100 Report Card Comments Teachers Can Use while writing report cards of students/ pupils
1. I have truly enjoyed being __________'s teacher and will miss him/her next year.
2. _______ is making good/excellent/outstanding progress in _______ grade.
3. _______ has done a(n)/fantastic/exemplary/wonderful job this year in ______ grade and has worked so very hard.
4. I appreciate ____________'s quality work/motivation to do well/attitude and have enjoyed being his/her teacher.
5. _______ is intelligent but works below his/her capacity/potential due to a lack of motivation/attention to quality work.
6. _______ succeeds at whatever task he/she puts his/her mind to.
7. I am so proud of ________ and wish him/her well for _______ grade and beyond.
8. _______ has worked very hard this year and I am proud of all of his/her accomplishments.
9. _______ has strengthened his/her skills in _________.
10. _______ is respectful to his/her classmates and is very well-liked.
11. I am concerned about _________'s organizational skills and his/her responsibility related to turning in assignments on time.
12. _______ sets high standards for himself/herself and reaches them.
13. _______ is helpful and kind and is a pleasure to be around.
14. _______ has done well in many areas but I am concerned that his/her lack of listening/focus/motivation and following directions/working independently/working quietly has contributed to his lower grade in ______________.
15. ________ has made good/excellent/outstanding progress in all academic areas.
16. ________ is bright, motivated, and hard working and can be proud of his/her accomplishments this year.
17. Unfortunately, _________'s grades have suffered from missing assignments.
18. ________ is gaining confidence in _____________ but would benefit from __________________.
19.________ follows classroom rules consistently and is a good role model.
20. Please encourage ________ to ______________ each day to help him/her improve in _____________.
21. ________ has a positive attitude and is a joy to teach.
22. ________ seems to find __________ challenging and would benefit from reading nightly/practicing math facts/working online...
23. ________ is a(n) awesome/wonderful/fabulous ________ grader and I have enjoyed getting to know him/her this year.
24. ________ is capable of achieving a higher grade in ________ but needs to ______________ in order to make progress.
25. ________ excels in creative/narrative/opinion writing.
26. ________ produces stories/essays/paragraphs that are well-organized/well developed.
27. ________ has strong reading comprehension skills.
28. ________ seems to have difficulty at times with reading comprehension and would benefit from __________.
29. ________ has made great improvement in the area of ______________.
30. ________ works well with other students.
31. ________ not only works well with his/her classmates, but is a natural leader.
32. ________ is intrinsically motivated and strives to please.
33. ________ is doing an excellent/outstanding/wonderful/fantastic/great job overall this year.
34. ________ enjoys participating in class lessons and his/her background knowledge adds a great deal to our discussions.
35. ________ is very compassionate and is always kind to others.
36. ________ is a creative student and I have enjoyed seeing the wonderful writing/art projects/drawings he/she has created/written.
37. ________ is on task regardless of the activity.
38. ________ seems to enjoy school and his/her positive attitude brightens up our classroom.
39. ________ listens attentively to directions, and I appreciate his/her ability to start work right away.
40. ________ is a very polite student, and is a joy to teach.
41. ________ struggles with following classroom rules, and needs to focus on working quietly/staying in his/her seat...
42. ________ is very talkative during quiet working periods and distracts others around him/her.
43. Working quietly is very difficult for ______, and I would like him/her to focus on his/her work, so that he/she, as well as others around him/her are able to attend to the task at hand/learn more effectively...
44. _______ has an excellent attitude and is always willing to lend a hand.
45. _______ is a wonderful helper and a classroom leader.
46. _______ shows interest and enthusiasm for classroom activities and seems to enjoy learning.
47. _______ is polite to classmates and to all adults on staff at school.
48. _______ is a problem solver and shows a great deal of persistence.
49. _______ enjoys being challenged and would benefit from __________________________________.
50. _______ completes his/her work carefully and completely.
51. I appreciate _________'s neat work, that is carefully done.
52. _______ needs to slow down, in order to produce quality/carefully done work.
53. _______ struggles with organizational skills in the classroom and needs to keep his/her desk neater, in order to make his/her day run more smoothly.
54. _______ struggles to find needed papers/materials and would benefit from using a folder/a binder/keeping a neater desk.
55. _______ is very organized and finds needed materials easily.
56. _______ displays good citizenship in our classroom.
57. _______ has worked hard to raise his/her grade in __________ and I appreciate his/her effort.
58. _______ has a strong work ethic and never completes any assignment halfway.
59. _______ has learned a great deal this year and has shown particular improvement in ___________.
60. _______ needs to memorize his/her basic math facts in order to complete complex math problems more easily.
61. _______ would benefit from __________________________ to fully memorize basic math facts.
62. Memorizing basic addition/multiplication math facts would be very helpful to ___________.
63. ________ shows special strengths in the area of social studies/science and has done very well this trimester/year.
64. Science/social studies tests have been very difficult for ______, and he/she would benefit from increasing the time spent studying the material.
65. _______ seems to enjoy science/social studies and has done an excellent job this year.
66. _______ needs to listen and follow directions carefully during class time.
67. _______ pays attention to detail in his/her assignments and I appreciate the high quality of his/her work.
68. _______ is very responsible and turns assignments/homework in on time.
69. _______ uses higher level thinking skills to complete challenging assignments.
70. _______ is an active participant in small group, as well as whole class discussions.
71. _______ is truly eager to learn and asks questions appropriately when needed.
72. _______ has a good sense of theme/the main idea/characters/plot/inferences, which strengthens his/her reading ability.
73. _______ reads smoothly and with good expression.
74. _______ is able to use data from graphs and charts/use a compass successfully/convert measurements correctly.
75. This trimester, I would like _________ to work on _________________________________.
76. _______ uses reading strategies such as __________ effectively, which increases his/her reading comprehension.
77. _______ has a large vocabulary, which adds to his/her ability to write effectively.
78. _______ shows strong knowledge in the area of ______________.
79. _______ is able to share appropriate and relevant information, which adds to classroom discussions.
80. _______ consistently puts forth his/her best effort in ____________, which is wonderful to see.
81. _______ arrives at school each day with a happy attitude, ready to learn.
82. _______ has exceeded expectations in the area of __________.
83. _______ works independently and is able to complete enrichment activities when he/she is finished with required assignments.
84. _______ is able to focus and stays on task during independent working times.
85. I have enjoyed ________'s sense of humor in our classroom.
86. _______ has a wonderful personality and his/her sense of humor makes me smile.
87. _______ is an excellent ______ grader, and he/she has made our classroom a better place.
88. _______ uses class time constructively.
89. _______ is a flexible learner and adapts easily to new challenges.
90. This trimester, I would like ________to focus on ___________________ in order to______________________.
91. _______ always uses his/her time wisely.
92. _______ turns in work that is beautifully done.
93. _______ needs lots of repetition and practice in order to retain_________________.
94. _______ enjoys poetry/reading/music/science/art... and excels in it.
95. _______ is an attentive student and is working well in all subject areas.
96. I would like to see _______ pay closer attention to __________________ in order to _______________________.
97. _______ is a very talented artist, and I truly enjoy the passion he/she puts into his/her art work.
98. I have truly enjoyed getting to know ______ and wish him/her the very best in _____ grade and beyond.
99. I have enjoyed having _____ in our class this year and will truly miss him/her as he/she moves on to ______ grade.
100. ______ is a very special student and one that I will never forget. I will miss him/her next year.
Sunday, 31 March 2019
1. *Hot water will turn into ice faster than cold water.*
2. *The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.*
3. *The sentence, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” uses every letter in the English language.*
4. *The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.*
5. *Ants never sleep!*
6. *“I Am” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.*
7. *Coca-Cola was originally green.*
8. *The most common name in the world is *
9. *When the moon is directly overhead, you will weigh slightly less.*
10. *Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from the blowing desert sand.*
11. *There are only two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: “abstemious” and “facetious.”*
12. *The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.*
13. *There are two credit cards for every person in the United States.*
14. *TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.*
15. *Minus 40 degrees Celsius is exactly the same as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit.*
16. *Chocolate can kill dogs, as it contains theobromine, which affects their heart and nervous system.*
17. *Women blink nearly twice as much as men!*
18. *You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.*
20. *The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.*
21. *People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond.*
22. *It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky*
23. *The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.*
24. *“Rhythm” is the longest English word without a vowel.*
25. *If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.*
26. *Each king in a deck of playing cards represents great king from history.*
*Spades* - *King David*
*Clubs - Alexander the Great,*
*Hearts - Charlemagne*
*Diamonds - Julius Caesar.*
27. *It is impossible to lick your elbow.*
28. *111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321*
29. *If a statue of a person in the park on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle.*
*If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle.*
*If the horse has a all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.*
30. *What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers all have in common?*
Ans. - *All invented by women.*
31.Question - *This is the only food that doesn't spoil. What is this?*
Ans. - *Honey.*
32. *A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.*
33. *A snail can sleep for three years.*
34. *All polar bears are left handed.*
35. *American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first-class.*
36. *Butterflies taste with their feet.*
37. *Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.*
38. *In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.*
39. *On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.*
40. *Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.*
41. *The ant always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.*
42. *The electric chair was invented by a dentist.*
43. *The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.*
44. *Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over million descendants.*
45. *Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times*
46. *The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.*
48. *Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.*
Don't enjoy all alone, do share with others.
1. *Hot water will turn into ice faster than cold water.*
2. *The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.*
3. *The sentence, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” uses every letter in the English language.*
4. *The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.*
5. *Ants never sleep!*
6. *“I Am” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.*
7. *Coca-Cola was originally green.*
8. *The most common name in the world is *
9. *When the moon is directly overhead, you will weigh slightly less.*
10. *Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from the blowing desert sand.*
11. *There are only two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: “abstemious” and “facetious.”*
12. *The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.*
13. *There are two credit cards for every person in the United States.*
14. *TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.*
15. *Minus 40 degrees Celsius is exactly the same as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit.*
16. *Chocolate can kill dogs, as it contains theobromine, which affects their heart and nervous system.*
17. *Women blink nearly twice as much as men!*
18. *You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.*
20. *The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries.*
21. *People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond.*
22. *It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky*
23. *The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.*
24. *“Rhythm” is the longest English word without a vowel.*
25. *If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.*
26. *Each king in a deck of playing cards represents great king from history.*
*Spades* - *King David*
*Clubs - Alexander the Great,*
*Hearts - Charlemagne*
*Diamonds - Julius Caesar.*
27. *It is impossible to lick your elbow.*
28. *111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321*
29. *If a statue of a person in the park on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle.*
*If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle.*
*If the horse has a all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.*
30. *What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers and laser printers all have in common?*
Ans. - *All invented by women.*
31.Question - *This is the only food that doesn't spoil. What is this?*
Ans. - *Honey.*
32. *A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.*
33. *A snail can sleep for three years.*
34. *All polar bears are left handed.*
35. *American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first-class.*
36. *Butterflies taste with their feet.*
37. *Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.*
38. *In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.*
39. *On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.*
40. *Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.*
41. *The ant always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.*
42. *The electric chair was invented by a dentist.*
43. *The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.*
44. *Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over million descendants.*
45. *Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times*
46. *The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.*
48. *Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.*
Don't enjoy all alone, do share with others.
Frustrations Educators Face In Nigeria... Ajayi Crowther University Case Study
Food for thought....A must read for all Parents
Dear Parents,
Greetings. It is not likely that I will post any mesg on your platform after this.
I must express my shock at the behavior of some parents and their messages against the VC and the University in recent times.
It is not common for VCs to exchange words with parents or students over matters of University rules, discipline and morals. I’m not sure you individual parents interacted with your VCs where you studied. My simplicity and availability has been abused and that has to be withdrawn forthwith.
You sent your children to Ajayi Crowther University believing that they will get good education and sound morals. The discipline here is no where near that of some sister Christian Universities which are over subscribed. The developments going on here academically, spiritually and infrastructure-wise has been much improved and works are ongoing to make things better. Students ought to have some endurance and not be spoilt with claims and rights that shouldn’t be fought over.
*What happened recently?*
1. ACU would have resumed for second semester on 25th Feb. Due to the shift in date of elections, we changed resumption to 16th March (more than two weeks) yet many students resumed many days after the deadline! And you want us to tolerate that? Parents who habour students when they ought to be in school are themselves not disciplined. You can’t raise next generation with the same corrupt and indisciplined ethos that has ruined Nigeria. We eventually allowed all late comers in after keeping them waiting outside gate for few hours as punishment for them to learn how to obey rules of punctuality. Parents who disobey rules and set bad examples do not expect red carpet treatment just because they paid fees for their children’s education.
2. A student committed sexual immorality and confessed in writing to have had sex with two female students in classroom and was placed on suspension pending trial yet the Parents proceeded to sue the University and post insults against the University, forgetting that we have rules and that the two girls also have parents who have been hurt, and innocent students who might be badly influenced.
3. You complain about light, water, etc. We put on generator for students between 6-8am, 10-1pm and 6-10pm daily in addition to when PHCN gives power supply. We spend N3.7m monthly on PHCN bill and buy 20,000 liters of diesel monthly to run ten generators, totaling about 8million Naira per month yet the University does not receive one kobo in subventions from the proprietor, Anglican Church. We forget that even in our homes do we always have light?
4. Do you know that the hostels, except one, do not belong to the University and that we remit the rent to the owners who do not maintain the facilities? We spend our own money to carry out repairs in hostels that do not belong to us. In this last semester we have spent about 5 million Naira to repair facilities including providing alternative water system, purchase 185 fans, sockets, toilets, nets, etc.
5. You parents decided that we should compel your children to observe daily library hours, which is one reason students are complaining. Be it known that in a three floor library in which we have invested over 30 Million Naira in recent accreditation exercise, you will hardly find five students reading there. They are all busy with their phones: browsing rubbish. They don’t read except a few serious ones who end up with good grades. Many end up in third class. Some hardly attend classes for up to a week yet they turn up for exams and are disallowed. They think that once they paid fees, they are entitled to be passed. Bad homes produce bad students.
6. Recently Deans reported that less than 10 students were found in their respective faculties during a period when more than 1,600 students should be in class. Your children are mostly unserious. They want to play around with opposite sex unchecked, they want to go to town to smoke hemp or prostitute. But we gated them and as a result the University is now well rebranded.
6. We decided to lock hostels during lecture periods in order to force them to go to class or library. But you parents protested asking for "freedom" that will eventually destroy the moral and academic lives of these children. You same parents who have your children elsewhere obey the more stringent rules at Covenant and Babcock Universities, etc and you want Anglican Church’s University to tolerate trash!
Based on your protest we have after one day’s trial, reopened the hostels at all hours and released your children to choose whether to study or sleep in hostel when they should be in classes. They now have freedom to choose whether to fail or pass. We shall henceforth not treat them, in your words, like "Secondary school students". Some of you will bear the consequences of your indiscretion. But we will not allow anyone teach us how to run our system.
7. Parents who find it difficult to abide by our rules and regulations are kindly advised to withdraw their children. We are not desperate to keep any student here. We will sanction hemp and drug users, those who bully others and want to behave like cultists and sexual perverts. Those who can’t train their children well will not be allowed to corrupt other children here.
8. May I advise that no parent should call me on phone on any matter concerning students henceforth. The Dean of students will attend to the public on complaints.
I wish you all the best and may you and your children do that which is right in the sight of God and for the future good of the coming generations. Amen.
Rt. Rev. Prof. Dapo Asaju,
Ajayi Crowther University
Food for thought....A must read for all Parents
Dear Parents,
Greetings. It is not likely that I will post any mesg on your platform after this.
I must express my shock at the behavior of some parents and their messages against the VC and the University in recent times.
