Managing partner at Adesanya Salako and Associates. He is a member of the Nigerian Institute of Town Planners (NITP) and a member at the Town Planning Registration Council of Nigeria (TOPREC).
5. Mr. Tunji Bello
Commissioner for Water Resources and Environment
Bello, according to his profile on Bloomberg served as worked with various companies like First Bank of Nigeria, Concord Press Nigeria Ltd., St. Petersburg Times, Florida USA, to mention just a few.
The former commissioner and immediate Secretary to the State Government (SSG) had various publications to his credit ranging from business to politics.
He is a member of the following bodies: Nigerian Bar Association, Nigerian Society of International Law, Nigerian Guild of Editors, Nigerian Union of Journalist, and Civil Liberty Organisation.
6. Mr. Gbenga Omotoso
Commissioner for Information and Strategy
Gbenga is an award-winning journalist and the current Editor-in-Chief of The Nation Newspaper.
7. Mrs. Bolaji Dada
Commissioner for Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation
Dada is the former Vice-Chairman of Apapa Local Government, a position she held twice. She is a 1991 graduate of the Lagos State University graduate of Industrial Chemistry with a Masters in Corporate Governance from the Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom.
8. Mr. Lere Odusote
Commissioner Energy and Natural Resources
Olalere is an acknowledged power sector expert responsible for creating partnership strategies that guide new business and infrastructure development.
He has a BSc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Ibadan and an MBA in Investment Management and Information from Pace University, New York.
9. Dr. Frederic Oladeinde
Commissioner for Transportation
Oladeinde is the Head of Corporate and Investment Planning Department of Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA). He joined LAMATA in 2008 as Technical Adviser and head of Transport Planning.
He holds a Ph. D. degree in Transport Planning from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in the United Kingdom.
He began his career as a transport consultant in Oscar Faber Consulting in London, United Kingdom before joining the Department for Transport, UK as a Senior Transport Planning Adviser where he was responsible for advising the British government on the impact of various transport policies.
10. Mr. Gbolahan Lawal
Commissioner for Agriculture
Gbolahan is the immediate past Commissioner of Housing and a former Commissioner of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Lagos State. A seasoned security & development practitioner and socio-entrepreneur, he has deep understanding for political economy of development, especially in low and medium-income economies.
11. Moruf Akinderu Fatai
Commissioner for Housing
12. Mr. Moyo Onigbanjo (SAN)
Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice
Moyosore is a first-class litigator. In recognition of his excellence in this regard the Legal Practitioners Privileges Committee, chaired by the Chief Justice of Nigeria, the Hon. Justice Aloma Mukhtar GCON conferred Mr. M.J. Onigbanjo with the rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria on 23rd September 2013.
13. Mr. Hakeem Fahm
Commissioner for Science and Technology
Hakeem is an ICT specialist and a former Commissioner for The Ministry of Science and Technology. He is also a Network Infrastructure Director.
14. Mrs. Ajibola Ponnle
Commissioner for Ministry Establishment, Training and Pension
Mrs. Ponnle is an accomplished Consultant, Executive Coach and Organisational Psychologist. She has a B.Sc. in Economics from the University of Ibadan and a M.Sc. in Organisational Psychology from the University of London.
She has over 22 years’ experience in various fields having worked in companies such as Arthur Andersen (now KPMG International) and British American Tobacco.
With a combined experience in Human Capital development of over 14 years, Ponnle has worked extensively with leaders and teams in both private and public sectors with focus in the area of learning and development, leadership and team development, diversity and inclusion and change management.
15. Engr. Aramide Adeyoye
Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure
16. Mr. Segun Dawodu
Commissioner for Youth and Social Development
Dawodu is a former Commissioner of Sports in Lagos.
17. Mrs. Uzamat Akinbile-Yusuf
Commissioner for Home Affairs
Uzamat is a Pharmacist, Politician and the immediate past Commissioner for Wealth Creation and Employment, Lagos State
She had her primary education at Ansar-Ud-Deen Primary School, Ile Ife from 1980-1986. On completion she gained admission into the Seventh Day Adventist Grammar school Ile Ife between 1987-1992 after which she was admitted to University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos for her B.Pharm graduating in the year 2006.
18. Mrs. Yetunde Arobieke
Commissioner for Local Government and Community Affairs
19. Mrs. Lola Akande
Commissioner for Commerce and Industry
20. Mrs. Olufunke Adebolu
Commissioner for Tourism Arts and Culture
21. Mr. Sam Egube
Commissioner for Economy Planning and Budget
Egube is the Board Chairman of CeLD Innovations Limited. He is an engineer with significant banking experience.
He is also an author and socially smart entrepreneur whose carrier runs through a significant number of local and international institutions.
His banking sojourn as management staff and consultant cuts through top Nigerian banks including, United Bank for Africa Plc, NNB International Bank Plc, First Bank of Nigeria Plc and Diamond Bank Plc.
Dr. Wale Ahmed
Special Duties and Inter-Governmental Relations
Dr. Wale is a Medical doctor and a member, Nigerian Medical Association, Society for International Relations & Diplomacy and Nigerian Red Cross Society.
He is a one-time Commissioner for Special Duties and Assembly member who sponsored the motion for free treatment of accident victims within the first 24 hours.
23. Ms Ruth Bisola Olusanya_ not available
Special Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture
24. Princess Aderemi Adebowale
Special Adviser of the Office of Civic Engagement
Princess Adebowale, founder of Remindales Healthcare Agency, is a one-time freelance journalist and politician. She is a former aspirant of the Epe Federal constituency in the House of Representatives.
25. Mr. Afolabi Ayantayo
Special Adviser on Political and Legislative Affairs
Ayantayo is a crime and fictional writer turned politician. A graduate of Mass communications from the University of Lagos, Ayantayo has been writing from an early age.
He was Secretary to the Local Government, Orile Agege and presently a member, Lagos State House of Assembly Service Commission (LAHASCOM)
26. Mrs. Toke Benson-Awoyinka
Special Adviser, Ministry of Housing
She is a barrister turned politician. She is also the Assistant Legal Adviser, All Progressives Congress (APC) Lagos State.
27. Joe Igbokwe
Special Adviser for Drainage and Water Resources
28. Tubosun Alake
Special Adviser for Innovation and Technology
29. Architect Kabiru Ahmed Abdullahi
Special Adviser, Urban Development
30. Anofi Olanrewaju Elegushi
Special Adviser, Central Business Districts
31. Bonu Solomon Saanu
Special Adviser, Arts and Culture
32. Oluwatoyin Fayinka
Special Adviser, Ministry of Transportation
33. Oladele Ajayi
Special Adviser on Commerce and Industry
34. Tokunbo Wahab
Special Adviser, Ministry of Education
35. Solape Hammond
Special Adviser on Sustainable Development Goals
*Lagos Panorama*
Saturday, 17 August 2019
Presidential Youth Empowerment
Please rebroadcast on other platforms so that our people can benefit from this initiative too.
The Federal Government of Nigeria has launched another youth empowerment programme called P-YES.
The full meaning of P-YES is Presidential Youth Empowerment Scheme. The scheme is structured as a Public Private Partnership (PPP) initiative driven by the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Youth and Students Affairs (OSAPYSA). The program is targeted at providing solutions to the challenges of youth unemployment, through the execution of direct empowerment initiatives.
In case you're curious, P-YES is like the NPOWER. However, while Npower beneficiaries are posted to publicly owned establishments such as schools, hospitals etc, P-YES beneficiaries will be trained and empowered on certain areas of vocations and businesses.
P-YES GOALS The Presidential Youth Empowerment Scheme (P-YES) has been conceived and designed to:
Fight and reduce unemployment among Nigerian youth by creating at least 774,000 empowerment opportunities.
Train and empower youth to have the capacity to empower at least one other youth within his/her immediate community.
Registration for the newly launched scheme has been opened online. Interested applicants may as well apply directly at P-YES office Abuja (see the address below this post)
See also: P-YES Registration: New Youth Empowerment Website, Requirements, Application form and More
Below are the details all prospective applicants should be cognisant of.
Application Requirements and Eligibility
Applicant must be a Nigerian male or female between the ages of 18 and 40.
Applicant must have a means of identification (National Identity card, International Passport, Permanent Voters Card- PVC).
Applicant must provide a Second Level Beneficiary (SLB) to qualify for benefitting from the scheme.
Ability to communicate in Basic English language and or any local Nigerian language.
Provable upright character and a stable mind.
Applicant must provide a guarantor preferably a community or religious leader.
Ability to secure the endorsement of a local government official.
Beneficiary should posses the capacity to transfer knowledge and mentor pairs within their communities.
Applicants can be literate, semi-literate, SSCE, NCE, OND, HND, Bsc, Masters holders
Nature and Objectives of P-YES Program
The youth will undergo training in multiple vocations such as agriculture, Information technology, fashion, catering, technology acquisition and many other strategic vocations
Successful trainees will be equipped with Seed Empowerment Tools (SET)s such as rice mills, poultry accessories, branded mobile kiosks, farm implements, mobile restaurants, tents, photography units etc.
Application Procedures Online
Visit P-YES application portal (see the link below this post)
On the menu above, click Application and choose “Start your Application”
Read other instructions on the page before clicking the “Apply now” link or go her straight
You will need an active phone number and email to fill the form.
After completing the filling and submission, kindly print your Guarantor form.
P-YES Helps and Supports
Youth and Student Affairs.
5th floor, Wing B Phase 1,
Federal Secretatiat Complex.
Contact: Mr. AbdulAziz S. Omulolu
Ready to apply?
Visit the application page or go straight to link http://p-yes.gov.ng/
The Federal Government of Nigeria has launched another youth empowerment programme called P-YES.
The full meaning of P-YES is Presidential Youth Empowerment Scheme. The scheme is structured as a Public Private Partnership (PPP) initiative driven by the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Youth and Students Affairs (OSAPYSA). The program is targeted at providing solutions to the challenges of youth unemployment, through the execution of direct empowerment initiatives.