It is not common for VCs to exchange words with parents or students over matters of University rules, discipline and morals. I’m not sure you individual parents interacted with your VCs where you studied. My simplicity and availability has been abused and that has to be withdrawn forthwith.
You sent your children to Ajayi Crowther University believing that they will get good education and sound morals. The discipline here is no where near that of some sister Christian Universities which are over subscribed. The developments going on here academically, spiritually and infrastructure-wise has been much improved and works are ongoing to make things better. Students ought to have some endurance and not be spoilt with claims and rights that shouldn’t be fought over.
*What happened recently?*
1. ACU would have resumed for second semester on 25th Feb. Due to the shift in date of elections, we changed resumption to 16th March (more than two weeks) yet many students resumed many days after the deadline! And you want us to tolerate that? Parents who habour students when they ought to be in school are themselves not disciplined. You can’t raise next generation with the same corrupt and indisciplined ethos that has ruined Nigeria. We eventually allowed all late comers in after keeping them waiting outside gate for few hours as punishment for them to learn how to obey rules of punctuality. Parents who disobey rules and set bad examples do not expect red carpet treatment just because they paid fees for their children’s education.
2. A student committed sexual immorality and confessed in writing to have had sex with two female students in classroom and was placed on suspension pending trial yet the Parents proceeded to sue the University and post insults against the University, forgetting that we have rules and that the two girls also have parents who have been hurt, and innocent students who might be badly influenced.
3. You complain about light, water, etc. We put on generator for students between 6-8am, 10-1pm and 6-10pm daily in addition to when PHCN gives power supply. We spend N3.7m monthly on PHCN bill and buy 20,000 liters of diesel monthly to run ten generators, totaling about 8million Naira per month yet the University does not receive one kobo in subventions from the proprietor, Anglican Church. We forget that even in our homes do we always have light?
4. Do you know that the hostels, except one, do not belong to the University and that we remit the rent to the owners who do not maintain the facilities? We spend our own money to carry out repairs in hostels that do not belong to us. In this last semester we have spent about 5 million Naira to repair facilities including providing alternative water system, purchase 185 fans, sockets, toilets, nets, etc.
5. You parents decided that we should compel your children to observe daily library hours, which is one reason students are complaining. Be it known that in a three floor library in which we have invested over 30 Million Naira in recent accreditation exercise, you will hardly find five students reading there. They are all busy with their phones: browsing rubbish. They don’t read except a few serious ones who end up with good grades. Many end up in third class. Some hardly attend classes for up to a week yet they turn up for exams and are disallowed. They think that once they paid fees, they are entitled to be passed. Bad homes produce bad students.
6. Recently Deans reported that less than 10 students were found in their respective faculties during a period when more than 1,600 students should be in class. Your children are mostly unserious. They want to play around with opposite sex unchecked, they want to go to town to smoke hemp or prostitute. But we gated them and as a result the University is now well rebranded.
6. We decided to lock hostels during lecture periods in order to force them to go to class or library. But you parents protested asking for "freedom" that will eventually destroy the moral and academic lives of these children. You same parents who have your children elsewhere obey the more stringent rules at Covenant and Babcock Universities, etc and you want Anglican Church’s University to tolerate trash!
Based on your protest we have after one day’s trial, reopened the hostels at all hours and released your children to choose whether to study or sleep in hostel when they should be in classes. They now have freedom to choose whether to fail or pass. We shall henceforth not treat them, in your words, like "Secondary school students". Some of you will bear the consequences of your indiscretion. But we will not allow anyone teach us how to run our system.
7. Parents who find it difficult to abide by our rules and regulations are kindly advised to withdraw their children. We are not desperate to keep any student here. We will sanction hemp and drug users, those who bully others and want to behave like cultists and sexual perverts. Those who can’t train their children well will not be allowed to corrupt other children here.
8. May I advise that no parent should call me on phone on any matter concerning students henceforth. The Dean of students will attend to the public on complaints.
I wish you all the best and may you and your children do that which is right in the sight of God and for the future good of the coming generations. Amen.
Rt. Rev. Prof. Dapo Asaju,
Ajayi Crowther University
A Positive Teacher Is An Achiever
*What is the Pygmalion Effect?*
Abdul-Ganiyy Raji
This is a theory which says that higher expectations lead to an increase in performance. For instance, if you have a boss who believes in your ability, praises and rewards you, your performance will keep going up and you will be motivated.
This is also true of students. If their teachers believe they are brilliant and can learn anything, they tend to do better. Teachers' expectations shape their students' outcomes. Imagine how well students will do with a teacher who tells his or her students:
*You are smart*
*You can do it*
*I like your brain*
*You are intelligent*
*You learn fast.*
The opposite of the Pygmalion Effect is the Golem Effect, which also says that low expectations lead to a decrease in performance. Bosses who never believe in the ability of their workers will not only destroy their companies, but will also destroy the self-esteem and self-perception of their workers. It will not be long before the workers will begin to believe that they are truly not good.
Now let us contextualize this theory within the school system. Teachers who doubt their students. Teachers who have branded some students as students who can never learn anything in class. Teachers who have written off some sections of their students are only making self-fulfilling prophecies. This is because it will not be too long before those learners will begin to see themselves as their teachers see them. If you are in doubt about this theory, you just tell one of your children consistently that he or she is dull and weak, and tell another child of yours regularly that he or she is smart and brilliant. You will see a remarkable difference between them in terms of their school performances and their general attitude.
What do you say of teachers who use the words below regularly on their students?
*Stupid boy/girl*
*Dull boy*
*You will not amount to anything in life*
*You are not bright*
*No, this is not for someone of your little brain.*
*Taiwo is the only one who can do this in your class.*
You would agree with me that teachers who use the words above on their students should not be expected to produce excellent or "A" students, because they themselves have destroyed their students with their words.
*Dear teachers and parents,*
It is important we know that how we perceive our students and children and what we say to them can either make or break them. Please let's cultivate the habit of expecting the best of each of our learners and children. I know they do not learn at the same pace. I know some learn faster than others, but I also know that they are all unique and gifted in varying ways. I know each can learn and be better.
Please always think of the *Pygmalion* and *Golem* Effects in your school and at home.
Abdul-Ganiyy Raji
This is a theory which says that higher expectations lead to an increase in performance. For instance, if you have a boss who believes in your ability, praises and rewards you, your performance will keep going up and you will be motivated.
This is also true of students. If their teachers believe they are brilliant and can learn anything, they tend to do better. Teachers' expectations shape their students' outcomes. Imagine how well students will do with a teacher who tells his or her students:
*You are smart*
*You can do it*
*I like your brain*
*You are intelligent*
*You learn fast.*
The opposite of the Pygmalion Effect is the Golem Effect, which also says that low expectations lead to a decrease in performance. Bosses who never believe in the ability of their workers will not only destroy their companies, but will also destroy the self-esteem and self-perception of their workers. It will not be long before the workers will begin to believe that they are truly not good.
Now let us contextualize this theory within the school system. Teachers who doubt their students. Teachers who have branded some students as students who can never learn anything in class. Teachers who have written off some sections of their students are only making self-fulfilling prophecies. This is because it will not be too long before those learners will begin to see themselves as their teachers see them. If you are in doubt about this theory, you just tell one of your children consistently that he or she is dull and weak, and tell another child of yours regularly that he or she is smart and brilliant. You will see a remarkable difference between them in terms of their school performances and their general attitude.
What do you say of teachers who use the words below regularly on their students?
*Stupid boy/girl*
*Dull boy*
*You will not amount to anything in life*
*You are not bright*
*No, this is not for someone of your little brain.*
*Taiwo is the only one who can do this in your class.*
You would agree with me that teachers who use the words above on their students should not be expected to produce excellent or "A" students, because they themselves have destroyed their students with their words.
*Dear teachers and parents,*
It is important we know that how we perceive our students and children and what we say to them can either make or break them. Please let's cultivate the habit of expecting the best of each of our learners and children. I know they do not learn at the same pace. I know some learn faster than others, but I also know that they are all unique and gifted in varying ways. I know each can learn and be better.
Please always think of the *Pygmalion* and *Golem* Effects in your school and at home.
Friday, 29 March 2019
Police arrest teacher who allegedly forced Lagos schoolgirl to give oral sex for marks
The Lagos State Police Command has arrested a teacher at Fazir-I-Omar Senior High School in Iwaya, Yaba area of the state for allegedly forcing an 18-year-old pupil, Mary (not real name), to perform oral sex on him in return Speaking with our reporter on Friday, the spokesperson for the Lagos State Police Command, Mr. Bala Elkana, confirmed that the teacher has been arrested.
Elkana identified the suspect as one Akintunde Ajayi, who is 39 years old.
He said, “The teacher’s name is Akintunde Ajayi and he is 39.”
Continuing, Elkana said, “I must commend The PUNCH for the detailed report because the information provided therein has helped us.
“We moved into action when we read it and we have the said teacher in custody and we are making efforts to find out whether there are other victims in the school, apart from the girl that raised the alarm.”
Elkana added that the Police was working with other stakeholders to conduct in-depth investigations into the matter.
In the meantime, a non-governmental organisation which campaigns against sexual abuse and violence against women, Jewels Hive Initiative, has called on the Lagos State Ministry of Education, the Police and other authorities to ensure that justice prevails in Mary’s case.
JHI’s founder, Mrs. Oluwatoyin Falaiye, said the organisation has rehabilitated the victim and would provide further assistance to her and her family.
Falaiye also demanded the Lagos State Ministry of Education to re-enroll the victim in another school in the state for her to be healed of her trauma.
“We have ensured that the victim is getting some help and counsel. We have taken her to a safe place for counselling and therapy.
“She, her mother and siblings live in a dingy one-bedroomed apartment and we strongly feel that they are not safe, because she is already being shamed and stigmatised.
“We will do our best to raise some money to get them a befitting apartment and we demand that the Lagos State Government ensure that the victim is safely re-enrolled in another school and that her molester be made to face the full wrath of the law,” Falaiye said.
The Lagos State Police Command has arrested a teacher at Fazir-I-Omar Senior High School in Iwaya, Yaba area of the state for allegedly forcing an 18-year-old pupil, Mary (not real name), to perform oral sex on him in return Speaking with our reporter on Friday, the spokesperson for the Lagos State Police Command, Mr. Bala Elkana, confirmed that the teacher has been arrested.
Elkana identified the suspect as one Akintunde Ajayi, who is 39 years old.
He said, “The teacher’s name is Akintunde Ajayi and he is 39.”
Continuing, Elkana said, “I must commend The PUNCH for the detailed report because the information provided therein has helped us.
“We moved into action when we read it and we have the said teacher in custody and we are making efforts to find out whether there are other victims in the school, apart from the girl that raised the alarm.”
Elkana added that the Police was working with other stakeholders to conduct in-depth investigations into the matter.
In the meantime, a non-governmental organisation which campaigns against sexual abuse and violence against women, Jewels Hive Initiative, has called on the Lagos State Ministry of Education, the Police and other authorities to ensure that justice prevails in Mary’s case.
JHI’s founder, Mrs. Oluwatoyin Falaiye, said the organisation has rehabilitated the victim and would provide further assistance to her and her family.
Falaiye also demanded the Lagos State Ministry of Education to re-enroll the victim in another school in the state for her to be healed of her trauma.
“We have ensured that the victim is getting some help and counsel. We have taken her to a safe place for counselling and therapy.
“She, her mother and siblings live in a dingy one-bedroomed apartment and we strongly feel that they are not safe, because she is already being shamed and stigmatised.
“We will do our best to raise some money to get them a befitting apartment and we demand that the Lagos State Government ensure that the victim is safely re-enrolled in another school and that her molester be made to face the full wrath of the law,” Falaiye said.
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Lagos State Revised School Calendar 2019
Monday 29th April, 2019
April - May, 2019
First Half:
29th April - 7th June, 2019
Workers Day:
1st May, 2019
Children's Day:
27th May, 2019
May - June, 2019
Open Day (JSS & SSS):
3rd June, 2019
Mid-Term Break:
6th - 7th June, 2019
(Private Schools: To use their discretion)
Open Day (Primary):
13th June, 2019
Second Half:
10th June - 19th July, 2019
Placement Exam to Secondary Schools: July, 2019
Vacation: 22nd July - 13th September, 2019
Resumption for First Term 2019/2020: 16th September, 2019.
*Total Working Days:* 60 Days
Monday 29th April, 2019
April - May, 2019
First Half:
29th April - 7th June, 2019
Workers Day:
1st May, 2019
Children's Day:
27th May, 2019
May - June, 2019
Open Day (JSS & SSS):
3rd June, 2019
Mid-Term Break:
6th - 7th June, 2019
(Private Schools: To use their discretion)
Open Day (Primary):
13th June, 2019
Second Half:
10th June - 19th July, 2019
Placement Exam to Secondary Schools: July, 2019
Vacation: 22nd July - 13th September, 2019
Resumption for First Term 2019/2020: 16th September, 2019.
*Total Working Days:* 60 Days
Saturday, 23 March 2019
List Of Fake Universities In Nigeria
57 Fake Nigerian Universities in 2019 - Your Certificate Is Useless If You Attended Any Of These Schools!!!!
The National Universities Commission released a list of illegal degree awarding institutions operating in Nigeria. The list of these illegal universities in Nigeria was made available to the public in a NUC’s weekly bulletin. In the bulletin, the NUC warns that Certificates obtained from these illegal universities and colleges will not be recognized for the purpose of NYSC, employment and further studies. Below is a list of illegal universities in Nigeria by NUC this 2019.
1. University of Accountancy and Management Studies, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
2. Christians of Charity American University of Science and Technology Nkpor, Anambra State or any of its campuses.
3. University of Industry, Yaba, Lagos or any of its other campuses.
4. University of applied Sciences and Management Port Novo, Republic of Benin or any of its other campuses in Nigeria.
5. Blacksmith University, Awka or any of its campuses.
6. Volta University College, Ho, Volta Region, Ghana or any of its other campuses in Nigeria.
7. Royal University Izhia, P.O. Box 800, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State or any of its other campuses.
8. Atlanta University, Anyigba, Kogi State or any of its other campuses.
9. Sunday Adokpela University, Otada Adoka, Otukpo, Benue State or any of its other campuses.
10. United Christian University, Macotis Campus, Imo State or any of its other campuses.
11. United Nigeria University College, Okija, Anambra State or any of its other campuses.
12. Samuel Ahmadu University, Makurdi, Benue State or any of its other campuses.
13. UNESCO University, Ndoni, Rivers State or any of its other campuses.
14. Saint Augustine’s University of Technology, Jos Plateau State or any of its other campuses.
15. The International University, Missouri, USA, Kano and Lagos Study Centres, or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
16. Columbus University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
17. Tiu International University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
18. Pebbles University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
19. London External Studies UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
20. Pilgrims University operating anywhere in Nigeria
21. Lobi Business School Makurdi, Benue State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
22. West African Christian University operating anywhere in Nigeria.
23. Bolta University College Aba or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
24. JBC Seminary Inc. (Wukari Jubilee University) Kaduna Illegal Campus.
25. Westlan University, Esie, Kwara State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
26. St. Andrews University College, Abuja or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
27. EC- Council University, USA, Ikeja Lagos Study Centre.
28. Atlas University, Ikot Udoso Uko, Uyo Akwa Ibom State or any of its campuses in Nigeria. 29. Concept College/University (London) Ilorin or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
30. Halifax Gateway University, Ikeja or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
31. Kingdom of Christ University, Abuja or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
32. Acada University, Akinlalu, Oyo State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
33. Fifom University, Mbaise, Imo State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
34. Houdegbe North American University Campuses In Nigeria.
35. Atlantic International University, Okija, Anambra State.
36. Open International University, Akure.
37. Middle Belt University (North Central University), Otukpo.
38. Leadway University, Ughelli, Delta State.
39. Metro University, Dutse/Bwari, Abuja.
40. Southend University, Ngwuro Egeru (Afam) Ndoki, Rivers State.
41. Olympic University, Nsukka, Enugu State.
42. Federal College of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Abuja.
43. Temple University.
44. Irish University Business School London, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
45. National University of Technology, Lafia, Nasarawa State.
46. University of Accountability and Management Studies, Mowe, Lagos Ibadan Expressway and its Annex at 41, Ikorodu Road Lagos.