In case you're curious, P-YES is like the NPOWER. However, while Npower beneficiaries are posted to publicly owned establishments such as schools, hospitals etc, P-YES beneficiaries will be trained and empowered on certain areas of vocations and businesses.
P-YES GOALS The Presidential Youth Empowerment Scheme (P-YES) has been conceived and designed to:
Fight and reduce unemployment among Nigerian youth by creating at least 774,000 empowerment opportunities.
Train and empower youth to have the capacity to empower at least one other youth within his/her immediate community.
Registration for the newly launched scheme has been opened online. Interested applicants may as well apply directly at P-YES office Abuja (see the address below this post)
See also: P-YES Registration: New Youth Empowerment Website, Requirements, Application form and More
Below are the details all prospective applicants should be cognisant of.
Application Requirements and Eligibility
Applicant must be a Nigerian male or female between the ages of 18 and 40.
Applicant must have a means of identification (National Identity card, International Passport, Permanent Voters Card- PVC).
Applicant must provide a Second Level Beneficiary (SLB) to qualify for benefitting from the scheme.
Ability to communicate in Basic English language and or any local Nigerian language.
Provable upright character and a stable mind.
Applicant must provide a guarantor preferably a community or religious leader.
Ability to secure the endorsement of a local government official.
Beneficiary should posses the capacity to transfer knowledge and mentor pairs within their communities.
Applicants can be literate, semi-literate, SSCE, NCE, OND, HND, Bsc, Masters holders
Nature and Objectives of P-YES Program
The youth will undergo training in multiple vocations such as agriculture, Information technology, fashion, catering, technology acquisition and many other strategic vocations
Successful trainees will be equipped with Seed Empowerment Tools (SET)s such as rice mills, poultry accessories, branded mobile kiosks, farm implements, mobile restaurants, tents, photography units etc.
Application Procedures Online
Visit P-YES application portal (see the link below this post)
On the menu above, click Application and choose “Start your Application”
Read other instructions on the page before clicking the “Apply now” link or go her straight
You will need an active phone number and email to fill the form.
After completing the filling and submission, kindly print your Guarantor form.
P-YES Helps and Supports
Youth and Student Affairs.
5th floor, Wing B Phase 1,
Federal Secretatiat Complex.
Contact: Mr. AbdulAziz S. Omulolu
Ready to apply?
Visit the application page or go straight to link http://p-yes.gov.ng/
Friday, 16 August 2019
Six Types Of Teachers
There are six types of teachers.
1. The Playful Teacher : Always smiling and seen around students. They are termed 'friends of students'.
2. The Lazy Teacher : Ready to give out notes, never explaining.
3. The Corrupt Teacher : Seeking ways to gratify himself (herself) at the expense of the students, either financially or …
4. The Strict Teacher : Never smiling, always ready to exert authority on students.
5. The Archaic Teacher : Reusing the same notes from the 70s.
6. The Teacher for the Future : The ever-evolving teacher, burning with passion and equipped with skills to deliver quality all-round academic experience.
Which would you rather be?
1. The Playful Teacher : Always smiling and seen around students. They are termed 'friends of students'.
2. The Lazy Teacher : Ready to give out notes, never explaining.
3. The Corrupt Teacher : Seeking ways to gratify himself (herself) at the expense of the students, either financially or …
4. The Strict Teacher : Never smiling, always ready to exert authority on students.
5. The Archaic Teacher : Reusing the same notes from the 70s.
6. The Teacher for the Future : The ever-evolving teacher, burning with passion and equipped with skills to deliver quality all-round academic experience.
Which would you rather be?
Be Professional In Your Jobs
A mother brought her baby to the clinic for immunization, when it was their turn to take the injectable vaccines, the mother was holding the baby while the was sleeping, the health drew the vaccine to be given into the AD syringe, expelled the air bubbles ready for injection, the health worker now noticed the baby is sleeping, the health worker then instructed the mother to wake the baby before he can inject her, the mother insisted the health worker should continue with the injection, that since the baby is sleeping she will not cry much, the health worker insisted that the mother must wake the baby before he will inject. They woke the baby, the baby did not wake up, Behold the baby is dead without the knowledge of the mother. Had it been the health worker injected the baby, what do you think will happen? Who will they say killed the child?
Whenever you want to immunize a child always ensure the child is awake.
Let's always maintain professionalism in everything we do to avoid messy situations.
Whenever you want to immunize a child always ensure the child is awake.
Let's always maintain professionalism in everything we do to avoid messy situations.
Thursday, 15 August 2019
Oil Will Be History By 2040
*Prof Posi Tubosun*, a University lecturer in the UK and resource fellow to many Muiltilateral Agencies wrote on *NNPC*:
*I was one of the delegates training some officials of NNPC from Nigeria in the summer of 2018 in London. I was training them on Global Oil Outlook up to 2040. I had been talking for a while and sharing slides (for up to 30 minutes) reviewing various scenarios. Suddenly one of them raised his hand and asked: “are you saying that there would be no market for Nigerian oil post-2040?” I answered in the affirmative, and I was shocked that they are not even aware of an EU-wide ban on fossil fuel which takes effect after 2040. All the oil majors now have strategic plans to diversify their energy production mix, so that 25% of their sales would come from renewables by 2025, and continually scale this up to 100% by 2050. So, if the strategy makers aren’t aware of what goes on in the business environment, I wonder what they discuss in management meeting?!
The above is one of the reasons why the USA is aggressively selling its own oil stock based on the 2040-50 deadline date, and it is ready to do so at a discount to the forward or futures price being offered by the OPEC at any point in time. Have you noticed that it is no longer fashionable for OPEC to cut quota? Every cut in quota is now being met by supply offered by the USA.
Sincerely I wouldn’t waste my time analysing Nigeria economic matters. I think the country is just destined to be doomed. Similar views had been expressed by Joseph Eugene Stiglitz, a nobel prize winner, when he came to visit Nigeria in 1999. Imagine Nigeria owing over $25 billion dollars in 2019 after all the work done by the Obasanjo administration?
I have never seen a more useless country than this one. In other sensible countries, all these ideas would have been debated and implemented within one month of them coming to the fore. Not in (this) Republic built on quota system, Federal Character, false population count, and revenue allocation."Copied
*I was one of the delegates training some officials of NNPC from Nigeria in the summer of 2018 in London. I was training them on Global Oil Outlook up to 2040. I had been talking for a while and sharing slides (for up to 30 minutes) reviewing various scenarios. Suddenly one of them raised his hand and asked: “are you saying that there would be no market for Nigerian oil post-2040?” I answered in the affirmative, and I was shocked that they are not even aware of an EU-wide ban on fossil fuel which takes effect after 2040. All the oil majors now have strategic plans to diversify their energy production mix, so that 25% of their sales would come from renewables by 2025, and continually scale this up to 100% by 2050. So, if the strategy makers aren’t aware of what goes on in the business environment, I wonder what they discuss in management meeting?!
The above is one of the reasons why the USA is aggressively selling its own oil stock based on the 2040-50 deadline date, and it is ready to do so at a discount to the forward or futures price being offered by the OPEC at any point in time. Have you noticed that it is no longer fashionable for OPEC to cut quota? Every cut in quota is now being met by supply offered by the USA.
Sincerely I wouldn’t waste my time analysing Nigeria economic matters. I think the country is just destined to be doomed. Similar views had been expressed by Joseph Eugene Stiglitz, a nobel prize winner, when he came to visit Nigeria in 1999. Imagine Nigeria owing over $25 billion dollars in 2019 after all the work done by the Obasanjo administration?
I have never seen a more useless country than this one. In other sensible countries, all these ideas would have been debated and implemented within one month of them coming to the fore. Not in (this) Republic built on quota system, Federal Character, false population count, and revenue allocation."Copied
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
International Politics On Nigeria
1. USA set last year Sunday November 4 as the last day that the nations of the world have permission to buy oil from Iran.
2. Russia, China and India announce that they will continue buying Iranian oil despite US threats.
3. The US responds that those who buy Iranian crude will be sanctioned and their ships will suffer a naval blockade by the US navy.
4. Russia, China and India warn the US that if they apply a naval block, they will break the siege with military force against the US transgressing ships.
5. Iran adds that if they can not export oil nobody in the Persian Gulf will be able to export either because they will close the Strait of Hormuz.
6. The US warns Iran that if it closes the Strait of Hormuz, it will be opened by naval force.
7. Iran responds that if any of its units is attacked by the US, it will attack the Persian Gulf fleet.
8. Interestingly, the global blockade against Iran has just begun
9. Be warned anything can happen in the next few days.
10. So, remain observant because if Iran can not export its 3 million barrels per day, crude oil will rise in price, but if Iran, in retaliation, closes the Strait of Hormuz where 30% of the world's exported crude crosses, the price can be doubled or triple it fast.
11. If Iran blocks the Straight of Hormuz by sinking a couple of its own ships then how will the USA open it by force?
12. USA is playing in this move, its title of "Single Superpower". If the play fails you, you may lose the title. England, France and Germany are going to join the US to try to subdue China, India, Russia and Iran. That will be able?
13. India is so irritated that Prime Minister Modi warned few days ago that anyone who attacks the sovereignty of India will receive a response with "twice as much force".
14. On 13 of May 2019, Two Saudi Arabia oil Tankers were attacked off coast of UAE.
15. 19th of July 2019 Iran seized British Flagged oil Tanker on the strait of Hormuz.
16. 21st of July 2019. Britain threatened Iran with “Robust “ Response.
17. 22nd of July, Iran warned Nigeria Government to release Zakzaky (spiritual leader of IMN SHITTES with HQ in Iran) unconditionally. Or release Zakzaky to Iran.(Iran spared us the consequences of our refusal). Shittes with HQ in Iran have gone violent in Nigeria over the illegal detention of Zakzaky by the FG.