47. University of Education, Winneba Ghana, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
48. Cape Cost University, Ghana, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
49. African University Cooperative Development (AUCD), Cotonou, Benin Republic, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
50. Pacific Western University, Denver, Colorado, Owerri Study Centre.
51. Evangel University of America and Chudick Management Academic, Lagos.
52. Enugu State University of Science and Technology (Gboko Campus).
53. Career Light Resources Centre, Jos.
54. University of West Africa, Kwali-Abuja, FCT.
55. Coastal University, Iba-Oku, Akwa-Ibom State.
56. Kaduna Business School, Kaduna.
57. Royal University of Theology, Minna, Niger Delta.
The National Universities Commission released a list of illegal degree awarding institutions operating in Nigeria. The list of these illegal universities in Nigeria was made available to the public in a NUC’s weekly bulletin. In the bulletin, the NUC warns that Certificates obtained from these illegal universities and colleges will not be recognized for the purpose of NYSC, employment and further studies. Below is a list of illegal universities in Nigeria by NUC this 2019.
1. University of Accountancy and Management Studies, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
2. Christians of Charity American University of Science and Technology Nkpor, Anambra State or any of its campuses.
3. University of Industry, Yaba, Lagos or any of its other campuses.
4. University of applied Sciences and Management Port Novo, Republic of Benin or any of its other campuses in Nigeria.
5. Blacksmith University, Awka or any of its campuses.
6. Volta University College, Ho, Volta Region, Ghana or any of its other campuses in Nigeria.
7. Royal University Izhia, P.O. Box 800, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State or any of its other campuses.
8. Atlanta University, Anyigba, Kogi State or any of its other campuses.
9. Sunday Adokpela University, Otada Adoka, Otukpo, Benue State or any of its other campuses.
10. United Christian University, Macotis Campus, Imo State or any of its other campuses.
11. United Nigeria University College, Okija, Anambra State or any of its other campuses.
12. Samuel Ahmadu University, Makurdi, Benue State or any of its other campuses.
13. UNESCO University, Ndoni, Rivers State or any of its other campuses.
14. Saint Augustine’s University of Technology, Jos Plateau State or any of its other campuses.
15. The International University, Missouri, USA, Kano and Lagos Study Centres, or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
16. Columbus University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
17. Tiu International University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
18. Pebbles University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
19. London External Studies UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
20. Pilgrims University operating anywhere in Nigeria
21. Lobi Business School Makurdi, Benue State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
22. West African Christian University operating anywhere in Nigeria.
23. Bolta University College Aba or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
24. JBC Seminary Inc. (Wukari Jubilee University) Kaduna Illegal Campus.
25. Westlan University, Esie, Kwara State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
26. St. Andrews University College, Abuja or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
27. EC- Council University, USA, Ikeja Lagos Study Centre.
28. Atlas University, Ikot Udoso Uko, Uyo Akwa Ibom State or any of its campuses in Nigeria. 29. Concept College/University (London) Ilorin or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
30. Halifax Gateway University, Ikeja or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
31. Kingdom of Christ University, Abuja or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
32. Acada University, Akinlalu, Oyo State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
33. Fifom University, Mbaise, Imo State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
34. Houdegbe North American University Campuses In Nigeria.
35. Atlantic International University, Okija, Anambra State.
36. Open International University, Akure.
37. Middle Belt University (North Central University), Otukpo.
38. Leadway University, Ughelli, Delta State.
39. Metro University, Dutse/Bwari, Abuja.
40. Southend University, Ngwuro Egeru (Afam) Ndoki, Rivers State.
41. Olympic University, Nsukka, Enugu State.
42. Federal College of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Abuja.
43. Temple University.
44. Irish University Business School London, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
45. National University of Technology, Lafia, Nasarawa State.
46. University of Accountability and Management Studies, Mowe, Lagos Ibadan Expressway and its Annex at 41, Ikorodu Road Lagos.
47. University of Education, Winneba Ghana, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
48. Cape Cost University, Ghana, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
49. African University Cooperative Development (AUCD), Cotonou, Benin Republic, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
50. Pacific Western University, Denver, Colorado, Owerri Study Centre.
51. Evangel University of America and Chudick Management Academic, Lagos.
52. Enugu State University of Science and Technology (Gboko Campus).
53. Career Light Resources Centre, Jos.
54. University of West Africa, Kwali-Abuja, FCT.
55. Coastal University, Iba-Oku, Akwa-Ibom State.
56. Kaduna Business School, Kaduna.
57. Royal University of Theology, Minna, Niger Delta.
Thursday, 21 March 2019
The Polite Way
1. Instead of saying you are lying say THIS IS NOT TRUE
2. Instead of saying this post is fake say ARE YOU SURE OF THIS?
3. Instead of saying you are wrong say THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE
4. Instead of saying you will be punished say THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES TO THIS
5. Instead of saying I am talking and you are not paying attention say I WILL LIKE TO GET YOUR ATTENTION
6. Instead of saying I don't have your time say I WILL LIKE TO END THE CONVERSATION NOW
7. Instead of saying what you are saying does not make sense say IS THERE ANY OTHER OPTION THAN THIS?
8. Instead of saying what you are doing is bad say THIS BEHAVIOR IS INAPPROPRIATE
9.Instead of saying this child is a slow learner say THIS CHILD IS AN UPCOMING LEARNER
10. Instead of saying " get out from here" say PLEASE IT WILL BE APPRECIATED YOU LEAVE THIS PLACE.
1. Instead of saying you are lying say THIS IS NOT TRUE
2. Instead of saying this post is fake say ARE YOU SURE OF THIS?
3. Instead of saying you are wrong say THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE
4. Instead of saying you will be punished say THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES TO THIS
5. Instead of saying I am talking and you are not paying attention say I WILL LIKE TO GET YOUR ATTENTION
6. Instead of saying I don't have your time say I WILL LIKE TO END THE CONVERSATION NOW
7. Instead of saying what you are saying does not make sense say IS THERE ANY OTHER OPTION THAN THIS?
8. Instead of saying what you are doing is bad say THIS BEHAVIOR IS INAPPROPRIATE
9.Instead of saying this child is a slow learner say THIS CHILD IS AN UPCOMING LEARNER
10. Instead of saying " get out from here" say PLEASE IT WILL BE APPRECIATED YOU LEAVE THIS PLACE.
Tuesday, 19 March 2019
Newspaper Review Today
The Nation Newspaper
Drama as LASEMA, LASBCA disagree on collapsed building
EFCC fails to open trial in case against ex-SGF, Babachir Lawal, others
Family seeks N200m damages from UCH for ‘sharing Sugar’s photos’
Fayose: Court admits Obanikoro’s dead aide’s statement in evidence
Rivers accuses Army of shifting blames
Anxiety in Benue, Kano, Bauchi ahead of elections
Soldiers recall night of horror in Rivers
CBN eyes $10b revenue from palm oil
How we probed suspended CJN, by CCB investigator
Freight forwarders deplore port concession
Akwa Ibom: How underdog tag helped Emmanuel
Ibarapa agitates for Oyo Speaker
‘Sanwo-Olu will not disappoint Lagosians’
Group accuses Ebonyi APC governorship candidate of diverting campaign funds
Southern Kaduna community blasts El-Rufai for bias, arrest of leaders
AFCON Qualifier: Ighalo, Iwobi, Ajayi early birds in Eagles’ camp
Yobo to Gernot Rohr: Use Seychelles tie to test new legs
Real Betis fans shun defeat to hail rampaging Messi
Inter Milan slam £68million price tag on Mauro Icardi
Crotch-grabbing celebration: Ronaldo to face UEFA hammer
ICC U-19 Cricket World Africa Qualifier: Nigeria beats Namibia to continue good run
Freight forwarders deplore port concession
New CAC for Apapa port
Our results show exceptional financial health, says Zenith Bank
NB pioneers first solar powered brewery
‘Enterprises in fear of post-digitilisaton’
Tide against commercial motorcyclists, tricyclists
Punch News
Run-offs: APC, PDP woo voters with money, gifts, lobby other parties
Ogun APC warns banks against granting Amosun loans, overdrafts
CCT opens trial against Onnoghen, calls first witness
PDP, Atiku assemble 400 witnesses against Buhari’s victory
Gunmen kill garrison commander in Bauchi
Alleged money ritual victim not our worker – NOHIL
Success’ viral video: Delta suspends school head, sets up panel
Money is not for spending
Why I worked against Abiodun –Adebutu
My two remaining months, a long distance, says Amosun
Alleged withdrawals: Imo doesn’t have N17bn, Okorocha tells Ihedioha
Man kills brother-in-law over N30,000 debt in Ondo
Trader accuses LASG officials of extortion during demolition of distressed building
A challenging week of rubbles or rubble?
Rep-elect presents certificate of return to MC Oluomo
Fayose’s trial: Court admits Obanikoro dead aide’s statement
Alleged money ritual victim not our worker – NOHIL
Man kills brother-in-law over N30,000 debt in Ondo
Trader accuses LASG officials of extortion during demolition of distressed building
Six killed in Cross River cult, communal clashes
UNILAG gang rape: Change of counsel stalls trial
Court sentences man to death for robbing, shooting stepmother, stepsister
10 killed in Imo cult clash
Teenager loses sight in Oyo after alleged SARS torture
Four rescued from another Lagos building collapse
Why I worked against Abiodun –Adebutu
My two remaining months, a long distance, says Amosun
Court sacks Omo-Agege faction of Delta APC
Don’t cause crisis in Kano, group warns residents
Ajimobi, APC vow to reclaim Oyo from Makinde, PDP in 2023
PDP chief asks INEC to allow Atiku access to electoral materials
Money is not for spending
Five firms bid for Afam, Yola power companies
Textile industry: Emefiele faults LCCI position on forex restriction
FG recorded N977bn expenditure shortfall in 2017 — FRC
FG to redeem N139.6bn Treasury bills, bonds …as CBN auctions N48.6bn T-bills this week
Nigeria’s export to France, Spain, three others hit N2.286tn
Vanguard News
CCT TRIAL: My asset declaration forms tampered with – Onnoghen
JAMB to publish names of impersonators for past 10 years – Registrar
Inconclusive Polls : I am pursuing the legal angle – Bauchi Governo
PDP asks INEC to declare Tambuwal Sokoto gov-elect
IFRS 9 implementation burdens insurance firms
Onnoghen’s trial: FG filed charges before we concluded investigation – CCB official
Minimum wage: FG in dilemma over inadequate budgetary allocation
Rivers polls: INEC, Police betrayed us,says Nigerian Army
Breaking: Atiku asks tribunal to sack Buhari, declare him winner
2019 poll: Surprises, unanswered questions and the battle to come
INEC replies Atiku, PDP, says we are going to grant you access to election materials when …..
Our Next Target Is Job Creation For Niger Deltans — Dokubo Presidential Poll: Sack Buhari, Declare Me Winner, Atiku Tells Tribunal
Investors Need To Embrace New Opportunities –– Wabote
Nigeria, India: Consumers Dump Kerosene, Gas As High Prices Persist – Study
Building Collapse: Experts Call For Strict Enforcement Of National Building Code
Ondo’s Ministerial Slot: Mimiko Upsets Permutations Much Ado About Daniel’s Next Move
8 Hours Sleep Daily Essential For Brain Health — EXPERT Glaucoma: NMA Harps On Regular Eye Screening
Nigeria Showcases Advances In Food & Beverage At West Africa Trade Show
Mounting Concerns Over Nigeria’s Weak Disposable Income IBEDC Cuts Power To Ijeshaland Over Attack On Staff: Protesting Youths Attack Journalists In Ilesa
Court Adjourns NBA Prersident’s Trial Till April 17
FG Cuts Oil Output By 400,000 Bpd
Oil Exploration, Production, Others Gasp For $11trn Investment–- OPEC
Expert Links Treatment Failure To Fake Drugs
Ighalo, Iwobi, Ajayi Early Birds In Eagles’ Camp
Man Kills Brother-In-Law Over N30,000 Debt In Ondo
ALLEGED N2.2BN FRAUD: Court Admits Evidence Against Fayose
SDP NASS Candidate Drags INEC To Tribunal
Thisday News
Declare Me Winner, Atiku Tells Election Petition Tribunal
Onnoghen Accuses FG of Mutilating His Assets Declaration Forms
CBN Considers Single-digit Funding Support for Oil Palm Sector
Governorship Election: Army Rejects INEC’s Report on Rivers
Bauchi Gov to Challenge Cancellation of Rerun Polls in Court
BPE Receives Five Bids for Yola Disco, Afam Genco
Gunmen Kill Army Commander
Army Rejects INEC Report on Rivers, Reviews Joint Activities with Police
OPEC: Nigeria’s Bonny Light among Top Price Earners
FIRS Arraigns Companies, Three Others over Tax Evasion, Assault on Staff
Oladepo: Nigeria’s Regulatory Environment Fraught with Challenges
FIRS Arraigns Companies, Three Others over Tax Evasion, Assault on Staff
Oladepo: Nigeria’s Regulatory Environment Fraught with Challenges
Oladepo: Nigeria’s Regulatory Environment Fraught with Challenges
Firm to Support Solar Entrepreneurs
LCCI Faults Forex Ban on Textile Products
Samsung Has Transformed Nigeria into FPSO Construction Hub, Says NCDMB
Doorstep Dispatch Services Firm Unveiled.
Constituents Have Rights to Question, Correct Me, Says Senator Adeola
Bauchi APC Kicks against INEC’s Decision on Guber Election
Enugu Polls Fallout: Ugwuanyi Preaches Peace, Unity
Taking Stock of Itafaji Building Collapse
Decorating Champions of Open Government
Oba Saheed Elegushi, Akinsiku Settle Rift… Rock Olofa’s Father’s Burial
Austin Jay Jay Okocha Celebrates 21st Wedding Anniversary
Dennerby Calls 30 Home-based Players to Camp
NPFL: Bassey Dedicates Akwa Utd’s Victory over Heartland to Gov Udom
Odegha Surges into NNPC GMD’s Cup Lead
MFM, FC IfeanyiUbah Maintain Top Spots as Insurance Continues Free Fall
Enugu Rangers Crash Out of CAF Confederation Cup
Oshoala Scores as Barca Ladies Beat Atletico in Madrid
Sun News
EFCC clamps down on outgoing govs.
Gov to sue INEC over decision to resume collation of results in Bauchi.
…Party tasks soldiers on March 23 supplementary polls.
No certificate of return for Okorocha, INEC insists
Obi of Onitsha calls for revival of reading culture
Poll lapses: Blame card reader, not Buhari, group tells Obi
Election victory: Enugu workers congratulate Ugwuanyi
Obiano reviews 5-year governance
Trade Fair traders protest re-concession of complex
NAF boss makes case for qualitative education
Inconclusive polls: PDP chieftain tasks Buhari on neutrality
Building collapse: Lagos’ll experience urban renewal under my tenure –Sanwo-Olu
Reasons you should open savings account
WorldPay payments firm in $43bn sale to US rival
IBM says banks consider following JPMorgan into digital currency
Police kill woman during raid in Lagos
Gunmen kill Army garrison commander in Bauchi
Court sacks senator-elect, Omo-Agege, others
FG concessions 30mw Gurara hydropower plant
Sex offenders to undergo compulsory psychiatry test in Ekiti
Atiku, PDP file petition against Buhari’s victory
…Party tasks soldiers on March 23 supplementary polls
HIV prevalence: Akwa Ibom mulls law against deliberate infections
Alleged anti-party activities: APC suspends Airhiavbere in Edo
Rivers: Security threatens, intimidates electoral, collation officers
Confusion in Ikorodu, Lagos, as police kill girl during raid
Tension in Bauchi as gunmen kill Army Garrison Commander
Over 1,000 feared killed as Cyclone Idai hits Mozambique
Leadership News
Why Atiku Cannot Inspect Election Materials Now – INEC.
CBN Partners 11 States On Palm Oil Production
ICPC To Seize N4.8bn Properties From 30 Organisations INEC’s Somersault On Bauchi Gov’ship Poll
PDP Can’t Claim Victory In Bauchi Guber Polls
Acting CJN Replies NJC, Say’s Onnoghen Remains Substantive CJN
Kidney Disease, Why You Should Not Take Agbo
Nigeria Now Producing 8 Million Tons Of Rice Annually – RIFAN
Time For Politics Of Inclusion
ICC World Cup Qualifiers: Nigeria Wins Second Straight Match
Medals Galore As FSTC Dayi Holds 1st Inter-Athletic Competition
Super Eagles’ Camp Bubbles As Iwobi, Ighalo, Others Arrive Iris Smart Cricket League: Abuja Indians, Pakistanis Maintain Perfect Start
Olympic Eagles Storm Tunisia For Libya Clash
Ronaldo Charged For Simeone-style Celebration
The Senate Nigerians Desire, Going Forward
SEC: Dawn Of A New Era
PR In Post Digital Age: Implication For Practitioners
Daily Trust News
Registration infractions, exam fraud carry equal punishments – JAMB
Presidential poll: Atiku asks court to declare him winner.
Bauchi poll: Gov Abubakar meets Buhari, as INEC resumes collation today.
Onnoghen charged before investigation concluded, CCT told.
Shekarau, Mandiya, Ndume top lawmakers with highest votes
Onnoghen charged before investigation concluded, CCT told
Alleged fraud: Suspended SEC DG Gwarzo to know fate April 12
EFCC gets court’s nod to amend charge against Babachir Lawal
Fayose’s trial: Court admits dead man’s statement
NSCIA condemns New Zealand terrorist attacks
JUST IN: Boko Haram attacks Michika town in Adamawa
Money laundering: Court fixes April 17 for NBA president’s trial
Bauchi governorship election: APC tells INEC not to give undue advantage to PDP
APC seeks cancellation of C’River gov’ship poll
PDM heads to court over Bauchi gov’ship
Ighalo, Iwobi, others storm Eagles’ camp ahead Seychelles clash
Ogbeide proud despite Champions League exit
France 2019: Dennerby calls 30 home players to camp
BusinessSee More
CBN approves single digit interest loan for oil palm investors
Traders protest FG’s re-concession of Lagos Trade Fair complex
BPE confirms receipt of bids for Yola DiSco, Afam
FCT rerun polls: I will not rig to win elections, says Kuje chair
Group declares support for Kwali APC candidate
Ice Prince thrills Abuja fans at food expo
The CP in Kano: Man of the moment
Unleashed power of zero
A giant called Pius Adesanmi
Tribune News
No fresh building collapse in Lagos ' LASEMA, LABSCA
2019 elections: Makinde, Lagos Reps member-elect, picks INEC certificate of return, appreciates supporters
Sanwo-Olu visits Buhari, says we'll proffer solutions to Lagos problems without delay
Perform or I will sack you, Obiano warns political appointees
Yar'adua Foundation, 29 other firms to lose properties worth N4.8bn to FG ' ICPC
[UPDATE] Inconclusive elections: Again, Bauchi, Plateau govs storm Aso Rock
Imperative of sovereign national conference
Is the People's Bank coming back
Kajuru: When will the killings end
The Herald News
Trial of suspended CJN resumes at CCT
Death toll in Mozambique cyclone, floods could surpass 1,000 ' President
Court voids Ogboru's participation in Delta guber election
Why Oyo APC won't interfere in NASS elections ' Oke
Lagos Rep-elect, Dawodu presents his Certificate of Return to MC Oluomo
Imo state is too poor to have N17bn, Okorocha replies governor-elect
I have not joined APC ' Gbenga Daniel speaks out
Man, 27, remanded over alleged attempted murder
A Post 2019 General Election Discussion ' By Jerome-Mario Utomi
Daily Independent News
Nigerian Startups Record N38bn Investment In 2018
Zenith Bank Shareholders Approve N2.50k Per Share Dividend For 2018 Financial Year
Eze Ohazulike Urges Election Winners To Be Magnanimous In Victory
Obi Of Onitsha Calls For Revival Of Reading Culture
Postponement: APC Adopting Desperate Measures To Retain Power 'Moghalu
Air Peace Garners 44.7% Votes To Emerge Best Airline In Nigeria
Election: Don't Distract Ihedioha With Litigation, MASSOB Cautions Nwosu, Uzodinma, Others
Ighalo, Iwobi, Ajayi Early Eagles In Asaba
10km Electricity Project: Umuawo Ejemekwuru Cries Out For Help
Sahara Reporters News
BREAKING: Cries, Sporadic Gunshots, Explosions As Boko Haram 'Takes Over' Michika
BREAKING: Many Feared Dead As Another Building Collapses On Lagos Island
How Fumes From Newly-Bought Generator Killed Four Children In Bayelsa
Army Counters INEC, Says Wike's Security Aides Attacked Soldiers At Rivers Collation Centre
NSCIA Condemns Terrorist Attack On Mosques In New Zealand
Journalists Attacked With Cutlasses During Protest Against IBEDC's 'Crazy Bills' In Osun
Four Scavengers Retrieved Alive From Rubble Of Latest Lagos Building Collapse
Abuja Electricity Distribution Company Refuses To Remove Pole Resting Dangerously On A House
JUST IN: Atiku, PDP Currently Filing Petition Challenging Buhari's Victory At Court Of Appeal
Premium Times News
Putin outlaws fake news, disrespect against Russian state
Death toll in Mozambique cyclone, floods could surpass 1,000 ' President
What I'll do about building collapse in Lagos ' Sanwo-Olu
Drinking sugary beverages linked with early death ' Study
Boeing faces growing scrutiny in Ethiopian crash probe
Nigeria to prosecute parents who refuse to enrol children in school ' Minister
NUJ condemns attack on journalists in Osun
Nigeria baseball team set for Olympic qualifiers in Ghana
Pochettino: Man United built to win big things
Sources: United have no interest in Bale
Ospina thanks fans after release from hospital
Balotelli rubbishes Rashford t-shirt rumours
Ronaldo charged for Simeone-style celebration
Monchi explains Arsenal snub for Sevilla
Al-Araibi slams FFA's support of Sheikh Salman
Man City's road to the quadruple is clear
Inter shock Serie A, Solskjaer's test, Zidane wins
Messi goes interstellar with 'that' chip vs. Betis
Liverpool go top, but title may be beyond them
Transfer Talk: Varane wants shock Madrid exit
Liverpool continue their high-wire act, United need a break
Inter prove doubters wrong in thrilling Milan derby win
Milan derby a statement win for Spalletti and Inter
Messi 10/10 as Barca get revenge on Betis
Solskjaer must address Man United's loss of momentum
Mikel's absence is the elephant in the Super Eagles' room
Mourinho: Mbappe more valuable than Messi & Ronaldo
PFA criticise Sheikh Salman support
Casillas: Militao move fantastic for Real Madrid
Shaqiri out of Switzerland squad
Kluivert: I'd have liked to beat Real with Ajax
Alexander-Arnold: Liverpool a force to be reckoned with
Casillas: I'd love La Liga return
Transfer LIVE: Real to revive interest in Mane
Deschamps: Underrated Griezmann not fazed by Barca talk
Zlatan: Class of '92 just complain all the time
Van Dijk: Salah goals will come
Transfer LIVE: Man Utd alerted as Varane considers Madrid exit
NxGn: The Top 50 wonderkids in the world!
'Selfish and greedy' Salah slammed by Carragher
Better than Pogba! What ever happened to Ravel Morrison?
How Liverpool gem shone marking Salah in first training test
Ronaldo charged by UEFA over 'cojones' celebration
Pochettino: I haven't missed my chance to manage Real Madrid
Barca & 'genius' Messi favourites for UCL glory - Pochettino
Mertesacker offers unique insight into Arsenal academy
Drama as LASEMA, LASBCA disagree on collapsed building
EFCC fails to open trial in case against ex-SGF, Babachir Lawal, others
Family seeks N200m damages from UCH for ‘sharing Sugar’s photos’
Fayose: Court admits Obanikoro’s dead aide’s statement in evidence
Rivers accuses Army of shifting blames
Anxiety in Benue, Kano, Bauchi ahead of elections
Soldiers recall night of horror in Rivers
CBN eyes $10b revenue from palm oil
How we probed suspended CJN, by CCB investigator
Freight forwarders deplore port concession
Akwa Ibom: How underdog tag helped Emmanuel
Ibarapa agitates for Oyo Speaker
‘Sanwo-Olu will not disappoint Lagosians’
Group accuses Ebonyi APC governorship candidate of diverting campaign funds
Southern Kaduna community blasts El-Rufai for bias, arrest of leaders
AFCON Qualifier: Ighalo, Iwobi, Ajayi early birds in Eagles’ camp
Yobo to Gernot Rohr: Use Seychelles tie to test new legs
Real Betis fans shun defeat to hail rampaging Messi
Inter Milan slam £68million price tag on Mauro Icardi
Crotch-grabbing celebration: Ronaldo to face UEFA hammer
ICC U-19 Cricket World Africa Qualifier: Nigeria beats Namibia to continue good run
Freight forwarders deplore port concession
New CAC for Apapa port
Our results show exceptional financial health, says Zenith Bank
NB pioneers first solar powered brewery
‘Enterprises in fear of post-digitilisaton’
Tide against commercial motorcyclists, tricyclists
Punch News
Run-offs: APC, PDP woo voters with money, gifts, lobby other parties
Ogun APC warns banks against granting Amosun loans, overdrafts
CCT opens trial against Onnoghen, calls first witness
PDP, Atiku assemble 400 witnesses against Buhari’s victory
Gunmen kill garrison commander in Bauchi
Alleged money ritual victim not our worker – NOHIL
Success’ viral video: Delta suspends school head, sets up panel
Money is not for spending
Why I worked against Abiodun –Adebutu
My two remaining months, a long distance, says Amosun
Alleged withdrawals: Imo doesn’t have N17bn, Okorocha tells Ihedioha
Man kills brother-in-law over N30,000 debt in Ondo
Trader accuses LASG officials of extortion during demolition of distressed building
A challenging week of rubbles or rubble?
Rep-elect presents certificate of return to MC Oluomo
Fayose’s trial: Court admits Obanikoro dead aide’s statement
Alleged money ritual victim not our worker – NOHIL
Man kills brother-in-law over N30,000 debt in Ondo
Trader accuses LASG officials of extortion during demolition of distressed building
Six killed in Cross River cult, communal clashes
UNILAG gang rape: Change of counsel stalls trial
Court sentences man to death for robbing, shooting stepmother, stepsister
10 killed in Imo cult clash
Teenager loses sight in Oyo after alleged SARS torture
Four rescued from another Lagos building collapse
Why I worked against Abiodun –Adebutu
My two remaining months, a long distance, says Amosun
Court sacks Omo-Agege faction of Delta APC
Don’t cause crisis in Kano, group warns residents
Ajimobi, APC vow to reclaim Oyo from Makinde, PDP in 2023
PDP chief asks INEC to allow Atiku access to electoral materials
Money is not for spending
Five firms bid for Afam, Yola power companies
Textile industry: Emefiele faults LCCI position on forex restriction
FG recorded N977bn expenditure shortfall in 2017 — FRC
FG to redeem N139.6bn Treasury bills, bonds …as CBN auctions N48.6bn T-bills this week
Nigeria’s export to France, Spain, three others hit N2.286tn
Vanguard News
CCT TRIAL: My asset declaration forms tampered with – Onnoghen
JAMB to publish names of impersonators for past 10 years – Registrar
Inconclusive Polls : I am pursuing the legal angle – Bauchi Governo
PDP asks INEC to declare Tambuwal Sokoto gov-elect
IFRS 9 implementation burdens insurance firms
Onnoghen’s trial: FG filed charges before we concluded investigation – CCB official
Minimum wage: FG in dilemma over inadequate budgetary allocation
Rivers polls: INEC, Police betrayed us,says Nigerian Army
Breaking: Atiku asks tribunal to sack Buhari, declare him winner
2019 poll: Surprises, unanswered questions and the battle to come
INEC replies Atiku, PDP, says we are going to grant you access to election materials when …..
Our Next Target Is Job Creation For Niger Deltans — Dokubo Presidential Poll: Sack Buhari, Declare Me Winner, Atiku Tells Tribunal
Investors Need To Embrace New Opportunities –– Wabote
Nigeria, India: Consumers Dump Kerosene, Gas As High Prices Persist – Study
Building Collapse: Experts Call For Strict Enforcement Of National Building Code
Ondo’s Ministerial Slot: Mimiko Upsets Permutations Much Ado About Daniel’s Next Move
8 Hours Sleep Daily Essential For Brain Health — EXPERT Glaucoma: NMA Harps On Regular Eye Screening
Nigeria Showcases Advances In Food & Beverage At West Africa Trade Show
Mounting Concerns Over Nigeria’s Weak Disposable Income IBEDC Cuts Power To Ijeshaland Over Attack On Staff: Protesting Youths Attack Journalists In Ilesa
Court Adjourns NBA Prersident’s Trial Till April 17
FG Cuts Oil Output By 400,000 Bpd
Oil Exploration, Production, Others Gasp For $11trn Investment–- OPEC
Expert Links Treatment Failure To Fake Drugs
Ighalo, Iwobi, Ajayi Early Birds In Eagles’ Camp
Man Kills Brother-In-Law Over N30,000 Debt In Ondo
ALLEGED N2.2BN FRAUD: Court Admits Evidence Against Fayose
SDP NASS Candidate Drags INEC To Tribunal
Thisday News
Declare Me Winner, Atiku Tells Election Petition Tribunal
Onnoghen Accuses FG of Mutilating His Assets Declaration Forms
CBN Considers Single-digit Funding Support for Oil Palm Sector
Governorship Election: Army Rejects INEC’s Report on Rivers
Bauchi Gov to Challenge Cancellation of Rerun Polls in Court
BPE Receives Five Bids for Yola Disco, Afam Genco
Gunmen Kill Army Commander
Army Rejects INEC Report on Rivers, Reviews Joint Activities with Police
OPEC: Nigeria’s Bonny Light among Top Price Earners
FIRS Arraigns Companies, Three Others over Tax Evasion, Assault on Staff
Oladepo: Nigeria’s Regulatory Environment Fraught with Challenges
FIRS Arraigns Companies, Three Others over Tax Evasion, Assault on Staff
Oladepo: Nigeria’s Regulatory Environment Fraught with Challenges
Oladepo: Nigeria’s Regulatory Environment Fraught with Challenges
Firm to Support Solar Entrepreneurs
LCCI Faults Forex Ban on Textile Products
Samsung Has Transformed Nigeria into FPSO Construction Hub, Says NCDMB
Doorstep Dispatch Services Firm Unveiled.