18. 24th July Britain, Saudi etc warned FG not to dare Iran in this IMN Zakzaky issues. If Iran attacked us simultaneously over their issues with US, Iran would bury you Nigeria to prove a point to us (Nig Sunis Saudi and Britain Former Colonial masters). That Iran is already battling with world powers and would find Nigeria an scapegoat and an easy target for needless attacks and Southern Nigeria would pull out over Sunis (Saudi ) and Shittes (Iran) war in Nigeria.
19. 25th July Shittes introduced night protest in addition to daily morning and afternoon protests.
20. 27th July Sheik Gumi warned that this Sunis and Shittes war would divide Nigeria and south would pull out.
21. FG struck a secret deal to release Zakzaky. Shittes asked to stop all forms of protests. IMN announced ceasefire. Shittes Protests stopped. A sudden date 5th August was fixed for the hearing of the bail application of Zakzaky in a Kaduna state High Court (don't forget the Courts are on vacation), and same Kaduna courts have denied same man bail in the last 24 months).
22 . 5th August, Kaduna High Courts granted Zakzaky bail. DSS announced publicly that they would comply with the court order and release Zakzaky to a certain named Indian Hospital as demanded by... 🤣🙅♂
23. On INDIA, SEE Nos 4 AND 13 above. India and Iran are on one league in this new world Order. Will India release Zakzaky to Nigeria after his treatment in line with the bail condition? Or will India release Zakzaky and wife to Iran their new ally after their treatment, and in line with Iranian PM demand? What would FG do when Zakzaky is released to Iran?
24. El Rufia suddenly lost his voice in all of these recent international political and diplomatic brouhaha. 🤣🙅♂.
●This is getting interesting●
2. Russia, China and India announce that they will continue buying Iranian oil despite US threats.
3. The US responds that those who buy Iranian crude will be sanctioned and their ships will suffer a naval blockade by the US navy.
4. Russia, China and India warn the US that if they apply a naval block, they will break the siege with military force against the US transgressing ships.
5. Iran adds that if they can not export oil nobody in the Persian Gulf will be able to export either because they will close the Strait of Hormuz.
6. The US warns Iran that if it closes the Strait of Hormuz, it will be opened by naval force.
7. Iran responds that if any of its units is attacked by the US, it will attack the Persian Gulf fleet.
8. Interestingly, the global blockade against Iran has just begun
9. Be warned anything can happen in the next few days.
10. So, remain observant because if Iran can not export its 3 million barrels per day, crude oil will rise in price, but if Iran, in retaliation, closes the Strait of Hormuz where 30% of the world's exported crude crosses, the price can be doubled or triple it fast.
11. If Iran blocks the Straight of Hormuz by sinking a couple of its own ships then how will the USA open it by force?
12. USA is playing in this move, its title of "Single Superpower". If the play fails you, you may lose the title. England, France and Germany are going to join the US to try to subdue China, India, Russia and Iran. That will be able?
13. India is so irritated that Prime Minister Modi warned few days ago that anyone who attacks the sovereignty of India will receive a response with "twice as much force".
14. On 13 of May 2019, Two Saudi Arabia oil Tankers were attacked off coast of UAE.
15. 19th of July 2019 Iran seized British Flagged oil Tanker on the strait of Hormuz.
16. 21st of July 2019. Britain threatened Iran with “Robust “ Response.
17. 22nd of July, Iran warned Nigeria Government to release Zakzaky (spiritual leader of IMN SHITTES with HQ in Iran) unconditionally. Or release Zakzaky to Iran.(Iran spared us the consequences of our refusal). Shittes with HQ in Iran have gone violent in Nigeria over the illegal detention of Zakzaky by the FG.
18. 24th July Britain, Saudi etc warned FG not to dare Iran in this IMN Zakzaky issues. If Iran attacked us simultaneously over their issues with US, Iran would bury you Nigeria to prove a point to us (Nig Sunis Saudi and Britain Former Colonial masters). That Iran is already battling with world powers and would find Nigeria an scapegoat and an easy target for needless attacks and Southern Nigeria would pull out over Sunis (Saudi ) and Shittes (Iran) war in Nigeria.
19. 25th July Shittes introduced night protest in addition to daily morning and afternoon protests.
20. 27th July Sheik Gumi warned that this Sunis and Shittes war would divide Nigeria and south would pull out.
21. FG struck a secret deal to release Zakzaky. Shittes asked to stop all forms of protests. IMN announced ceasefire. Shittes Protests stopped. A sudden date 5th August was fixed for the hearing of the bail application of Zakzaky in a Kaduna state High Court (don't forget the Courts are on vacation), and same Kaduna courts have denied same man bail in the last 24 months).
22 . 5th August, Kaduna High Courts granted Zakzaky bail. DSS announced publicly that they would comply with the court order and release Zakzaky to a certain named Indian Hospital as demanded by... 🤣🙅♂
23. On INDIA, SEE Nos 4 AND 13 above. India and Iran are on one league in this new world Order. Will India release Zakzaky to Nigeria after his treatment in line with the bail condition? Or will India release Zakzaky and wife to Iran their new ally after their treatment, and in line with Iranian PM demand? What would FG do when Zakzaky is released to Iran?
24. El Rufia suddenly lost his voice in all of these recent international political and diplomatic brouhaha. 🤣🙅♂.
●This is getting interesting●
The High Cost Of Laziness
No Money in Circulation but Laziness in high supply!!!!
I will give you FOUR examples...
First :
Two young adults came to visit me one morning. They needed money for food. I told them that I do not have enough but if they don't mind, they should help me and wash my car so that I can give them the money I budgeted for the car wash..... Both of them left lazily and I took the car to the car wash......
Second :
We have approximately 10 trips of sand dumped by caterpillar. I wanted to level the place for motorists and saw 3 young guys parading the street with noisy music from one China torchlight. When I asked them how much they will collect to level it, they said 5k each, I asked them to commence. In the evening, I drove to the site with their money, I was shocked when I got there and noticed that they did nothing. On my way back, I saw one of them who told me that they couldn't find shovel to do the work.......
Third :
One undergraduate came to me seeking for assistance.. He condemned all the elites because according to him, they refused to dash him money. While the discussion was on, my launder brought the clothes he washed for me. The young man was surprised at the cost. I now asked him to learn the job so that I can talk to the elites to patronise him during holidays... He told me that washing cloth for "bigmen" is washing away someone's talent because they have "blood money".... Their money is not blood money when they give you without work but will become blood money once you wash their cloth.
I met one of my friends one day, he narrated how he has been suffering and how couldn't meet up his responsibility as husband again, i felt for him and i told him to join my farming business but to my greatest surprise, he bluntly refused and told me that farming business is not meant for graduates.......
At this juncture, I switched off....
No money in Circulation....
Overdose of Laziness in Circulation.
I will give you FOUR examples...
First :
Two young adults came to visit me one morning. They needed money for food. I told them that I do not have enough but if they don't mind, they should help me and wash my car so that I can give them the money I budgeted for the car wash..... Both of them left lazily and I took the car to the car wash......
Second :
We have approximately 10 trips of sand dumped by caterpillar. I wanted to level the place for motorists and saw 3 young guys parading the street with noisy music from one China torchlight. When I asked them how much they will collect to level it, they said 5k each, I asked them to commence. In the evening, I drove to the site with their money, I was shocked when I got there and noticed that they did nothing. On my way back, I saw one of them who told me that they couldn't find shovel to do the work.......
Third :
One undergraduate came to me seeking for assistance.. He condemned all the elites because according to him, they refused to dash him money. While the discussion was on, my launder brought the clothes he washed for me. The young man was surprised at the cost. I now asked him to learn the job so that I can talk to the elites to patronise him during holidays... He told me that washing cloth for "bigmen" is washing away someone's talent because they have "blood money".... Their money is not blood money when they give you without work but will become blood money once you wash their cloth.
I met one of my friends one day, he narrated how he has been suffering and how couldn't meet up his responsibility as husband again, i felt for him and i told him to join my farming business but to my greatest surprise, he bluntly refused and told me that farming business is not meant for graduates.......
At this juncture, I switched off....
No money in Circulation....
Overdose of Laziness in Circulation.
Monday, 12 August 2019
The Most Spoken Languages In The World
Chinese (1.1 billion speakers)
Number of native speakers: 897 million
Number of non-native speakers: 193 million
Total speakers: 1.09 billion
Name in the language itself: 普通话 (Putonghua)
Language family: Sino-Tibetan
Related to: Cantonese, Tibetan, Burmese
2. English (983 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 371 million
Number of non-native speakers: 611 million
Total number of speakers: 983 million
Language-family: Germanic, a sub-family of Indo-European.
Related to: German, Dutch, Frisian
3. Hindustani (544 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 329 million
Number of non-natives: 215 million
Total number of speakers: 544 million
Language family: Indo-Aryan, a sub-family of Indo-European.
Related to: Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Kashmiri, Nepali
4. Spanish (527 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 436 million
Number of non-native speakers: 91 million
Total number of speakers: 527 million
Language family: Romance, a sub-family of Indo-European.
Related to: French, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian
5. Arabic (422 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 290 million
Number of non-natives: 132 million
Total number of speakers: 422 million
Language family: Semitic, a sub-family of Afro-Asiatic.
Related to: Hebrew, Amharic, and Aramaic.
6. Malay (281 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 77 million
Number of non-natives: 204 million
Total number of speakers: 281 million
Language family: Austronesian
Related to: Javanese, Tagalog
7. Russian (267 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 153 million
Number of non-natives: 113 million
Total number of speakers: 267 million
Language family: East Slavic, a sub-family of Indo-European
Related to: Ukrainian, Belarusian
8. Bengali (261 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 242 million
Number of non-natives: 19 million
Total number of speakers: 261 million
Language family: Indo-Aryan, a sub-family of Indo-European.
Related to: Hindustani, Punjabi, Marathi, Kashmiri, Nepali
9. Portuguese (229 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 218 million
Number of non-natives: 11 million
Total number of speakers: 229 million
Language family: Romance, a sub-branch of Indo-European.
Related to: French, Spanish, Italian, Romanian
10. French (229 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 76 million
Number of non-natives: 153 million
Total number of speakers: 229 million
Language family: Romance, a sub-branch of Indo-European.
Related to: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian
11. Hausa (150 Million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 85 million
Number of non-natives: 65 million
Total number of speakers: 150 million
Language family: Chadic, a sub-family of Afroasiatic
Related to: Ron, Bole. More distantly: Arabic, Somali
12. Punjabi
Number of native speakers: 148 million
Number of non-natives: negligible
Total number of speakers: 148 million
Language family: Indo-Aryan, a sub-family of Indo-European.
Related to: Hindustani, Bengali, Marathi, Kashmiri, Nepali
13. Telugu
Number of native speakers: 80 million
Number of non-natives: 12 million
Total number of speakers: 92 million
Language family: Dravidian
Related to: Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada
14. Javanese
Number of native speakers: 84 million
Number of non-natives: negligible
Total number of speakers: 84 million
Language family: Austronesian
Related to: Malay, Tagalog
Number of native speakers: 897 million
Number of non-native speakers: 193 million
Total speakers: 1.09 billion
Name in the language itself: 普通话 (Putonghua)
Language family: Sino-Tibetan
Related to: Cantonese, Tibetan, Burmese
2. English (983 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 371 million
Number of non-native speakers: 611 million
Total number of speakers: 983 million
Language-family: Germanic, a sub-family of Indo-European.
Related to: German, Dutch, Frisian
3. Hindustani (544 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 329 million
Number of non-natives: 215 million
Total number of speakers: 544 million
Language family: Indo-Aryan, a sub-family of Indo-European.
Related to: Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Kashmiri, Nepali
4. Spanish (527 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 436 million
Number of non-native speakers: 91 million
Total number of speakers: 527 million
Language family: Romance, a sub-family of Indo-European.
Related to: French, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian
5. Arabic (422 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 290 million
Number of non-natives: 132 million
Total number of speakers: 422 million
Language family: Semitic, a sub-family of Afro-Asiatic.
Related to: Hebrew, Amharic, and Aramaic.
6. Malay (281 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 77 million
Number of non-natives: 204 million
Total number of speakers: 281 million
Language family: Austronesian
Related to: Javanese, Tagalog
7. Russian (267 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 153 million
Number of non-natives: 113 million
Total number of speakers: 267 million
Language family: East Slavic, a sub-family of Indo-European
Related to: Ukrainian, Belarusian
8. Bengali (261 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 242 million
Number of non-natives: 19 million
Total number of speakers: 261 million
Language family: Indo-Aryan, a sub-family of Indo-European.
Related to: Hindustani, Punjabi, Marathi, Kashmiri, Nepali
9. Portuguese (229 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 218 million
Number of non-natives: 11 million
Total number of speakers: 229 million
Language family: Romance, a sub-branch of Indo-European.
Related to: French, Spanish, Italian, Romanian
10. French (229 million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 76 million
Number of non-natives: 153 million
Total number of speakers: 229 million
Language family: Romance, a sub-branch of Indo-European.
Related to: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian
11. Hausa (150 Million speakers)
Number of native speakers: 85 million
Number of non-natives: 65 million
Total number of speakers: 150 million
Language family: Chadic, a sub-family of Afroasiatic
Related to: Ron, Bole. More distantly: Arabic, Somali
12. Punjabi
Number of native speakers: 148 million
Number of non-natives: negligible
Total number of speakers: 148 million
Language family: Indo-Aryan, a sub-family of Indo-European.
Related to: Hindustani, Bengali, Marathi, Kashmiri, Nepali
13. Telugu
Number of native speakers: 80 million
Number of non-natives: 12 million
Total number of speakers: 92 million
Language family: Dravidian
Related to: Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada
14. Javanese
Number of native speakers: 84 million
Number of non-natives: negligible
Total number of speakers: 84 million
Language family: Austronesian
Related to: Malay, Tagalog
Let Your Child Never Jump Class.. An Opinion
*#forwarded with input*
*Testimonial from a parent*
*Dear Proprietor/ Parent* !
What's your take on this!
(My son-in-law wrote and send this to me. He was a graduate of Computer Engineering from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He had first class.)
*"I remember when I was in Primary school. There was this girl that sat for the First School Leaving Certificate (Primary 6) exam while at Primary 4. She passed, so she “jumped” two years and went from Primary 4 to JSS 1*.
Even though I performed better and was academically smarter than this girl, my parents insisted that none of their children will skip an academic class.
*Some of my classmates also went from Primary 5. Well, I did my Primary 6*.
*So, many of my Primary school classmates were 1,2,3 years ahead of me because my parents insisted that none of their children will “jump” a class*.
*When I was in SSS-1, the girl who skipped a class started writing WAEC in SSS-3. She failed twice, so I caught up and we did the WAEC same year again; my first attempt, her third attempt*.
She passed enough to merge results. I got all my papers in one sitting, and in flying colours, with my head, not from any special centre.
*Well, we went into University same year, and I graduated a year before her, in a more highly ranked University - Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU)*
My parents are both academics. They aren’t just teachers, they both have experience in Academic and Career Guidance and Counselling.
*But at the point when they made some decisions about our education (our: My siblings and I), I wasn’t happy.* *To me, it was all about competing with my friends about who will finish Secondary school first and gain admission first. But I now know better.*
*A system of education is in place for a reason.* *The Nigerian system is 6-3-3-4*.
I know some children are smarter and have the intellectual capacity to go faster than others.
*What other developed countries with more regulated systems of education do is NOT make the children skip some curriculum. They make the gifted children cover the curriculum faster.*
For instance; regular students might need 6 regular academic years to cover the high school curriculum. The talented ones are put in a separate class where the cover the whole 6-year curriculum in 5 or 4 years, or even less. They don’t usually skip these curricula.
I know the UK and US have some of such schools and classes for gifted children.
*The thing I noticed in Nigeria is that it’s usually even the parents of AVERAGE or BELOW AVERAGE students that want their children to “jump” classes*.
*The prestige is in telling everyone that your child finished secondary school at 12*. It doesn’t matter whether your child’s brain is completely empty, or whether your child wrote his or her WAEC and JAMB exams at special centres. *You are just in a competition*.
I was just having a random thought a few minutes ago, and I realized that *NONE of those my Primary or secondary school classmates who tried to skip classes were better or ended up more academically grounded and privileged than I am. So, *what exactly was the hurry all about?*
*It’s not just about your child finishing Primary school at 7 and Secondary at 12*.
The question is
*“Is he/she well academically grounded”?*
*Can they defend those pieces of paper certificate (they were so in a rush to acquire) anywhere in the world?*
*What is the point producing an air-headed graduates at 18?*
I would rather have my children spend more years in school and graduate well-grounded academically, than to graduate and still be too dumb to write application letters or simple essays.
Besides, *I want my children to have a fun childhood.*
Except any of my children demonstrates obvious signs of being academically gifted and smart (In which case I would find them a good school for gifted children), they will all finish secondary school NOT before 16, and they will all graduate NOT before the age of 20.
We are not running anywhere. We are not in a hurry to be mediocre. Anything worth doing is worth devoting sufficient time to do it well."
*Kiddies Palace Academy, Minna*
I agree totally to the above piece.The writer is 100% right. We all know what we face with graduated University students of nowadays. Somebody sometimes said: "Nigeria University Graduate are Unemployable." Most of them are not emotionally stable atimes. It is not about academics alone, a child needs stability on all sides.
*Dideolu Adekogbe:*
This is apt and we need to post this on our school platforms so that our parents can read it.
As owners and leaders of schools, I know we need to increase the population but not at the detriment of the future our children. We will not be at the future workplace when they will be struggling or not even get a job.
*Our children in the Pre- school now will be in the labour market by the year 2040*.
How grounded are they?
*How will they be able to cope emotionally, academically, and socially?*
*How well are we positioning them to collaborate and network in the future?*
The need to be academically and emotionally grounded can not be overemphasized.
*When parents come with the idea of skipping class, please let's discourage it*.
*If all schools are on the same page, they will reason and abide by our counsel and follow the education policy.*
*Quality is better than speed*
*These children carry the logo/link of our schools for life and if their performances are questionable then our brand is questionable*
*Points to note*
Now is a good time to start the change process because this is the season for fresh admissions and transfers. Let parents know that the school is guided by policies.
✓Let's insist that Age 6 is for primary 1, the children need to enjoy childhood.
✓Write the age bracket on the classroom doors for all to see.
✓No declaration of age for children. Birth Certificate admits.
✓No use of a year ahead textbooks. This is destroying our children's foundation.
*The responsibility is on us as Educators and Parents to help build the future that our children will live in by the decisions we make now*.
*#forwarded with input*
*Testimonial from a parent*
*Dear Proprietor/ Parent* !
What's your take on this!
(My son-in-law wrote and send this to me. He was a graduate of Computer Engineering from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. He had first class.)
*"I remember when I was in Primary school. There was this girl that sat for the First School Leaving Certificate (Primary 6) exam while at Primary 4. She passed, so she “jumped” two years and went from Primary 4 to JSS 1*.
Even though I performed better and was academically smarter than this girl, my parents insisted that none of their children will skip an academic class.
*Some of my classmates also went from Primary 5. Well, I did my Primary 6*.
*So, many of my Primary school classmates were 1,2,3 years ahead of me because my parents insisted that none of their children will “jump” a class*.
*When I was in SSS-1, the girl who skipped a class started writing WAEC in SSS-3. She failed twice, so I caught up and we did the WAEC same year again; my first attempt, her third attempt*.
She passed enough to merge results. I got all my papers in one sitting, and in flying colours, with my head, not from any special centre.
*Well, we went into University same year, and I graduated a year before her, in a more highly ranked University - Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU)*
My parents are both academics. They aren’t just teachers, they both have experience in Academic and Career Guidance and Counselling.