Constituents Have Rights to Question, Correct Me, Says Senator Adeola
Bauchi APC Kicks against INEC’s Decision on Guber Election
Enugu Polls Fallout: Ugwuanyi Preaches Peace, Unity
Taking Stock of Itafaji Building Collapse
Decorating Champions of Open Government
Oba Saheed Elegushi, Akinsiku Settle Rift… Rock Olofa’s Father’s Burial
Austin Jay Jay Okocha Celebrates 21st Wedding Anniversary
Dennerby Calls 30 Home-based Players to Camp
NPFL: Bassey Dedicates Akwa Utd’s Victory over Heartland to Gov Udom
Odegha Surges into NNPC GMD’s Cup Lead
MFM, FC IfeanyiUbah Maintain Top Spots as Insurance Continues Free Fall
Enugu Rangers Crash Out of CAF Confederation Cup
Oshoala Scores as Barca Ladies Beat Atletico in Madrid
Sun News
EFCC clamps down on outgoing govs.
Gov to sue INEC over decision to resume collation of results in Bauchi.
…Party tasks soldiers on March 23 supplementary polls.
No certificate of return for Okorocha, INEC insists
Obi of Onitsha calls for revival of reading culture
Poll lapses: Blame card reader, not Buhari, group tells Obi
Election victory: Enugu workers congratulate Ugwuanyi
Obiano reviews 5-year governance
Trade Fair traders protest re-concession of complex
NAF boss makes case for qualitative education
Inconclusive polls: PDP chieftain tasks Buhari on neutrality
Building collapse: Lagos’ll experience urban renewal under my tenure –Sanwo-Olu
Reasons you should open savings account
WorldPay payments firm in $43bn sale to US rival
IBM says banks consider following JPMorgan into digital currency
Police kill woman during raid in Lagos
Gunmen kill Army garrison commander in Bauchi
Court sacks senator-elect, Omo-Agege, others
FG concessions 30mw Gurara hydropower plant
Sex offenders to undergo compulsory psychiatry test in Ekiti
Atiku, PDP file petition against Buhari’s victory
…Party tasks soldiers on March 23 supplementary polls
HIV prevalence: Akwa Ibom mulls law against deliberate infections
Alleged anti-party activities: APC suspends Airhiavbere in Edo
Rivers: Security threatens, intimidates electoral, collation officers
Confusion in Ikorodu, Lagos, as police kill girl during raid
Tension in Bauchi as gunmen kill Army Garrison Commander
Over 1,000 feared killed as Cyclone Idai hits Mozambique
Leadership News
Why Atiku Cannot Inspect Election Materials Now – INEC.
CBN Partners 11 States On Palm Oil Production
ICPC To Seize N4.8bn Properties From 30 Organisations INEC’s Somersault On Bauchi Gov’ship Poll
PDP Can’t Claim Victory In Bauchi Guber Polls
Acting CJN Replies NJC, Say’s Onnoghen Remains Substantive CJN
Kidney Disease, Why You Should Not Take Agbo
Nigeria Now Producing 8 Million Tons Of Rice Annually – RIFAN
Time For Politics Of Inclusion
ICC World Cup Qualifiers: Nigeria Wins Second Straight Match
Medals Galore As FSTC Dayi Holds 1st Inter-Athletic Competition
Super Eagles’ Camp Bubbles As Iwobi, Ighalo, Others Arrive Iris Smart Cricket League: Abuja Indians, Pakistanis Maintain Perfect Start
Olympic Eagles Storm Tunisia For Libya Clash
Ronaldo Charged For Simeone-style Celebration
The Senate Nigerians Desire, Going Forward
SEC: Dawn Of A New Era
PR In Post Digital Age: Implication For Practitioners
Daily Trust News
Registration infractions, exam fraud carry equal punishments – JAMB
Presidential poll: Atiku asks court to declare him winner.
Bauchi poll: Gov Abubakar meets Buhari, as INEC resumes collation today.
Onnoghen charged before investigation concluded, CCT told.
Shekarau, Mandiya, Ndume top lawmakers with highest votes
Onnoghen charged before investigation concluded, CCT told
Alleged fraud: Suspended SEC DG Gwarzo to know fate April 12
EFCC gets court’s nod to amend charge against Babachir Lawal
Fayose’s trial: Court admits dead man’s statement
NSCIA condemns New Zealand terrorist attacks
JUST IN: Boko Haram attacks Michika town in Adamawa
Money laundering: Court fixes April 17 for NBA president’s trial
Bauchi governorship election: APC tells INEC not to give undue advantage to PDP
APC seeks cancellation of C’River gov’ship poll
PDM heads to court over Bauchi gov’ship
Ighalo, Iwobi, others storm Eagles’ camp ahead Seychelles clash
Ogbeide proud despite Champions League exit
France 2019: Dennerby calls 30 home players to camp
BusinessSee More
CBN approves single digit interest loan for oil palm investors
Traders protest FG’s re-concession of Lagos Trade Fair complex
BPE confirms receipt of bids for Yola DiSco, Afam
FCT rerun polls: I will not rig to win elections, says Kuje chair
Group declares support for Kwali APC candidate
Ice Prince thrills Abuja fans at food expo
The CP in Kano: Man of the moment
Unleashed power of zero
A giant called Pius Adesanmi
Tribune News
No fresh building collapse in Lagos ' LASEMA, LABSCA
2019 elections: Makinde, Lagos Reps member-elect, picks INEC certificate of return, appreciates supporters
Sanwo-Olu visits Buhari, says we'll proffer solutions to Lagos problems without delay
Perform or I will sack you, Obiano warns political appointees
Yar'adua Foundation, 29 other firms to lose properties worth N4.8bn to FG ' ICPC
[UPDATE] Inconclusive elections: Again, Bauchi, Plateau govs storm Aso Rock
Imperative of sovereign national conference
Is the People's Bank coming back
Kajuru: When will the killings end
The Herald News
Trial of suspended CJN resumes at CCT
Death toll in Mozambique cyclone, floods could surpass 1,000 ' President
Court voids Ogboru's participation in Delta guber election
Why Oyo APC won't interfere in NASS elections ' Oke
Lagos Rep-elect, Dawodu presents his Certificate of Return to MC Oluomo
Imo state is too poor to have N17bn, Okorocha replies governor-elect
I have not joined APC ' Gbenga Daniel speaks out
Man, 27, remanded over alleged attempted murder
A Post 2019 General Election Discussion ' By Jerome-Mario Utomi
Daily Independent News
Nigerian Startups Record N38bn Investment In 2018
Zenith Bank Shareholders Approve N2.50k Per Share Dividend For 2018 Financial Year
Eze Ohazulike Urges Election Winners To Be Magnanimous In Victory
Obi Of Onitsha Calls For Revival Of Reading Culture
Postponement: APC Adopting Desperate Measures To Retain Power 'Moghalu
Air Peace Garners 44.7% Votes To Emerge Best Airline In Nigeria
Election: Don't Distract Ihedioha With Litigation, MASSOB Cautions Nwosu, Uzodinma, Others
Ighalo, Iwobi, Ajayi Early Eagles In Asaba
10km Electricity Project: Umuawo Ejemekwuru Cries Out For Help
Sahara Reporters News
BREAKING: Cries, Sporadic Gunshots, Explosions As Boko Haram 'Takes Over' Michika
BREAKING: Many Feared Dead As Another Building Collapses On Lagos Island
How Fumes From Newly-Bought Generator Killed Four Children In Bayelsa
Army Counters INEC, Says Wike's Security Aides Attacked Soldiers At Rivers Collation Centre
NSCIA Condemns Terrorist Attack On Mosques In New Zealand
Journalists Attacked With Cutlasses During Protest Against IBEDC's 'Crazy Bills' In Osun
Four Scavengers Retrieved Alive From Rubble Of Latest Lagos Building Collapse
Abuja Electricity Distribution Company Refuses To Remove Pole Resting Dangerously On A House
JUST IN: Atiku, PDP Currently Filing Petition Challenging Buhari's Victory At Court Of Appeal
Premium Times News
Putin outlaws fake news, disrespect against Russian state
Death toll in Mozambique cyclone, floods could surpass 1,000 ' President
What I'll do about building collapse in Lagos ' Sanwo-Olu
Drinking sugary beverages linked with early death ' Study
Boeing faces growing scrutiny in Ethiopian crash probe
Nigeria to prosecute parents who refuse to enrol children in school ' Minister
NUJ condemns attack on journalists in Osun
Nigeria baseball team set for Olympic qualifiers in Ghana
Pochettino: Man United built to win big things
Sources: United have no interest in Bale
Ospina thanks fans after release from hospital
Balotelli rubbishes Rashford t-shirt rumours
Ronaldo charged for Simeone-style celebration
Monchi explains Arsenal snub for Sevilla
Al-Araibi slams FFA's support of Sheikh Salman
Man City's road to the quadruple is clear
Inter shock Serie A, Solskjaer's test, Zidane wins
Messi goes interstellar with 'that' chip vs. Betis
Liverpool go top, but title may be beyond them
Transfer Talk: Varane wants shock Madrid exit
Liverpool continue their high-wire act, United need a break
Inter prove doubters wrong in thrilling Milan derby win
Milan derby a statement win for Spalletti and Inter
Messi 10/10 as Barca get revenge on Betis
Solskjaer must address Man United's loss of momentum
Mikel's absence is the elephant in the Super Eagles' room
Mourinho: Mbappe more valuable than Messi & Ronaldo
PFA criticise Sheikh Salman support
Casillas: Militao move fantastic for Real Madrid
Shaqiri out of Switzerland squad
Kluivert: I'd have liked to beat Real with Ajax
Alexander-Arnold: Liverpool a force to be reckoned with
Casillas: I'd love La Liga return
Transfer LIVE: Real to revive interest in Mane
Deschamps: Underrated Griezmann not fazed by Barca talk
Zlatan: Class of '92 just complain all the time
Van Dijk: Salah goals will come
Transfer LIVE: Man Utd alerted as Varane considers Madrid exit
NxGn: The Top 50 wonderkids in the world!
'Selfish and greedy' Salah slammed by Carragher
Better than Pogba! What ever happened to Ravel Morrison?
How Liverpool gem shone marking Salah in first training test
Ronaldo charged by UEFA over 'cojones' celebration
Pochettino: I haven't missed my chance to manage Real Madrid
Barca & 'genius' Messi favourites for UCL glory - Pochettino
Mertesacker offers unique insight into Arsenal academy
Saturday, 16 March 2019
Niigeto Newspaper Review Today
*Good morning friends Here are the things you need to know on today's NEWSPAPERS HEADLINES*
*MARCH 16, 2019*
The Guardian
*Thank God I came out of the rubble alive, says survivor
*Ita-Faaji: Mixed reactions from residents as Lagos begins demolition of distressed buildings
*Kidnappers release mother-in-law to Katsina governor —police
*Aide confirms suspected drug trafficker was on Sanwo-Olu campaign team
*Edith Onwuchekwa: Despite challenges women can still break several glass ceilings
*49 dead in New Zealand mosque shootings
*‘Collation of results major weak point in election management, administration’
*Death toll now 20 in Lagos building collapse
*Amaechi awaits FEC approval for $8billion Ibadan-Kano project
*How APC won Zamfara elections in 24 hours, Gov. Yari explains
*Buhari surpasses other presidents on assent to bills, say Enang
*To curb all electoral malfeasance, electronic voting is the answer, says Awodiya
*My victory calls for more sacrifice, says Udom Emmanuel
*Group urges Ihedioha to emulate development strides of Ugwuanyi of Enugu
*BusinessNaira gains against dollar at investors window
*Tokyo shares close higher on weak yen
*Nigeria, India explore new investment areas to improve $12b yearly ties
*I Was Tortured to Implicate Bukola Saraki, Says Offa Robbery Suspect
*Shila Boys on Rampage, Kill 3 in Yola
*Elections: Buratai Inaugurates Panel to Probe Misconduct by Soldiers
*PDP Warns INEC against Tampering with Declared Results in Bauchi
*Lagos Confirms 20 Killed in Collapsed School Building, 45 Rescued
*S’Court Affirms Interim Forfeiture of N2.4bn Linked to Patience Jonathan
*Elections: Remain Calm, Our Victory Will be Sweet, Wike Tells Rivers People
*Presidency Won’t Interfere in Election of 9th NASS Leadership, Says Enang
*PDP Alleges Withdrawals of over N17bn by Gov Okorocha in 3 Days
*Nigeria Records 93 Deaths from Lassa Fever in 2019
*PDP Wins 17, APC 4 Assembly Seats in Bayelsa
*IPAC Condemns Criticism of A’ Ibom REC by Opposition, Says Elections Peaceful
*Carleton University Launches Memorial Fund for Pius Adesanmi
*Biodun Stephen: I’m an Accidental Cinema Filmmaker
*9th National Assembly: APC, lawmakers may clash over leadership zoning
*Gov poll: Observers fault El-Rufai’s victory
*Rivers poll: Our victory will be sweet, says Wike
*Protesters block INEC office, want senatorial poll results announced
*Outgoing govs: EFCC monitors bank accounts of state governments
*Scores trapped as three-strorey building collapses in Ibadan
*Writer demands N45m compensation from publishing firm over manuscript
*Oil prices rise to multi-month highs
*We’ll challenge almost all governorship poll results at tribunal –PDP
*The death of our loved ones has brought darkness into our lives – Parents, relatives of victims of Lagos building collapse
*Ex-APC chief alleges threat to life by military
*Kidnapper threatens policeman for rescuing naval officer, others
*Gov poll: Hoodlums invade Nasarawa community, destroy property
*I’m scared of my children’s future in Nigeria –Kemi Afolabi
*Our victory miraculous, says Ogun APC
*Okrika, Ogu/Bolo women strip, form human shield to stop soldiers hijacking ballots
*Offa robbery case: How Police asked me to implicate Saraki – Suspect
*Buhari poorer than in 2015, says Osinbajo
*Amaechi apologises to Nigerians over suspension of free Iju-Abeokuta train ride
*9th Senate: Buhari will not interfere in the emergence of leadership– Presidency
*Senate Presidency: Intense Lobby, nocturnal meetings of APC serving
senators, senators – elect
*Another three-storey building collapses in Ibadan, many trapped
*Benue guber: reenactment of PDP/APC rivalry
*Obafemi Martins: Nigeria’s most travelled footballer
*Mikel’s continuous absence keeps Rohr, NFF on tenterhooks
*Nigerian Sport-women deserve some accolades
*Lagos building collapse: Ambode pulls down four buildings, 77 others for immediate demolition
*The setback in deferred motherhood
*Guber rerun: APC walks a tight rope in Kano
*Why Governors must cooperate with Buhari – NGF Chair
*Separation: Between Iyanya and Ubi Franklin, who’s saying the truth?
*Aftermath of Ethiopia crash : Don’t take delivery of Boeing 737 MAX, Air travelers warn Nigerian airlines
*Guardiola excels at assembling systems — Ronaldo tears them apart
*Victor AD shares grass to grace story
The Sun
*INEC decides on Bauchi, Rivers guber polls
*School building collapse: Tears, agony as lagos releases corpses of 20 pupils, others for burial
*Rivers APC crisis: Amaechi, Magnus Abe fight dirty over Buhari
*6 policemen detained over burnt INEC centres in Ebonyi
*Catholic Bishops fault outcome of 2019 polls
*Kajuru attacks displace 3,000 people –LG boss
*Patience Jonathan to forfeit another N2. 4bn, Supreme Court rules
*School building collapse: 20 pupils, others brought in dead to hospital –Lagos Govt
*Building collapse: CDHR calls for coroner inquest
*Chinese Embassy donates N10m ICT hub to Femi Adesina’s alma mater
*Guber poll: PDP cautions INEC against cancelling more results in Bauchi
*Okorocha, Ihedioha fight over Imo treasury
*Guber poll: UPP, Nsukka people congratulate Ugwuanyi
*Hide your face in shame, Uzodinma tells Okorocha
*FG reads riot act to MDAs over non-migration to IPPIS
*Boeing unveils world’s longest passenger jet
Daily Independent
*Bauchi Guber Poll: INEC To Recommence Collation Of Disrupted Tafawa Balewa...