*But at the point when they made some decisions about our education (our: My siblings and I), I wasn’t happy.* *To me, it was all about competing with my friends about who will finish Secondary school first and gain admission first. But I now know better.*
*A system of education is in place for a reason.* *The Nigerian system is 6-3-3-4*.
I know some children are smarter and have the intellectual capacity to go faster than others.
*What other developed countries with more regulated systems of education do is NOT make the children skip some curriculum. They make the gifted children cover the curriculum faster.*
For instance; regular students might need 6 regular academic years to cover the high school curriculum. The talented ones are put in a separate class where the cover the whole 6-year curriculum in 5 or 4 years, or even less. They don’t usually skip these curricula.
I know the UK and US have some of such schools and classes for gifted children.
*The thing I noticed in Nigeria is that it’s usually even the parents of AVERAGE or BELOW AVERAGE students that want their children to “jump” classes*.
*The prestige is in telling everyone that your child finished secondary school at 12*. It doesn’t matter whether your child’s brain is completely empty, or whether your child wrote his or her WAEC and JAMB exams at special centres. *You are just in a competition*.
I was just having a random thought a few minutes ago, and I realized that *NONE of those my Primary or secondary school classmates who tried to skip classes were better or ended up more academically grounded and privileged than I am. So, *what exactly was the hurry all about?*
*It’s not just about your child finishing Primary school at 7 and Secondary at 12*.
The question is
*“Is he/she well academically grounded”?*
*Can they defend those pieces of paper certificate (they were so in a rush to acquire) anywhere in the world?*
*What is the point producing an air-headed graduates at 18?*
I would rather have my children spend more years in school and graduate well-grounded academically, than to graduate and still be too dumb to write application letters or simple essays.
Besides, *I want my children to have a fun childhood.*
Except any of my children demonstrates obvious signs of being academically gifted and smart (In which case I would find them a good school for gifted children), they will all finish secondary school NOT before 16, and they will all graduate NOT before the age of 20.
We are not running anywhere. We are not in a hurry to be mediocre. Anything worth doing is worth devoting sufficient time to do it well."
*Kiddies Palace Academy, Minna*
I agree totally to the above piece.The writer is 100% right. We all know what we face with graduated University students of nowadays. Somebody sometimes said: "Nigeria University Graduate are Unemployable." Most of them are not emotionally stable atimes. It is not about academics alone, a child needs stability on all sides.
*Dideolu Adekogbe:*
This is apt and we need to post this on our school platforms so that our parents can read it.
As owners and leaders of schools, I know we need to increase the population but not at the detriment of the future our children. We will not be at the future workplace when they will be struggling or not even get a job.
*Our children in the Pre- school now will be in the labour market by the year 2040*.
How grounded are they?
*How will they be able to cope emotionally, academically, and socially?*
*How well are we positioning them to collaborate and network in the future?*
The need to be academically and emotionally grounded can not be overemphasized.
*When parents come with the idea of skipping class, please let's discourage it*.
*If all schools are on the same page, they will reason and abide by our counsel and follow the education policy.*
*Quality is better than speed*
*These children carry the logo/link of our schools for life and if their performances are questionable then our brand is questionable*
*Points to note*
Now is a good time to start the change process because this is the season for fresh admissions and transfers. Let parents know that the school is guided by policies.
✓Let's insist that Age 6 is for primary 1, the children need to enjoy childhood.
✓Write the age bracket on the classroom doors for all to see.
✓No declaration of age for children. Birth Certificate admits.
✓No use of a year ahead textbooks. This is destroying our children's foundation.
*The responsibility is on us as Educators and Parents to help build the future that our children will live in by the decisions we make now*.
Saturday, 10 August 2019
Avoid After Like Plaque
Hardly the day started and ... it is already six o'clock in the evening.
Barely arrived on Monday and it's already Friday.
... and the month is already over.
... and the year is almost up.
... and already 40, 50 or 60 years of our lives have passed.
... and we realize that we lost our parents, friends.
and we realize that it is too late to go back ...
So ... Let's try, however, to take full advantage of the time we have left ...
Let's not stop looking for activities that we like ...
Let's put color in our greyness ...
Let's smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts.
And yet, we must continue to enjoy serenely the time that remains. Let's try to eliminate the "after" ...
I do it after ...
I will say after ...
I will think about it after ...
We leave everything for later as if "after" was ours.
Because what we do not understand is that:
after, the coffee cools ...
after, priorities change ...
after, the charm is broken ...
after, health passes ...
after, the children grow up ...
after, the parents get older ...
after, the promises are forgotten ...
after, the day becomes the night ...
after, life ends ...
And after that it's often too late ....
So ... leave nothing for later ...
Because always waiting for later, we can lose the best moments,
the best experiences,
the best friends,
the best family ...
The day is today ... The moment is now ...
We are no longer at the age where we can afford to postpone until tomorrow what needs to be done right away.
So after you read this message.....
Please share it with others...
And don't leave it for "later" .......
Or not share it "ever" ....
Hardly the day started and ... it is already six o'clock in the evening.
Barely arrived on Monday and it's already Friday.
... and the month is already over.
... and the year is almost up.
... and already 40, 50 or 60 years of our lives have passed.
... and we realize that we lost our parents, friends.
and we realize that it is too late to go back ...
So ... Let's try, however, to take full advantage of the time we have left ...
Let's not stop looking for activities that we like ...
Let's put color in our greyness ...
Let's smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts.
And yet, we must continue to enjoy serenely the time that remains. Let's try to eliminate the "after" ...
I do it after ...
I will say after ...
I will think about it after ...
We leave everything for later as if "after" was ours.
Because what we do not understand is that:
after, the coffee cools ...
after, priorities change ...
after, the charm is broken ...
after, health passes ...
after, the children grow up ...
after, the parents get older ...
after, the promises are forgotten ...
after, the day becomes the night ...
after, life ends ...
And after that it's often too late ....
So ... leave nothing for later ...
Because always waiting for later, we can lose the best moments,
the best experiences,
the best friends,
the best family ...
The day is today ... The moment is now ...
We are no longer at the age where we can afford to postpone until tomorrow what needs to be done right away.
So after you read this message.....
Please share it with others...
And don't leave it for "later" .......
Or not share it "ever" ....
Just For Women
In this modern day, housemaids have become part of many family life and a whole lots of women are making serious mistakes the way they handle them. Some are losing their marriages because of this little mistakes. Remember the mistake of Sarah in the Bible.
You need to get divine wisdom to handle them. This is what I have put together as rules for handling housemaids:
Never employ an house maid if you cannot really trust your husband with opposite sex or if he has history of sexual infidelity. An adult house keeper will be better who will come to your house in the morning and go in the night. Please don't employ your ‘Hagar’, dear sister Sarah.
Never employ a housemaid that is more beautiful than you. She may turn out to be your nemesis and take your husband from you. Don't employ somebody that will engage you in a beauty contest.
Never employ house maid you cannot control. Two drivers should not be in the same car.
Please my sister, don't go for a housemaid if you don't really need one. Buckle up and do your work. The problem of maids at times is bigger than the support they give at home. Won't it be better to take your baby to crèche than leave him or her with a maid that will man-handle the baby and even snatch your husband? Hello men, please help your wife at home to raise your children. If you do it together, there may not be the need for a maid. Sir, supporting your wife at home will not remove "MR" from your name, it only makes you a real man.
If your housemaid suddenly becomes uncontrollable, stubborn and disobedient to you, while your husband sees nothing wrong in it, fighting or even beating you because of the girl.
Be very observant. There is something fishy under your roof. If you lose control of your maid she must gooooo!
Don’t ever allow your house maid to wear see-through and s*xy dresses in your house. Somebody else (your husband) may begin to see through her in your absence.
Don't ever permit your maid to be tying towel around the house for hours just because she wants to go and take her bath. It is tempting. Help your husband. Don't ever allow this. In fact, your blood sister must not even be permitted to do so. Any lady in your house must always be well dressed if they are not in their room. No spaghetti, tying of wrapper without blouse. Some girls are so careless that they wear pants and bras around the house. Hey! Sister, the house is yours not theirs. Don't permit them to destroy it. Every lady around you must be fully dressed in your house. If they must wear night dresses it must be in their rooms. Protect the territorial integrity of your home. Failure to do this is one major mistake most wives do make at home. Don't lose your husband to strange women that are close to you.
Don't employ a fully grown up, developed, breasted housemaid. She may become a fully grown up and developed trouble. DON'T permit it.
Never employ a maid if you don't have a separate room where you are going to put her. Making your maid to sleep in the sitting room can bring doom into that home, as she sleeps carelessly, enticing your husband who may accidentally see her as she sleeps and begins to pursue her.
Don't ever employ a houseboy if you have only girls as children. Experience has shown that a whole lot of little girls are being deflowered by their mother’s house help. Get female a house help, if you have only girls.
Likewise, if all your kids are male, don't employ a female house maid. There are lots of cases where house maids s*xually molest the boys of their madams. Rather, get a houseboy.
Don't give your old dresses that your husband likes on you to your maid, lest your husband begins to see you in her. Those clothes that look beautiful and maybe sexy on you that made your husband to fall for you several times SHOULD NEVER be given to your maid. Don't make your husband feel that there is no difference between the two of you and get carried away as he sees you in her.
A young housemaid seduced her madam’s husband to bed and nearly took over the house. When she was interrogated; she said, that is her own way of dealing with her madam who had been so cruel to her.
Another maid ran into the house of one of their neighbours just to escape the man of the house who insisted on sleeping with her. She told the neighbour what happened and that she will never do that kind of thing with “Oga” because madam has been so good to her. She later left that house voluntarily losing her job. She said, “I will never hurt that good woman.”
What is the difference between the two stories? One woman was cruel and lost her husband and another one was good and saved her marriage.
Wives are fond of being so cruel and harsh to their maids. Most of the time they do treat them with disdain, shouting on them, punishing them, beating them and treating them without honour.
If you must get a maid, learn to treat her with honour. A maid you treat badly has many ways of fighting back. One of them is punishing your children or molesting them sexually behind you. The maid you maltreated can also decide to seduce your husband to bed. In extreme cases, maids are known to have poisoned the family of their employers.
By all means, try to be good to your maid. You may be doing yourself a great favour. Always remember that you are only privileged to be the wife in that house.
Avoid constant travelling, leaving your husband and children at the mercy of your maid. You may not meet your home the way you left it.
Must you attend all the parties? Must you be on the road every weekend? Must you move from London to Dubai on your way to Madrid in the name of business meeting? I think you should choose between becoming a successful family woman and the most popular, famous, known face in town and the richest.
If you travel constantly, I can assure you that you can become a victim of house maid wickedness.
Treat your maid always the same way you treat your children. Remember, maids have parents too. They are only unfortunate, and your children could have been in her shoe if not for the mercy of God.
Let her eat the same food with your children, and eat on the same table. When you buy clothes for your children, buy for your maids too. It will be totally wrong for your maid to be wearing rags when your children dress like princes and princesses. By all means treat her well. See it as a privilege to sow seeds into the lives of others. Start from your maid.
Never allow your children to disrespect her. Let them respect her. She is older than them. Don't tell them she is just an house girl. Let them see her as their sister and respect her like that.
Don't surrender your kitchen to your maid. She should never be the one cooking your husband’s food or serving him. Men always fall in love with the hands that cook and serve their food. If she can successfully replace you in the kitchen, your husband may not see the reason why she cannot replace you in the bedroom.
Get home at times when your maid least expects you. Cut short your journey at times to arrive a day earlier than planned. Just be unpredictable. Don't allow your maid to be able to predict you accurately. Your discovery may shock you.
Occasionally, check the bags and the room of your maid. This may give you room to know what is going on in her life. You will be able to detect if she is stealing your money, food, properties etc. You may even see male or female condom or contraceptive in her bag. That will give you a signal to question the use and know who uses it with her. “Who is that person?” You should probe further to unveil the whole truth.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. Probe your maid about her background, parents, experiences, plans, fears etc. If you make her comfortable with you, she will open up and you will be able to know who you are dealing with.
Most of the times our maids know everything about us but we know nothing about them. At times we don't even know their real name. What a mistake!
Moreover, ask questions from your children because they spend more time with the maid. They may have many things to tell you if you are humble enough to ask questions.
Find a way of keeping your maid busy when you are not at home. Remember that idle hands are the workshops of the devil. Send her to a local school around you or make her to learn a vocation within the period you and the children will not be at home. If you leave her at home alone doing nothing, boys around can come and have their share of her in your house and she will be using your food to feed them. Some of them can even come as armed robbers at night. Some husbands are even known to sneak back home to go and meet the “small madam” who is idle and available at home and may also be willing.
Check the state of health of your maid. Please let her go for HIV test. I know you must have heard the story of a maid who infected the little children of her madam by sleeping with the innocent children. Don’t overlook this. You may also need to check if there is any disease in her body that can infect your family.
Tell your children not to allow anybody to touch their PRIVATE PARTS. Please list the private parts for them to include: their male or female genitals, buttocks and anus. Let them touch the place as they mention them by names. Tell them also never to touch anybody's private parts or put it in their mouth. They should all be well tutored to know that if anybody touches their private parts or if anybody asks them to touch somebody's private parts or put it in their mouth, they should tell mummy or daddy immediately.
This is the basic principle of sex education. Please don't fail to teach your children lest you regret you did not do it.
Don't sleep with both eyes closed. Most wives never discovered that their husbands were sleeping with their maid until the maid became pregnant. In a particular case, the woman of the house did not even know until the pregnancy was three months old. It was her neighbour that later called her attention to it. She said she never knew they were sleeping together, despite the fact that they have been sleeping together for about two years and the man even aborted a pregnancy for her before the present one. Maybe they would have aborted this, if not for the fact that the man travelled abroad.
Be vigilant. Open your eyes when you are bathing your children. Check them very well. Ask questions.
If you notice any strange behaviour in your children, maid, or your husband, if there is any strange hatred, affinity, or hostility between your maid and your children or husband, try to know the reason. The word is, be vigilant.
Most women do know the time to hire housemaids but ignorant of time to fire. No matter how useful a maid is to you, let her go if:
- She becomes uncontrollable to you.
- Becomes too close to your husband.
- Begins to disrespect your husband. There may be secrets that she and your husband cannot reveal to you.
- She is very lazy. If she cannot do what you employed her for, why keep her?
- You caught her in fornication or other s*xual immorality. Let her go before she infects your children and husband.
- She is fetish and demonic.
- You caught her in a compromising situation with your husband.
- You feel she is trying to seduce your husband.
- Your husband suddenly says you should send her packing without you seeing a reason for that. You better obey. He may have reasons he should never tell you, but that decision will be the best for you on the long run. If you insist, you may regret it later.
- She has grown to become a very beautiful lady. She was very young when she got to you but now she is a grown up girl, with fully developed pointed breast and tantalizing back side. She may be very good, but let her go at this stage lest you regret it. Give her, “her retirement benefits”, as she may grow up to be more beautiful than you are now and make your husband to go with her. That was the mistake Sarah made and modern women are still making it. Please don't repeat it.
Build a green bed in your marriage. Don't build a yellow or red bed. Yellow bed means struggle in your bedroom where your husband has to beg you for sex or even bribe you for it.
Red bed is when there is no sex in the marriage. Both yellow and red beds can give room for the housemaid who is more available than you to take over from you.
Please, build a green bed. Satisfy your husband. It is the wisdom you need to keep your home
In this modern day, housemaids have become part of many family life and a whole lots of women are making serious mistakes the way they handle them. Some are losing their marriages because of this little mistakes. Remember the mistake of Sarah in the Bible.
You need to get divine wisdom to handle them. This is what I have put together as rules for handling housemaids:
Never employ an house maid if you cannot really trust your husband with opposite sex or if he has history of sexual infidelity. An adult house keeper will be better who will come to your house in the morning and go in the night. Please don't employ your ‘Hagar’, dear sister Sarah.
Never employ a housemaid that is more beautiful than you. She may turn out to be your nemesis and take your husband from you. Don't employ somebody that will engage you in a beauty contest.
Never employ house maid you cannot control. Two drivers should not be in the same car.
Please my sister, don't go for a housemaid if you don't really need one. Buckle up and do your work. The problem of maids at times is bigger than the support they give at home. Won't it be better to take your baby to crèche than leave him or her with a maid that will man-handle the baby and even snatch your husband? Hello men, please help your wife at home to raise your children. If you do it together, there may not be the need for a maid. Sir, supporting your wife at home will not remove "MR" from your name, it only makes you a real man.
If your housemaid suddenly becomes uncontrollable, stubborn and disobedient to you, while your husband sees nothing wrong in it, fighting or even beating you because of the girl.
Be very observant. There is something fishy under your roof. If you lose control of your maid she must gooooo!
Don’t ever allow your house maid to wear see-through and s*xy dresses in your house. Somebody else (your husband) may begin to see through her in your absence.
Don't ever permit your maid to be tying towel around the house for hours just because she wants to go and take her bath. It is tempting. Help your husband. Don't ever allow this. In fact, your blood sister must not even be permitted to do so. Any lady in your house must always be well dressed if they are not in their room. No spaghetti, tying of wrapper without blouse. Some girls are so careless that they wear pants and bras around the house. Hey! Sister, the house is yours not theirs. Don't permit them to destroy it. Every lady around you must be fully dressed in your house. If they must wear night dresses it must be in their rooms. Protect the territorial integrity of your home. Failure to do this is one major mistake most wives do make at home. Don't lose your husband to strange women that are close to you.
Don't employ a fully grown up, developed, breasted housemaid. She may become a fully grown up and developed trouble. DON'T permit it.
Never employ a maid if you don't have a separate room where you are going to put her. Making your maid to sleep in the sitting room can bring doom into that home, as she sleeps carelessly, enticing your husband who may accidentally see her as she sleeps and begins to pursue her.
Don't ever employ a houseboy if you have only girls as children. Experience has shown that a whole lot of little girls are being deflowered by their mother’s house help. Get female a house help, if you have only girls.
Likewise, if all your kids are male, don't employ a female house maid. There are lots of cases where house maids s*xually molest the boys of their madams. Rather, get a houseboy.
Don't give your old dresses that your husband likes on you to your maid, lest your husband begins to see you in her. Those clothes that look beautiful and maybe sexy on you that made your husband to fall for you several times SHOULD NEVER be given to your maid. Don't make your husband feel that there is no difference between the two of you and get carried away as he sees you in her.
A young housemaid seduced her madam’s husband to bed and nearly took over the house. When she was interrogated; she said, that is her own way of dealing with her madam who had been so cruel to her.
Another maid ran into the house of one of their neighbours just to escape the man of the house who insisted on sleeping with her. She told the neighbour what happened and that she will never do that kind of thing with “Oga” because madam has been so good to her. She later left that house voluntarily losing her job. She said, “I will never hurt that good woman.”
What is the difference between the two stories? One woman was cruel and lost her husband and another one was good and saved her marriage.
Wives are fond of being so cruel and harsh to their maids. Most of the time they do treat them with disdain, shouting on them, punishing them, beating them and treating them without honour.
If you must get a maid, learn to treat her with honour. A maid you treat badly has many ways of fighting back. One of them is punishing your children or molesting them sexually behind you. The maid you maltreated can also decide to seduce your husband to bed. In extreme cases, maids are known to have poisoned the family of their employers.
By all means, try to be good to your maid. You may be doing yourself a great favour. Always remember that you are only privileged to be the wife in that house.
Avoid constant travelling, leaving your husband and children at the mercy of your maid. You may not meet your home the way you left it.
Must you attend all the parties? Must you be on the road every weekend? Must you move from London to Dubai on your way to Madrid in the name of business meeting? I think you should choose between becoming a successful family woman and the most popular, famous, known face in town and the richest.