*Rivers Guber Poll: INEC Fixes Wednesday 20th For Completion Of Polls in Six LGAS
*Lagos Declares 20 Dead, 45 Survivors
*New Zealand Terrorist Attack: 49 Dead, 20 Injured
*Another Collapsed Building Claims Dozens In Ibadan
*Ohaneze Ndigbo Condoles With Ambode, Families of Victims
*Election: Protest In London Over Alleged $1million Bribe To UK Officials.
*40 Killed, 20 Wounded In New Zealand Mosque Shooting
*May To Hold Vote On No-Deal Brexit
*I Have Apathy For Classroom Learning – Efemuaye
*EMMACO GENERAL is greeting you 🙌*
*MARCH 16, 2019*
The Guardian
*Thank God I came out of the rubble alive, says survivor
*Ita-Faaji: Mixed reactions from residents as Lagos begins demolition of distressed buildings
*Kidnappers release mother-in-law to Katsina governor —police
*Aide confirms suspected drug trafficker was on Sanwo-Olu campaign team
*Edith Onwuchekwa: Despite challenges women can still break several glass ceilings
*49 dead in New Zealand mosque shootings
*‘Collation of results major weak point in election management, administration’
*Death toll now 20 in Lagos building collapse
*Amaechi awaits FEC approval for $8billion Ibadan-Kano project
*How APC won Zamfara elections in 24 hours, Gov. Yari explains
*Buhari surpasses other presidents on assent to bills, say Enang
*To curb all electoral malfeasance, electronic voting is the answer, says Awodiya
*My victory calls for more sacrifice, says Udom Emmanuel
*Group urges Ihedioha to emulate development strides of Ugwuanyi of Enugu
*BusinessNaira gains against dollar at investors window
*Tokyo shares close higher on weak yen
*Nigeria, India explore new investment areas to improve $12b yearly ties
*I Was Tortured to Implicate Bukola Saraki, Says Offa Robbery Suspect
*Shila Boys on Rampage, Kill 3 in Yola
*Elections: Buratai Inaugurates Panel to Probe Misconduct by Soldiers
*PDP Warns INEC against Tampering with Declared Results in Bauchi
*Lagos Confirms 20 Killed in Collapsed School Building, 45 Rescued
*S’Court Affirms Interim Forfeiture of N2.4bn Linked to Patience Jonathan
*Elections: Remain Calm, Our Victory Will be Sweet, Wike Tells Rivers People
*Presidency Won’t Interfere in Election of 9th NASS Leadership, Says Enang
*PDP Alleges Withdrawals of over N17bn by Gov Okorocha in 3 Days
*Nigeria Records 93 Deaths from Lassa Fever in 2019
*PDP Wins 17, APC 4 Assembly Seats in Bayelsa
*IPAC Condemns Criticism of A’ Ibom REC by Opposition, Says Elections Peaceful
*Carleton University Launches Memorial Fund for Pius Adesanmi
*Biodun Stephen: I’m an Accidental Cinema Filmmaker
*9th National Assembly: APC, lawmakers may clash over leadership zoning
*Gov poll: Observers fault El-Rufai’s victory
*Rivers poll: Our victory will be sweet, says Wike
*Protesters block INEC office, want senatorial poll results announced
*Outgoing govs: EFCC monitors bank accounts of state governments
*Scores trapped as three-strorey building collapses in Ibadan
*Writer demands N45m compensation from publishing firm over manuscript
*Oil prices rise to multi-month highs
*We’ll challenge almost all governorship poll results at tribunal –PDP
*The death of our loved ones has brought darkness into our lives – Parents, relatives of victims of Lagos building collapse
*Ex-APC chief alleges threat to life by military
*Kidnapper threatens policeman for rescuing naval officer, others
*Gov poll: Hoodlums invade Nasarawa community, destroy property
*I’m scared of my children’s future in Nigeria –Kemi Afolabi
*Our victory miraculous, says Ogun APC
*Okrika, Ogu/Bolo women strip, form human shield to stop soldiers hijacking ballots
*Offa robbery case: How Police asked me to implicate Saraki – Suspect
*Buhari poorer than in 2015, says Osinbajo
*Amaechi apologises to Nigerians over suspension of free Iju-Abeokuta train ride
*9th Senate: Buhari will not interfere in the emergence of leadership– Presidency
*Senate Presidency: Intense Lobby, nocturnal meetings of APC serving
senators, senators – elect
*Another three-storey building collapses in Ibadan, many trapped
*Benue guber: reenactment of PDP/APC rivalry
*Obafemi Martins: Nigeria’s most travelled footballer
*Mikel’s continuous absence keeps Rohr, NFF on tenterhooks
*Nigerian Sport-women deserve some accolades
*Lagos building collapse: Ambode pulls down four buildings, 77 others for immediate demolition
*The setback in deferred motherhood
*Guber rerun: APC walks a tight rope in Kano
*Why Governors must cooperate with Buhari – NGF Chair
*Separation: Between Iyanya and Ubi Franklin, who’s saying the truth?
*Aftermath of Ethiopia crash : Don’t take delivery of Boeing 737 MAX, Air travelers warn Nigerian airlines
*Guardiola excels at assembling systems — Ronaldo tears them apart
*Victor AD shares grass to grace story
The Sun
*INEC decides on Bauchi, Rivers guber polls
*School building collapse: Tears, agony as lagos releases corpses of 20 pupils, others for burial
*Rivers APC crisis: Amaechi, Magnus Abe fight dirty over Buhari
*6 policemen detained over burnt INEC centres in Ebonyi
*Catholic Bishops fault outcome of 2019 polls
*Kajuru attacks displace 3,000 people –LG boss
*Patience Jonathan to forfeit another N2. 4bn, Supreme Court rules
*School building collapse: 20 pupils, others brought in dead to hospital –Lagos Govt
*Building collapse: CDHR calls for coroner inquest
*Chinese Embassy donates N10m ICT hub to Femi Adesina’s alma mater
*Guber poll: PDP cautions INEC against cancelling more results in Bauchi
*Okorocha, Ihedioha fight over Imo treasury
*Guber poll: UPP, Nsukka people congratulate Ugwuanyi
*Hide your face in shame, Uzodinma tells Okorocha
*FG reads riot act to MDAs over non-migration to IPPIS
*Boeing unveils world’s longest passenger jet
Daily Independent
*Bauchi Guber Poll: INEC To Recommence Collation Of Disrupted Tafawa Balewa...
*Rivers Guber Poll: INEC Fixes Wednesday 20th For Completion Of Polls in Six LGAS
*Lagos Declares 20 Dead, 45 Survivors
*New Zealand Terrorist Attack: 49 Dead, 20 Injured
*Another Collapsed Building Claims Dozens In Ibadan
*Ohaneze Ndigbo Condoles With Ambode, Families of Victims
*Election: Protest In London Over Alleged $1million Bribe To UK Officials.
*40 Killed, 20 Wounded In New Zealand Mosque Shooting
*May To Hold Vote On No-Deal Brexit
*I Have Apathy For Classroom Learning – Efemuaye
*EMMACO GENERAL is greeting you 🙌*
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
The Don't For Teachers
10 great Don’ts for teachers.
1.Don’t send a student away from your class during lesson as a result of bad behaviour. You cannot account for what the child is doing outside and this gonna work against you if a major incident happens.
2.Don’t touch a child physically especially in sec schools.If the child claims you touched his/her private parts, you cannot deny it.
3.Don’t give assignment you know you won’t have time to mark. Unmarked assignments in your students’ notes show that you are incompetent and unprofessional.
4.Don’t use your school internet to send private and confidential emails. They can be tracked by school management ICT dept.
5. Don’t just teach only within the periods given to you if you are preparing students (SS3 and JS3) for external examinations. Create more contact time for your students.
6.Don’t stay with a student alone in a class , lab, office etc. Child protection policy forbids it. Avoid “one corner” teaching.
7.Don’t ask a child to kneel down for too long a time. He or she might have had kneel surgery or serious dislocation which you do not know hitherto.
8. Don’t conspire against your line manager(HOD,Academic heads et al)
9. Don't be a difficult looking educator, neither should u transfer aggression on any learner, pocket ur personal problem and always be full of live!
10.Don’t treat students unequally.There should be nothing like your favourite students. Every child matters.
1.Don’t send a student away from your class during lesson as a result of bad behaviour. You cannot account for what the child is doing outside and this gonna work against you if a major incident happens.
2.Don’t touch a child physically especially in sec schools.If the child claims you touched his/her private parts, you cannot deny it.
3.Don’t give assignment you know you won’t have time to mark. Unmarked assignments in your students’ notes show that you are incompetent and unprofessional.
4.Don’t use your school internet to send private and confidential emails. They can be tracked by school management ICT dept.
5. Don’t just teach only within the periods given to you if you are preparing students (SS3 and JS3) for external examinations. Create more contact time for your students.
6.Don’t stay with a student alone in a class , lab, office etc. Child protection policy forbids it. Avoid “one corner” teaching.
7.Don’t ask a child to kneel down for too long a time. He or she might have had kneel surgery or serious dislocation which you do not know hitherto.
8. Don’t conspire against your line manager(HOD,Academic heads et al)
9. Don't be a difficult looking educator, neither should u transfer aggression on any learner, pocket ur personal problem and always be full of live!
10.Don’t treat students unequally.There should be nothing like your favourite students. Every child matters.
She gave her car key to the youngest child in the car while she went to buy some stuff in the mall.
Upon her return, the boy had misplaced the key and the whole family was stranded on the road.
Observing her discomfort with innocent kids without a masculine shepherd, I joined the search party.
For each passing minute without the key, she landed the boy that had the key with a slap or a concentrated curse!
After few minutes, she strayed in frustration into a motorbike's way and was knocked down.
In the process of helping her up and picking the pieces of her belongings, the car key was found but she was dead.
She had already lost herself before the key was found!
Many people lose themselves in search of what is missing in their lives.
Many lose their moral limb while searching for the "missing rib!"
Some lose their health while searching for material wealth.
I know those who lost their message while searching for relevance and sponsors.
Some lose their marriage while searching for a mirage.
Some have lost their integrity while looking for affinity.
Don't get missing because something was lost. Sometimes, you just need to ignore the emotional missing link so you can remain spiritually connected.
Don't lose your mind because the job is lost.
Don't lose your children while searching for their school fees.
Don't lose your ministry while searching for tithes, offerings, first fruit and members.
Don't lose your mantle while searching for title.
When you eventually discovered or acquired those things, greater things (your life, relationship, character, values & virtues) would have probably dissolved!
The apostles were looking for peace in the midst of storm, but by the time Jesus restored calmness they had lost their faith just as Elimelech lost his life and sons in search of greener pastures.
When you eventually get the hammer, will your nail still be strong to hold the woods of your integrity in a frame?
By the time you become popular, would you not be strange to dignity?
By the time you get visa or fame, would your passport to purity not have torn?
When you eventually make the money, would your marriage, friendship and relationships still have meaning?
God bless you as you ponder on this.
Upon her return, the boy had misplaced the key and the whole family was stranded on the road.
Observing her discomfort with innocent kids without a masculine shepherd, I joined the search party.
For each passing minute without the key, she landed the boy that had the key with a slap or a concentrated curse!
After few minutes, she strayed in frustration into a motorbike's way and was knocked down.
In the process of helping her up and picking the pieces of her belongings, the car key was found but she was dead.
She had already lost herself before the key was found!
Many people lose themselves in search of what is missing in their lives.
Many lose their moral limb while searching for the "missing rib!"
Some lose their health while searching for material wealth.
I know those who lost their message while searching for relevance and sponsors.
Some lose their marriage while searching for a mirage.
Some have lost their integrity while looking for affinity.
Don't get missing because something was lost. Sometimes, you just need to ignore the emotional missing link so you can remain spiritually connected.
Don't lose your mind because the job is lost.
Don't lose your children while searching for their school fees.
Don't lose your ministry while searching for tithes, offerings, first fruit and members.
Don't lose your mantle while searching for title.
When you eventually discovered or acquired those things, greater things (your life, relationship, character, values & virtues) would have probably dissolved!
The apostles were looking for peace in the midst of storm, but by the time Jesus restored calmness they had lost their faith just as Elimelech lost his life and sons in search of greener pastures.
When you eventually get the hammer, will your nail still be strong to hold the woods of your integrity in a frame?
By the time you become popular, would you not be strange to dignity?
By the time you get visa or fame, would your passport to purity not have torn?
When you eventually make the money, would your marriage, friendship and relationships still have meaning?
God bless you as you ponder on this.
Sunday, 10 March 2019
*Professionalism is defined as the behavior you exhibit while at work* .
As a professional, there are certain traits people expect to see in you regularly. Kindly find below few ways to be professional at work:
*1) Punctuality:*
One of the personality traits of a good professional is arriving to work early.
*2) Positive Attitude at Work:*
Every staff must come to work with a positive attitude. Be cheerful and look very bright with a smile.😀. Don't carry your house problems to the work place.
*3) Dress Appropriately at all times:*
Dressing is such an integral part of being a professional. Every staff must learn to dress properly at all times. Clean well ironed clothes, not necessary latest fashion. Dressing professionally tells a lot about your person and will determine how people treat you.
You dress the way you want to be addressed.
Keep yourself professionally groomed and always pay attention to your personal hygiene.
*4) Watch your Mouth:*
It is extremely important that we watch what we say, where we work.
As a professional, you must ensure the following:
No Swearing /No Vulgar Language, No cursing, No fighting at Work , No shouting and behaving unprofessionally. Complain less.
*5) Share Knowledge:*
A true professional is always willing to lend a helping hand to his or her colleagues, shares knowledge and is always willing to assist fellow colleagues.
*6) Respect for yourself and others:*
Every staff must respect himself or herself in the place of work. It is also important to respect your colleagues at work. Be polite at all times to fellow colleagues, even when provoked.
*7) Control your anger:*
The work space is an area where you must learn to curtail your anger. Do not lie. Dishonesty never makes anyone look good. Be honest and calm at all times. Never expose your dirty linen in public. Professionals must ensure they do not expose their dirty linen in public. Avoid giving out too much information. Keep confidential information confidential.
*8) Follow Company Policies:*
Every true professional must obey all company policies. This goes to show that you are disciplined and respectful. Obeying work policies will be very advantageous to your career.
*9) Get your job done :*
Ensure on a daily basis, you have prepared your TO DO LIST for the day and lesson plan for the week and strive to achieve them. At the end of every day and week, it’s important to go through your to do list for the week and see how much you have achieved. Every professional must be RESULT ORIENTED.
*10) Look forward to each new day:*
A true professional looks forward to the opportunities that each new day brings. You shouldn’t dread going to work, instead savour the opportunity to learn and grow on a daily basis.
Thank you!
*Professionalism is defined as the behavior you exhibit while at work* .
As a professional, there are certain traits people expect to see in you regularly. Kindly find below few ways to be professional at work:
*1) Punctuality:*
One of the personality traits of a good professional is arriving to work early.