If you travel constantly, I can assure you that you can become a victim of house maid wickedness.
Treat your maid always the same way you treat your children. Remember, maids have parents too. They are only unfortunate, and your children could have been in her shoe if not for the mercy of God.
Let her eat the same food with your children, and eat on the same table. When you buy clothes for your children, buy for your maids too. It will be totally wrong for your maid to be wearing rags when your children dress like princes and princesses. By all means treat her well. See it as a privilege to sow seeds into the lives of others. Start from your maid.
Never allow your children to disrespect her. Let them respect her. She is older than them. Don't tell them she is just an house girl. Let them see her as their sister and respect her like that.
Don't surrender your kitchen to your maid. She should never be the one cooking your husband’s food or serving him. Men always fall in love with the hands that cook and serve their food. If she can successfully replace you in the kitchen, your husband may not see the reason why she cannot replace you in the bedroom.
Get home at times when your maid least expects you. Cut short your journey at times to arrive a day earlier than planned. Just be unpredictable. Don't allow your maid to be able to predict you accurately. Your discovery may shock you.
Occasionally, check the bags and the room of your maid. This may give you room to know what is going on in her life. You will be able to detect if she is stealing your money, food, properties etc. You may even see male or female condom or contraceptive in her bag. That will give you a signal to question the use and know who uses it with her. “Who is that person?” You should probe further to unveil the whole truth.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. Probe your maid about her background, parents, experiences, plans, fears etc. If you make her comfortable with you, she will open up and you will be able to know who you are dealing with.
Most of the times our maids know everything about us but we know nothing about them. At times we don't even know their real name. What a mistake!
Moreover, ask questions from your children because they spend more time with the maid. They may have many things to tell you if you are humble enough to ask questions.
Find a way of keeping your maid busy when you are not at home. Remember that idle hands are the workshops of the devil. Send her to a local school around you or make her to learn a vocation within the period you and the children will not be at home. If you leave her at home alone doing nothing, boys around can come and have their share of her in your house and she will be using your food to feed them. Some of them can even come as armed robbers at night. Some husbands are even known to sneak back home to go and meet the “small madam” who is idle and available at home and may also be willing.
Check the state of health of your maid. Please let her go for HIV test. I know you must have heard the story of a maid who infected the little children of her madam by sleeping with the innocent children. Don’t overlook this. You may also need to check if there is any disease in her body that can infect your family.
Tell your children not to allow anybody to touch their PRIVATE PARTS. Please list the private parts for them to include: their male or female genitals, buttocks and anus. Let them touch the place as they mention them by names. Tell them also never to touch anybody's private parts or put it in their mouth. They should all be well tutored to know that if anybody touches their private parts or if anybody asks them to touch somebody's private parts or put it in their mouth, they should tell mummy or daddy immediately.
This is the basic principle of sex education. Please don't fail to teach your children lest you regret you did not do it.
Don't sleep with both eyes closed. Most wives never discovered that their husbands were sleeping with their maid until the maid became pregnant. In a particular case, the woman of the house did not even know until the pregnancy was three months old. It was her neighbour that later called her attention to it. She said she never knew they were sleeping together, despite the fact that they have been sleeping together for about two years and the man even aborted a pregnancy for her before the present one. Maybe they would have aborted this, if not for the fact that the man travelled abroad.
Be vigilant. Open your eyes when you are bathing your children. Check them very well. Ask questions.
If you notice any strange behaviour in your children, maid, or your husband, if there is any strange hatred, affinity, or hostility between your maid and your children or husband, try to know the reason. The word is, be vigilant.
Most women do know the time to hire housemaids but ignorant of time to fire. No matter how useful a maid is to you, let her go if:
- She becomes uncontrollable to you.
- Becomes too close to your husband.
- Begins to disrespect your husband. There may be secrets that she and your husband cannot reveal to you.
- She is very lazy. If she cannot do what you employed her for, why keep her?
- You caught her in fornication or other s*xual immorality. Let her go before she infects your children and husband.
- She is fetish and demonic.
- You caught her in a compromising situation with your husband.
- You feel she is trying to seduce your husband.
- Your husband suddenly says you should send her packing without you seeing a reason for that. You better obey. He may have reasons he should never tell you, but that decision will be the best for you on the long run. If you insist, you may regret it later.
- She has grown to become a very beautiful lady. She was very young when she got to you but now she is a grown up girl, with fully developed pointed breast and tantalizing back side. She may be very good, but let her go at this stage lest you regret it. Give her, “her retirement benefits”, as she may grow up to be more beautiful than you are now and make your husband to go with her. That was the mistake Sarah made and modern women are still making it. Please don't repeat it.
Build a green bed in your marriage. Don't build a yellow or red bed. Yellow bed means struggle in your bedroom where your husband has to beg you for sex or even bribe you for it.
Red bed is when there is no sex in the marriage. Both yellow and red beds can give room for the housemaid who is more available than you to take over from you.
Please, build a green bed. Satisfy your husband. It is the wisdom you need to keep your home
Just For Men
19 ways to fix your wife - before/when she is falling apart!
Your wife can be dying in silence while still performing her wifely duties.
you will need to know her to know when she needs to be fixed.
When a woman is always moody, cries a lot, yells on Children, can easily sleep or sleeps a lot, she may be battling with something you are not careful enough to see.
A real man will not allow his wife to fall apart without fixing her and making her better and happy.
If you discover your wife is falling apart, watch out and fix the following:
You might be her problem, but out of her respect and love for you, she may not tell you. Ask, let her talk sincerely
Get to know how her work load is killing her. Regardless of whether she stays at home or goes to work, do you know what she does all day? If you don’t, ask her. Her to-do list is probably overflowing with tasks that far outweighs her time and energy.
Be mindful of her needs and appreciative of her sacrifices. The work a woman does at home can be too common that nobody will appreciate her for them, this can be killing her. Appreciate your wife
Don’t just be appreciative, but get involved. The best time to begin helping your wife is now. Don’t wait until she breaks down to offer a helping hand.
Get all the machine needed for her work at home (the ones you can afford). Dish washer, gas cooker, refrigerator, oven, laundering Machine etc
Be totally involved at home, stop delegating parenting and family life. Don’t be a “visiting Professor”, be an active partner in this business of your life. It takes two to parent. It takes two to make a marriage work. It takes two to run a household. Be fully involved in every aspect of your family life.
Hold her like a lover and a friend. Place your hands on her shoulder, her laps, hold her hands, just hold her and let her feel you.
Men are known to be good talker but very bad listeners. At times what your wife needs is for you to just listen. Do not interrupt, let her unburden, let her talk. Sometimes the best way for a woman to reset is by getting all of her thoughts out. Let your wife talk through her feelings and problems. Show empathy. Listen carefully. Ask questions. Be fully engaged in the conversation.
Most men do fall into the “Teaching trap” when they are supposed to be a partner, showing love and consideration. Do not blame, just be there for her. Just listen. That’s all you need to do. And if she wants you to offer solutions, she’ll ask for them
No matter what happens, don’t ever raise up your hands in surrender. Giving up, crying or weeping will hurt your wife more. Encourage her. Let her know what you love about her. Help her see the good in any situation. Avoid being critical or negative. When she has hit the rock bottom, be the man who lifts her up, and brings light and hope back into her life.
Get to know her mood, get to know her needs, get to know what is needed to be done at home and do them without prompting
Learn the art of looking around the house and finding things that need to get done. Are there dishes in the sink? What is broken that needs to be fixed? Don’t wait to be asked. Just do it!
Take your time off to pray for her, hand her over to her maker who knows the deepest need of her heart . Let God fix her, you can’t do it.
Let God know what you appreciate about her. Ask for his help. Ask him to tell you how you can be a better spouse to her. Ask him to comfort her and help her see herself as He sees her.
Don’t just pray for your wife, find time to pray with her, hug her as you pray together, hold her hands, just talk to your maker together.
Your wife knows what you can do to help her reset, so just ask her. She will open up to you, it may not be what you think, so don’t speculate, ask, She’ll appreciate it more than you will ever know.
Give a helping hand around the house. Give her a kitchen holiday for some days, do all the cooking or hire somebody to do it for you. Let her just sit, eat and rest, this may be all she needs,
Take her out, eat out, go to the cinema, go to wherever she will love to go, not where you want, just follow her.
“Stop crying, are you a baby?, will you be crying about this little thing?”
This is what most nude earning husband will do when their wives cry, what an insensitive word. If she feels like crying, hold her to yourself and let her do the crying while you pat her on the back. It’s a great way to fix the problem.
Allow her to go on holiday all alone to herself, this can fix the problem as she returns with greater energy.
Let your wife be celebrated. Celebrate her in secret and in public. Talk about her beauty, motherhood, wifehood, support, thoughtfulness. This will make her day.
Let all the men read and apply....
*Let the women read and pass to the men......especially their husbands 😊😊😘😘*
19 ways to fix your wife - before/when she is falling apart!
Your wife can be dying in silence while still performing her wifely duties.
you will need to know her to know when she needs to be fixed.
When a woman is always moody, cries a lot, yells on Children, can easily sleep or sleeps a lot, she may be battling with something you are not careful enough to see.
A real man will not allow his wife to fall apart without fixing her and making her better and happy.
If you discover your wife is falling apart, watch out and fix the following:
You might be her problem, but out of her respect and love for you, she may not tell you. Ask, let her talk sincerely
Get to know how her work load is killing her. Regardless of whether she stays at home or goes to work, do you know what she does all day? If you don’t, ask her. Her to-do list is probably overflowing with tasks that far outweighs her time and energy.
Be mindful of her needs and appreciative of her sacrifices. The work a woman does at home can be too common that nobody will appreciate her for them, this can be killing her. Appreciate your wife
Don’t just be appreciative, but get involved. The best time to begin helping your wife is now. Don’t wait until she breaks down to offer a helping hand.