*2) Positive Attitude at Work:*
Every staff must come to work with a positive attitude. Be cheerful and look very bright with a smile.😀. Don't carry your house problems to the work place.
*3) Dress Appropriately at all times:*
Dressing is such an integral part of being a professional. Every staff must learn to dress properly at all times. Clean well ironed clothes, not necessary latest fashion. Dressing professionally tells a lot about your person and will determine how people treat you.
You dress the way you want to be addressed.
Keep yourself professionally groomed and always pay attention to your personal hygiene.
*4) Watch your Mouth:*
It is extremely important that we watch what we say, where we work.
As a professional, you must ensure the following:
No Swearing /No Vulgar Language, No cursing, No fighting at Work , No shouting and behaving unprofessionally. Complain less.
*5) Share Knowledge:*
A true professional is always willing to lend a helping hand to his or her colleagues, shares knowledge and is always willing to assist fellow colleagues.
*6) Respect for yourself and others:*
Every staff must respect himself or herself in the place of work. It is also important to respect your colleagues at work. Be polite at all times to fellow colleagues, even when provoked.
*7) Control your anger:*
The work space is an area where you must learn to curtail your anger. Do not lie. Dishonesty never makes anyone look good. Be honest and calm at all times. Never expose your dirty linen in public. Professionals must ensure they do not expose their dirty linen in public. Avoid giving out too much information. Keep confidential information confidential.
*8) Follow Company Policies:*
Every true professional must obey all company policies. This goes to show that you are disciplined and respectful. Obeying work policies will be very advantageous to your career.
*9) Get your job done :*
Ensure on a daily basis, you have prepared your TO DO LIST for the day and lesson plan for the week and strive to achieve them. At the end of every day and week, it’s important to go through your to do list for the week and see how much you have achieved. Every professional must be RESULT ORIENTED.
*10) Look forward to each new day:*
A true professional looks forward to the opportunities that each new day brings. You shouldn’t dread going to work, instead savour the opportunity to learn and grow on a daily basis.
Thank you!
Friday, 8 March 2019
Case A:
Abdul is an 8-year-old Primary 4 school boy who is usually cheerful and happy. However, he is struggling to cope with the sheer volume of home work they were expected to complete on a daily basis.
His Mother, a busy medical doctor initially attempted to help him, but soon realized that she could not cope. The assignments sometimes took them 2 – 3 hours to complete – even with her guidance and help. So, she gave up and employed a lesson teacher to help him with the homework.
Thus, Abdul would return from school at about 4.30pm, eat lunch, rest for about 30 minutes and then Lessons will start at 5.30pm.
On the average, the lessons would end at about 7.30pm or 8.00pm. At which time he would have dinner, say his prayers and then retire at 9.00pm.
He gradually became withdrawn and looked pensive most days. When his mother eventually noticed, she decided to have a chat with him. ‘Abdul, I noticed you don’t look so happy these days. Is there a problem at school? Anyone or something bothering you?’ She enquired. ‘No Mum’, he replied. ‘I have nice friends and the teachers are good. It is just that life is too hard’. ‘Life is too hard? What are you thinking about and how did you come to that conclusion?’
His mother, was clearly alarmed at this stage, but struggled to act calmly, as she was determined to get to the root of the matter. She sat up straight and encouraged him to share, by wrapping her arms around him. ‘Well, I have so much homework to do every day and I feel overwhelmed. My teachers always remind us to work very hard and I am feeling under too much pressure. I hardly get to play anymore or ride my bicycle. I don’t seem to be understanding my lessons anymore, but I don’t want to disappoint you and Daddy. That’s why I said life is too hard, Mummy’. ‘Okay, Abdul. I understand now and I agree that the work load may be too much really. I want you to relax and take it easy. No homework or lessons for you today. Off you go to ride your bicycle’.
Abdul’s face brightened immediately and he ran off. As he exited the building, his Mother sighed and resolved to discuss this with his father and possibly have a word with the school teachers.
A number of schools appear to have no clear understanding of early child development and developmental psychology. Thus, they ignore or may be unaware that the most important task of childhood is to play, socialize and learn at their own pace.
Instilling good habits, learning manners, building their self-esteem and confidence, learning to interact with peers and adults in a respectful and considerate manner are far more important building blocks in preschool and early to mid-primary school.
The additional learning milestone is to promote their curiosity and promote learning and seeking for information as a form of adventure that opens up new information.
The most important task of early education is simply to teach them to read and write. And to learn the rudiments of mathematics, while promoting their interest in other subjects as a form of exploration.
The excessive focus on children aged 4 – 10 years offering as many as 15 subjects and being pressurized to do very well on all the subjects is unhealthy. Thus, parents struggle to cope and end up employing lesson teachers.
Ultimately, the end result is that the innocent children are made to study for nearly 12 hours every single day. This is nothing but sheer wickedness and torture.
Sometimes, the unhealthy pressure is from the parents: My child must graduate from the University by the age of 20 years, so he/she must skip primary 5 and 6 and go straight from Primary 4 into secondary school. Etc.
This perspective fails to take into consideration, the fact that growth is not just physical but also emotional and psychological. While some children will appear to have coped without complications, the majority will struggle to fit into a much older class, to make new friends and to blend in. They lose out on having a normal childhood and attaining normal deve lopmental milestones of maturation with their peers.
For some children, they simply fall apart, fall into bad company or turn to drugs to help them cope or feel accepted.
Schools and parents need to wake up and protect our children from unnecessary pressure that achieves nothing but useless bragging rights.
Childhood is to be enjoyed, so please stop stealing it from our precious children. Let them enjoy optimal emotional wellbeing and learn, play and mature at their own pace.
Dr Jibril Abdulmalik
21st February 2019
Case A:
Abdul is an 8-year-old Primary 4 school boy who is usually cheerful and happy. However, he is struggling to cope with the sheer volume of home work they were expected to complete on a daily basis.
His Mother, a busy medical doctor initially attempted to help him, but soon realized that she could not cope. The assignments sometimes took them 2 – 3 hours to complete – even with her guidance and help. So, she gave up and employed a lesson teacher to help him with the homework.
Thus, Abdul would return from school at about 4.30pm, eat lunch, rest for about 30 minutes and then Lessons will start at 5.30pm.
On the average, the lessons would end at about 7.30pm or 8.00pm. At which time he would have dinner, say his prayers and then retire at 9.00pm.
He gradually became withdrawn and looked pensive most days. When his mother eventually noticed, she decided to have a chat with him. ‘Abdul, I noticed you don’t look so happy these days. Is there a problem at school? Anyone or something bothering you?’ She enquired. ‘No Mum’, he replied. ‘I have nice friends and the teachers are good. It is just that life is too hard’. ‘Life is too hard? What are you thinking about and how did you come to that conclusion?’
His mother, was clearly alarmed at this stage, but struggled to act calmly, as she was determined to get to the root of the matter. She sat up straight and encouraged him to share, by wrapping her arms around him. ‘Well, I have so much homework to do every day and I feel overwhelmed. My teachers always remind us to work very hard and I am feeling under too much pressure. I hardly get to play anymore or ride my bicycle. I don’t seem to be understanding my lessons anymore, but I don’t want to disappoint you and Daddy. That’s why I said life is too hard, Mummy’. ‘Okay, Abdul. I understand now and I agree that the work load may be too much really. I want you to relax and take it easy. No homework or lessons for you today. Off you go to ride your bicycle’.
Abdul’s face brightened immediately and he ran off. As he exited the building, his Mother sighed and resolved to discuss this with his father and possibly have a word with the school teachers.
A number of schools appear to have no clear understanding of early child development and developmental psychology. Thus, they ignore or may be unaware that the most important task of childhood is to play, socialize and learn at their own pace.
Instilling good habits, learning manners, building their self-esteem and confidence, learning to interact with peers and adults in a respectful and considerate manner are far more important building blocks in preschool and early to mid-primary school.
The additional learning milestone is to promote their curiosity and promote learning and seeking for information as a form of adventure that opens up new information.
The most important task of early education is simply to teach them to read and write. And to learn the rudiments of mathematics, while promoting their interest in other subjects as a form of exploration.
The excessive focus on children aged 4 – 10 years offering as many as 15 subjects and being pressurized to do very well on all the subjects is unhealthy. Thus, parents struggle to cope and end up employing lesson teachers.
Ultimately, the end result is that the innocent children are made to study for nearly 12 hours every single day. This is nothing but sheer wickedness and torture.
Sometimes, the unhealthy pressure is from the parents: My child must graduate from the University by the age of 20 years, so he/she must skip primary 5 and 6 and go straight from Primary 4 into secondary school. Etc.
This perspective fails to take into consideration, the fact that growth is not just physical but also emotional and psychological. While some children will appear to have coped without complications, the majority will struggle to fit into a much older class, to make new friends and to blend in. They lose out on having a normal childhood and attaining normal deve lopmental milestones of maturation with their peers.
For some children, they simply fall apart, fall into bad company or turn to drugs to help them cope or feel accepted.
Schools and parents need to wake up and protect our children from unnecessary pressure that achieves nothing but useless bragging rights.
Childhood is to be enjoyed, so please stop stealing it from our precious children. Let them enjoy optimal emotional wellbeing and learn, play and mature at their own pace.
Dr Jibril Abdulmalik
21st February 2019
Be Patient With People Always
A car ahead was moving like a turtle and not giving me way inspite of my continuous honking! I was on brink of losing my cool when I noticed the small sticker on the car’s rear!
“Physically challenged; Please be patient.”
And that changed everything!!
I immediately went calm & slowed down!!
In fact, I got a little protective of the car & the driver!!!
I reached home a few minutes late, but it was ok!
And then it struck me.
Would I have been patient if there was no sticker?
Why do we need stickers to be patient with people!?
Will we be more patient & kind with others if people had labels pasted on their foreheads?
Labels like:
“ Lost my job” ,
“Fighting cancer”,
“Going through a bad divorce”,
“Suffering Emotional abuse “,
"Lost a loved one”,
“Feeling worthless”,
“Financially broken”
....and more like these!!
Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about.
The least we can do is to be patient ,kind & compassionate
*Let us respect the Invisible Labels !!*
“Physically challenged; Please be patient.”
And that changed everything!!
I immediately went calm & slowed down!!
In fact, I got a little protective of the car & the driver!!!
I reached home a few minutes late, but it was ok!
And then it struck me.
Would I have been patient if there was no sticker?
Why do we need stickers to be patient with people!?
Will we be more patient & kind with others if people had labels pasted on their foreheads?
Labels like:
“ Lost my job” ,
“Fighting cancer”,
“Going through a bad divorce”,
“Suffering Emotional abuse “,
"Lost a loved one”,
“Feeling worthless”,
“Financially broken”
....and more like these!!
Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about.
The least we can do is to be patient ,kind & compassionate
*Let us respect the Invisible Labels !!*
Thursday, 7 March 2019
Enjoy Your Marriage Don't Endure It
Many marriages are just for sleeping and waking up, raising kids and ageing together till death comes. This is not right. Marriage must be enjoyable and romantic.
1.Many couples hardly kiss and they only hug each other when they receive good news.
2. The husband only puts food in his wife's mouth only when she is terminally ill and cant feed herself.
3. If you see a man opening car door for his wife means the door is faulty.
4. The only thing that makes an african man touch his wife's neck is when she complains of fever. He wont touch it again till the next fever.
5.The only time he can carry his wife on his arms is when she is in labour.
6. If you see them seated outside at night, dont think they are romantic. They are only waiting for the smell of insecticide to vanish.
7.Many wives buy gifts for their husbands only when they are hospitalized.
8.The only time they race together is when there is danger and everyone is running.
9.The only time they go for evening stroll is when they want to go and lay a complain to the parents of the person that beat their child or got their daughter pregnant.
10. The only time they bath together is when both are late for work.
11. The only time a wife looks closely to her husband's eyes is when he complains of dirt in his eyes.
Unfortunately, Africans feel that any romantic man is being controlled by his wife. They will begin to spread bad rumours. Let us just change today for the better. Let us learn to love one another and enjoy the few days we have on earth together! THIS GOES TO ALL MARRIED COUPLES AND THOSE PREPARING TO GET MARRIED SOON.
1.Many couples hardly kiss and they only hug each other when they receive good news.
2. The husband only puts food in his wife's mouth only when she is terminally ill and cant feed herself.
3. If you see a man opening car door for his wife means the door is faulty.
4. The only thing that makes an african man touch his wife's neck is when she complains of fever. He wont touch it again till the next fever.
5.The only time he can carry his wife on his arms is when she is in labour.
6. If you see them seated outside at night, dont think they are romantic. They are only waiting for the smell of insecticide to vanish.
7.Many wives buy gifts for their husbands only when they are hospitalized.
8.The only time they race together is when there is danger and everyone is running.
9.The only time they go for evening stroll is when they want to go and lay a complain to the parents of the person that beat their child or got their daughter pregnant.
10. The only time they bath together is when both are late for work.
11. The only time a wife looks closely to her husband's eyes is when he complains of dirt in his eyes.
Unfortunately, Africans feel that any romantic man is being controlled by his wife. They will begin to spread bad rumours. Let us just change today for the better. Let us learn to love one another and enjoy the few days we have on earth together! THIS GOES TO ALL MARRIED COUPLES AND THOSE PREPARING TO GET MARRIED SOON.
1. Warning Triangle (C-Caution)
2. Fire Extinguisher
3. Jack
4. Spare Tyre
5. First Aid Kit
6. Wheel Spanner
7. Water
8. Hydraulic
9. Transmission Fluid
10. Torch
11. Spare Fan Belt.
12. Razor Blade
Ignorance of law is not an excuse even as items 5 & 12 will shock you.
Disseminate the message to all those who use vehicles for Personal, Official or Commercial purposes. Thanks.
1. Warning Triangle (C-Caution)
2. Fire Extinguisher
3. Jack
4. Spare Tyre
5. First Aid Kit
6. Wheel Spanner
7. Water
8. Hydraulic
9. Transmission Fluid
10. Torch
11. Spare Fan Belt.
12. Razor Blade
Ignorance of law is not an excuse even as items 5 & 12 will shock you.
Disseminate the message to all those who use vehicles for Personal, Official or Commercial purposes. Thanks.
Realities Of Life
Steve Gouves dies a billionaire, with a fortune of $ 7 billion, at the age of 56 from pancreatic cancer, and here are some of his last words:
In other eyes, my life is the essence of success, but aside from work, I have a little joy, and in the end wealth is just a fact of life to which I am accustomed.
At this moment, lying on the bed, sick and remembering all my life, I realize that all my recognition and wealth that I have is meaningless in the face of imminent death.
You can hire someone to drive a car for you, make money for you - but you can not rent someone to carry the disease for you. One can find material things, but there is one thing that can not be found when it is lost - "life".
Treat yourself well, and cherish others. As we get older we are smarter, and we slowly realize that the watch is worth $ 30 or $ 300 - both of which show the same time.
Whether we carry a purse worth $ 30 or $ 300 - the amount of money in the wallets are the same. Whether we drive a car worth $ 150,000, or a car worth $ 30,000 - the road and distance are the same, we reach the same destination.
If we drink a bottle worth $ 300 or wine worth $ 10 - the "stroller" will be the same.
If the house we live in is 300 square meters, or 3000 square meters - the loneliness is the same.
Your true inner happiness does not come from the material things of this world. Whether you're flying first class, or economy class - if the plane crashes, you crash with it.
So, I hope you understand that when you have friends or someone to talk to - this is true happiness!
Five Undeniable Facts-
1. Do not educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be happy. - So when they grow up they will know the value of things, not the price.