Get all the machine needed for her work at home (the ones you can afford). Dish washer, gas cooker, refrigerator, oven, laundering Machine etc
Be totally involved at home, stop delegating parenting and family life. Don’t be a “visiting Professor”, be an active partner in this business of your life. It takes two to parent. It takes two to make a marriage work. It takes two to run a household. Be fully involved in every aspect of your family life.
Hold her like a lover and a friend. Place your hands on her shoulder, her laps, hold her hands, just hold her and let her feel you.
Men are known to be good talker but very bad listeners. At times what your wife needs is for you to just listen. Do not interrupt, let her unburden, let her talk. Sometimes the best way for a woman to reset is by getting all of her thoughts out. Let your wife talk through her feelings and problems. Show empathy. Listen carefully. Ask questions. Be fully engaged in the conversation.
Most men do fall into the “Teaching trap” when they are supposed to be a partner, showing love and consideration. Do not blame, just be there for her. Just listen. That’s all you need to do. And if she wants you to offer solutions, she’ll ask for them
No matter what happens, don’t ever raise up your hands in surrender. Giving up, crying or weeping will hurt your wife more. Encourage her. Let her know what you love about her. Help her see the good in any situation. Avoid being critical or negative. When she has hit the rock bottom, be the man who lifts her up, and brings light and hope back into her life.
Get to know her mood, get to know her needs, get to know what is needed to be done at home and do them without prompting
Learn the art of looking around the house and finding things that need to get done. Are there dishes in the sink? What is broken that needs to be fixed? Don’t wait to be asked. Just do it!
Take your time off to pray for her, hand her over to her maker who knows the deepest need of her heart . Let God fix her, you can’t do it.
Let God know what you appreciate about her. Ask for his help. Ask him to tell you how you can be a better spouse to her. Ask him to comfort her and help her see herself as He sees her.
Don’t just pray for your wife, find time to pray with her, hug her as you pray together, hold her hands, just talk to your maker together.
Your wife knows what you can do to help her reset, so just ask her. She will open up to you, it may not be what you think, so don’t speculate, ask, She’ll appreciate it more than you will ever know.
Give a helping hand around the house. Give her a kitchen holiday for some days, do all the cooking or hire somebody to do it for you. Let her just sit, eat and rest, this may be all she needs,
Take her out, eat out, go to the cinema, go to wherever she will love to go, not where you want, just follow her.
“Stop crying, are you a baby?, will you be crying about this little thing?”
This is what most nude earning husband will do when their wives cry, what an insensitive word. If she feels like crying, hold her to yourself and let her do the crying while you pat her on the back. It’s a great way to fix the problem.
Allow her to go on holiday all alone to herself, this can fix the problem as she returns with greater energy.
Let your wife be celebrated. Celebrate her in secret and in public. Talk about her beauty, motherhood, wifehood, support, thoughtfulness. This will make her day.
Let all the men read and apply....
*Let the women read and pass to the men......especially their husbands 😊😊😘😘*
Mind What You Do
After 10 years, wife starts to think their kid looks strange & decides to do a DNA test.
She finds out that the kid is neither from her, nor her husband. Shocked she went to tell him that the kid is actually from completely different parents.
WIFE: Honey, I have something very serious to tell you.
HUSBAND: What’s up?
WIFE: According to DNA test results, this is not our kid!😧
HUSBAND: Well you don’t remember, do you??
WIFE: What do you mean?
HUSBAND: After the birth, when we were leaving the hospital, we noticed that our baby had pooped, then you told me "Please go change the baby, I’ll wait for you here"
So I went inside, got a clean baby and left the dirty one there. 😊
Moral: Never give a man a job that doesn't belong to him.😂😂
Enjoy your weekend
She finds out that the kid is neither from her, nor her husband. Shocked she went to tell him that the kid is actually from completely different parents.
WIFE: Honey, I have something very serious to tell you.
HUSBAND: What’s up?
WIFE: According to DNA test results, this is not our kid!😧
HUSBAND: Well you don’t remember, do you??
WIFE: What do you mean?
HUSBAND: After the birth, when we were leaving the hospital, we noticed that our baby had pooped, then you told me "Please go change the baby, I’ll wait for you here"
So I went inside, got a clean baby and left the dirty one there. 😊
Moral: Never give a man a job that doesn't belong to him.😂😂
Enjoy your weekend
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
North Eternally Cheating The South
Asari Dokubo wrote:
We the people must act now!
Some will brand this write up “evil and a lie”, but facts and numbers don’t lie. Mathematics they say is a universal language.
Out of the total of 360 House of Reps members, the entire South has 169, while the North has 191.
Here is the breakdown:
South East
Imo 10 Reps
Abia 8 Reps
Ebonyi 6 Reps
Anambra 11 Reps
Enugu 8 Reps Total= 43.
South South
Akwa Ibom 10 Reps
Bayelsa 5 Reps
Cross River 8 Reps
Delta 10 Reps
Edo 9 Reps
Rivers 13 Reps Total= 55 Reps.
South West
Ekiti 6 Reps
Lagos 24 Reps
Ogun 9 Reps
Ondo 9 Reps
Oyo 14 Reps
Osun 9 Reps Total = 71 Reps.
North West
Kano 24 Reps
Kaduna 16 Reps
Jigawa 11 Reps
Katsina 15 reps
Kebbi 8 Reps
Sokoto 11 Reps
Zamfara 7 Reps Total = 92 Reps.
North East
Adamawa 8 Reps
Bauchi 12 Reps
Borno 10 reps
Gombe 6 Reps
Taraba 6 Reps
Yobe 6 Reps Total = 48 Reps.
North Central
Benue 11 Reps
Kogi 9 Reps
Kwara 6 Reps
Nassarawa 5 Reps
Plateau 8 Reps
Niger 10 Reps Total = 49 Reps.
FCT 2 Reps.
The question is, how dare you upstage this people in a vote?
Even if Southeast, South-south and Southwest joined together cannot upstage the North.
More facts coming...
North Central receives 20%;
North East receives 16%;
North West receives 21%;
Every month, the 19 Northern states receive a minimum of 57% of 100% of oil revenue to which they CONTRIBUTE 0.00%.
South West receives 16%;
South East receives 11.00%;
South South receives 15.00%;
More facts...
Nigeria has 774 LGAs.
The North has 19 states, and the 19 states have 419 LGAs.
The South has 17 states, and the 17 states have 357 LGAs.
Working with the data from the office of the Accountant General as published by the Ministry of Finance (2013 April), the 357 LGAs of the 17 southern states receive 45.1% of what they contribute is 100%.
The 419 LGAs of the 19 Northern states receive 54.9% of what they contribute is 0.00%.
So those hoping for a hopeless hope for restructuring should wake up. The north will Never allow restructuring because they know that they can't survive in a level playing ground.
Let me stop here for now .....alot on my mind.
Now you see that the north is seriously draining and stifling the development of the south?
One Nigeria is the biggest fraud ever and MUST end.
What the people of Nigeria need is a referendum to end this evil contraption called Nigeria and an emergence of the stifled nations within.
We CAN NOT be silent about it. He that is silent in the days of the adversity of the oppressed, is more guilty and has taken the side of the oppressor.
Asari Dokubo wrote:
We the people must act now!
Some will brand this write up “evil and a lie”, but facts and numbers don’t lie. Mathematics they say is a universal language.
Out of the total of 360 House of Reps members, the entire South has 169, while the North has 191.
Here is the breakdown:
South East
Imo 10 Reps
Abia 8 Reps
Ebonyi 6 Reps
Anambra 11 Reps
Enugu 8 Reps Total= 43.
South South
Akwa Ibom 10 Reps
Bayelsa 5 Reps
Cross River 8 Reps
Delta 10 Reps
Edo 9 Reps
Rivers 13 Reps Total= 55 Reps.
South West
Ekiti 6 Reps
Lagos 24 Reps
Ogun 9 Reps
Ondo 9 Reps
Oyo 14 Reps
Osun 9 Reps Total = 71 Reps.
North West
Kano 24 Reps
Kaduna 16 Reps
Jigawa 11 Reps
Katsina 15 reps
Kebbi 8 Reps
Sokoto 11 Reps
Zamfara 7 Reps Total = 92 Reps.
North East
Adamawa 8 Reps
Bauchi 12 Reps
Borno 10 reps
Gombe 6 Reps
Taraba 6 Reps
Yobe 6 Reps Total = 48 Reps.
North Central
Benue 11 Reps
Kogi 9 Reps
Kwara 6 Reps
Nassarawa 5 Reps
Plateau 8 Reps
Niger 10 Reps Total = 49 Reps.
FCT 2 Reps.
The question is, how dare you upstage this people in a vote?
Even if Southeast, South-south and Southwest joined together cannot upstage the North.
More facts coming...
North Central receives 20%;
North East receives 16%;
North West receives 21%;
Every month, the 19 Northern states receive a minimum of 57% of 100% of oil revenue to which they CONTRIBUTE 0.00%.
South West receives 16%;
South East receives 11.00%;
South South receives 15.00%;
More facts...
Nigeria has 774 LGAs.
The North has 19 states, and the 19 states have 419 LGAs.
The South has 17 states, and the 17 states have 357 LGAs.
Working with the data from the office of the Accountant General as published by the Ministry of Finance (2013 April), the 357 LGAs of the 17 southern states receive 45.1% of what they contribute is 100%.
The 419 LGAs of the 19 Northern states receive 54.9% of what they contribute is 0.00%.
So those hoping for a hopeless hope for restructuring should wake up. The north will Never allow restructuring because they know that they can't survive in a level playing ground.
Let me stop here for now .....alot on my mind.
Now you see that the north is seriously draining and stifling the development of the south?
One Nigeria is the biggest fraud ever and MUST end.
What the people of Nigeria need is a referendum to end this evil contraption called Nigeria and an emergence of the stifled nations within.
We CAN NOT be silent about it. He that is silent in the days of the adversity of the oppressed, is more guilty and has taken the side of the oppressor.
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