2. Eat your food as medicine, otherwise you will need to eat your medicine as food.
3. Whoever loves you will never leave you, even if he has 100 reasons to give up. He will always find one reason to hold on.
4. There is a big difference between being human and human being
5. If you want to go fast - go alone! But if you want to go far - go together!
And in conclusion,
The six best doctors in the world.
1. Sunlight
2. Rest
3. Exercise
4. Diet
5. Self-confidence
6. Friends
Keep them in all stages of life and enjoy a healthy life.
"Love the people God sent you, one day he'll need them back."
In other eyes, my life is the essence of success, but aside from work, I have a little joy, and in the end wealth is just a fact of life to which I am accustomed.
At this moment, lying on the bed, sick and remembering all my life, I realize that all my recognition and wealth that I have is meaningless in the face of imminent death.
You can hire someone to drive a car for you, make money for you - but you can not rent someone to carry the disease for you. One can find material things, but there is one thing that can not be found when it is lost - "life".
Treat yourself well, and cherish others. As we get older we are smarter, and we slowly realize that the watch is worth $ 30 or $ 300 - both of which show the same time.
Whether we carry a purse worth $ 30 or $ 300 - the amount of money in the wallets are the same. Whether we drive a car worth $ 150,000, or a car worth $ 30,000 - the road and distance are the same, we reach the same destination.
If we drink a bottle worth $ 300 or wine worth $ 10 - the "stroller" will be the same.
If the house we live in is 300 square meters, or 3000 square meters - the loneliness is the same.
Your true inner happiness does not come from the material things of this world. Whether you're flying first class, or economy class - if the plane crashes, you crash with it.
So, I hope you understand that when you have friends or someone to talk to - this is true happiness!
Five Undeniable Facts-
1. Do not educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be happy. - So when they grow up they will know the value of things, not the price.
2. Eat your food as medicine, otherwise you will need to eat your medicine as food.
3. Whoever loves you will never leave you, even if he has 100 reasons to give up. He will always find one reason to hold on.
4. There is a big difference between being human and human being
5. If you want to go fast - go alone! But if you want to go far - go together!
And in conclusion,
The six best doctors in the world.
1. Sunlight
2. Rest
3. Exercise
4. Diet
5. Self-confidence
6. Friends
Keep them in all stages of life and enjoy a healthy life.
"Love the people God sent you, one day he'll need them back."
Rules To Follow After Retirement
1) You are no longer popular in your office.
2) Avoid going to your former office without invitation. Where it's absolutely necessary inform an officer of your visit so that you can be received.
3) Know that not everyone liked you while at work & now have an opportunity to snob you.
4) Keep in touch with your coursemates as you grow in retirement because some Pharaohs in Egypt may not know your Joseph.
5) Attend celebration of coursemates. Its always a reunion with lots of fun.
6) Only a few of the people you assisted (including family members) will come around to see you often.To others you have nothing to offer.
7)Plan your days & follow your plan. Sometimes when you look at your uniform with all the medals, you have a feeling of emptiness. Get yourself occupied.
8) Traveling is great, visit places of interest and enjoy your travels.
9) Eat right, enjoy your meals but down on excessive consumption of alcohol, sugar, salt, fats and oils.
10) Do your medical check-up even when you feel healthy.
Enjoy your retirement.
(Edited copy)
1) You are no longer popular in your office.
2) Avoid going to your former office without invitation. Where it's absolutely necessary inform an officer of your visit so that you can be received.
3) Know that not everyone liked you while at work & now have an opportunity to snob you.
4) Keep in touch with your coursemates as you grow in retirement because some Pharaohs in Egypt may not know your Joseph.
5) Attend celebration of coursemates. Its always a reunion with lots of fun.
6) Only a few of the people you assisted (including family members) will come around to see you often.To others you have nothing to offer.
7)Plan your days & follow your plan. Sometimes when you look at your uniform with all the medals, you have a feeling of emptiness. Get yourself occupied.
8) Traveling is great, visit places of interest and enjoy your travels.
9) Eat right, enjoy your meals but down on excessive consumption of alcohol, sugar, salt, fats and oils.
10) Do your medical check-up even when you feel healthy.
Enjoy your retirement.
(Edited copy)
Tuesday, 5 March 2019
Don't Think It Does not Concern Me
A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package.
What food might this contain?" The mouse wondered - he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.
Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning: There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"
The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, "Mr.Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it."
The mouse turned to the goat and told him, "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"
The goat sympathized, but said, "I am so very sorry, Mr.Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers."
The mouse turned to the cow and said "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"
The cow said, "Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin off my nose."
So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap alone.
That very night a sound was heard throughout the house - like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.
The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught.
The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital , and she returned home with a fever.
Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his matchet to the farmyard for the soup's main Ingredient.
But his wife's sickness continued, so friends and neighbours came to sit with her around the clock.
To feed them, the farmer butchered the goat.
The farmer's wife did not get well; she died.
So many people came for her funeral, the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them.
The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness.
So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you, remember when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk.
We are all involved in this amazing journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another.
Each of us may not be connected through a blood line, we may not even be friends. But we are all connected through humanity.
What food might this contain?" The mouse wondered - he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.
Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning: There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"
The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, "Mr.Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it."
The mouse turned to the goat and told him, "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"
The goat sympathized, but said, "I am so very sorry, Mr.Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers."
The mouse turned to the cow and said "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"
The cow said, "Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin off my nose."
So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap alone.
That very night a sound was heard throughout the house - like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.
The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught.
The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital , and she returned home with a fever.
Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his matchet to the farmyard for the soup's main Ingredient.
But his wife's sickness continued, so friends and neighbours came to sit with her around the clock.
To feed them, the farmer butchered the goat.
The farmer's wife did not get well; she died.
So many people came for her funeral, the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them.
The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness.
So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you, remember when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk.
We are all involved in this amazing journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another.
Each of us may not be connected through a blood line, we may not even be friends. But we are all connected through humanity.
Monday, 4 March 2019
The Gall Of Man
The Fall of Man. B. C. 4004.
6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat. 7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. 8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
Here we see what Eve's parley with the tempter ended in. Satan, at length, gains his point, and the strong-hold is taken by his wiles. God tried the obedience of our first parents by forbidding them the tree of knowledge, and Satan does, as it were, join issue with God, and in that very thing undertakes to seduce them into a transgression and here we find how he prevailed, God permitting it for wise and holy ends.
I. We have here the inducements that moved them to transgress. The woman, being deceived by the tempter's artful management, was ringleader in the transgression, 1 Timothy 2:14. She was first in the fault and it was the result of her consideration, or rather her inconsideration. 1. She saw no harm in this tree, more than in any of the rest. It was said of all the rest of the fruit-trees with which the garden of Eden was planted that they were pleasant to the sight, and good for food, Genesis 2:9. Now, in her eye, this was like all the rest. It seemed as good for food as any of them, and she saw nothing in the colour of its fruit that threatened death or danger it was as pleasant to the sight as any of them, and therefore, "What hurt could it do them? Why should this be forbidden them rather than any of the rest?" Note, When there is thought to be no more harm in forbidden fruit than in other fruit sin lies at the door, and Satan soon carries the day. Nay, perhaps it seemed to her to be better for food, more grateful to the taste, and more nourishing to the body, than any of the rest, and to her eye it was more pleasant than any. We are often betrayed into snares by an inordinate desire to have our senses gratified. Or, if it had nothing in it more inviting than the rest, yet it was the more coveted because it was prohibited. Whether it was so in her or not, we find that in us (that is, in our flesh, in our corrupt nature) there dwells a strange spirit of contradiction. Nitimur in vetitum--We desire what is prohibited. 2. She imagined more virtue in this tree than in any of the rest, that it was a tree not only not to be dreaded, but to be desired to make one wise, and therein excelling all the rest of the trees. This she saw, that is, she perceived and understood it by what the devil had said to her and some think that she saw the serpent eat of that tree, and that he told her he thereby had gained the faculties of speech and reason, whence she inferred its power to make one wise, and was persuaded to think, "If it made a brute creature rational, why might it not make a rational creature divine?" See here how the desire of unnecessary knowledge, under the mistaken notion of wisdom, proves hurtful and destructive to many. Our first parents, who knew so much, did not know this--that they knew enough. Christ is a tree to be desired to make one wise, Colossians 2:3,1 Corinthians 1:30. Let us, by faith, feed upon him, that we may be wise to salvation. In the heavenly paradise, the tree of knowledge will not be a forbidden tree for there we shall know as we are known. Let us therefore long to be there, and, in the mean time, not exercise ourselves in things too high or too deep for us, nor covet to be wise above what is written.
II. The steps of the transgression, not steps upward, but downward towards the pit--steps that take hold on hell. 1. She saw. She should have turned away her eyes from beholding vanity but she enters into temptation, by looking with pleasure on the forbidden fruit. Observe, A great deal of sin comes in at the eyes. At these windows Satan throws in those fiery darts which pierce and poison the heart. The eye affects the heart with guilt as well as grief. Let us therefore, with holy Job, make a covenant with our eyes, not to look on that which we are in danger of lusting after, Proverbs 23:31; Matthew 5:28. Let the fear of God be always to us for a covering of the eyes, Genesis 20:16. 2. She took. It was her own act and deed. The devil did not take it, and put it into her mouth, whether she would or no but she herself took it. Satan may tempt, but he cannot force may persuade us to cast ourselves down, but he cannot cast us down, Matthew 4:6. Eve's taking was stealing, like Achan's taking the accursed thing, taking that to which she had no right. Surely she took it with a trembling hand. 3. She did eat. Perhaps she did not intend, when she looked, to take, nor, when she took, to eat but this was the result. Note, The way of sin is downhill a man cannot stop himself when he will. The beginning of it is as the breaking forth of water, to which it is hard to say, "Hitherto thou shalt come and no further." Therefore it is our wisdom to suppress the first emotions of sin, and to leave it off before it be meddled with. Obsta principiis--Nip mischief in the bud. 4. She gave also to her husband with her. It is probable that he was not with her when she was tempted (surely, if he had, he would have interposed to prevent the sin), but came to her when she had eaten, and was prevailed upon by her to eat likewise for it is easier to learn that which is bad than to teach that which is good. She gave it to him, persuading him with the same arguments that the serpent had used with her, adding this to all the rest, that she herself had eaten of it, and found it so far from being deadly that it was extremely pleasant and grateful. Stolen waters are sweet. She gave it to him, under colour of kindness--she would not eat these delicious morsels alone but really it was the greatest unkindness she could do him. Or perhaps she gave it to him that, if it should prove hurtful, he might share with her in the misery, which indeed looks strangely unkind, and yet may, without difficulty, be supposed to enter into the heart of one that had eaten forbidden fruit. Note, Those that have themselves done ill are commonly willing to draw in others to do the same. As was the devil, so was Eve, no sooner a sinner than a tempter. 5. He did eat, overcome by his wife's importunity. It is needless to ask, "What would have been the consequence if Eve only had transgressed?" The wisdom of God, we are sure, would have decided the difficulty, according to equity but, alas! the case was not so Adam also did eat. "And what great harm if he did?" say the corrupt and carnal reasonings of a vain mind. What harm! Why, this act involved disbelief of God's word, together with confidence in the devil's, discontent with his present state, pride in his own merits, and ambition of the honour which comes not from God, envy at God's perfections, and indulgence of the appetites of the body. In neglecting the tree of life of which he was allowed to eat, and eating of the tree of knowledge which was forbidden, he plainly showed a contempt of the favours God had bestowed on him, and a preference given to those God did not see fit for him. He would be both his own carver and his own master, would have what he pleased and do what he pleased: his sin was, in one word, disobedience (Romans 5:19), disobedience to a plain, easy, and express command, which probably he knew to be a command of trial. He sinned against great knowledge, against many mercies, against light and love, the clearest light and the dearest love that ever sinner sinned against. He had no corrupt nature within him to betray him but had a freedom of will, not enslaved, and was in his full strength, not weakened or impaired. He turned aside quickly. Some think he fell the very day on which he was made but I see not how to reconcile this with God's pronouncing all very good in the close of the day. Others suppose he fell on the sabbath day: the better day the worse deed. However, it is certain that he kept his integrity but a very little while: being in honour, he continued not. But the greatest aggravation of his sin was that he involved all his posterity in sin and ruin by it. God having told him that his race should replenish the earth, surely he could not but know that he stood as a public person, and that his disobedience would be fatal to all his seed and, if so, it was certainly both the greatest treachery and the greatest cruelty that ever was. The human nature being lodged entirely in our first parents, henceforward it could not but be transmitted from them under an attainder of guilt, a stain of dishonour, and an hereditary disease of sin and corruption. And can we say, then, that Adam's sin had but little harm in it?
III. The ultimate consequences of the transgression. Shame and fear seized the criminals, ipso facto--in the fact itself these came into the world along with sin, and still attend it.
1. Shame seized them unseen, Genesis 3:7, where observe,
(1.) The strong convictions they fell under, in their own bosoms: The eyes of them both were opened. It is not meant of the eyes of the body these were open before, as appears by this, that the sin came in at them. Jonathan's eyes were enlightened by eating forbidden fruit (1 Samuel 14:27), that is, he was refreshed and revived by it but theirs were not so. Nor is it meant of any advances made hereby in true knowledge but the eyes of their consciences were opened, their hearts smote them for what they had done. Now, when it was too late, they saw the folly of eating forbidden fruit. They saw the happiness they had fallen from, and the misery they had fallen into. They saw a loving God provoked, his grace and favour forfeited, his likeness and image lost, dominion over the creatures gone. They saw their natures corrupted and depraved, and felt a disorder in their own spirits of which they had never before been conscious. They saw a law in their members warring against the law of their minds, and captivating them both to sin and wrath. They saw, as Balaam, when his eyes were opened (Numbers 22:31), the angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand and perhaps they saw the serpent that had abused them insulting over them. The text tells us that they saw that they were naked, that is, [1.] That they were stripped, deprived of all the honours and joys of their paradise-state, and exposed to all the miseries that might justly be expected from an angry God. They were disarmed their defence had departed from them. [2.] That they were shamed, for ever shamed, before God and angels. They saw themselves disrobed of all their ornaments and ensigns of honour, degraded from their dignity and disgraced in the highest degree, laid open to the contempt and reproach of heaven, and earth, and their own consciences. Now see here, First, What a dishonour and disquietment sin is it makes mischief wherever it is admitted, sets men against themselves disturbs their peace, and destroys all their comforts. Sooner or later, it will have shame, either the shame of true repentance, which ends in glory, or that shame and everlasting contempt to which the wicked shall rise at the great day. Sin is a reproach to any people. Secondly, What deceiver Satan is. He told our first parents, when he tempted them, that their eyes should be opened and so they were, but not as they understood it they were opened to their shame and grief, not to their honour nor advantage. Therefore, when he speaks fair, believe him not. The most malicious mischievous liars often excuse themselves with this, that they only equivocate but God will not so excuse them.
(2.) The sorry shift they made to palliate these convictions, and to arm themselves against them: They sewed, or platted, fig-leaves together and to cover, at least, part of their shame from one another, they made themselves aprons. See here what is commonly the folly of those that have sinned. [1.] That they are more solicitous to save their credit before men than to obtain their pardon from God they are backward to confess their sin, and very desirous to conceal it, as much as may be. I have sinned, yet honour me. [2.] That the excuses men make, to cover and extenuate their sins, are vain and frivolous. Like the aprons of fig-leaves, they make the matter never the better, but the worse the shame, thus hidden, becomes the more shameful. Yet thus we are all apt to cover our transgressions as Adam, Job 31:33.
2. Fear seized them immediately upon their eating the forbidden fruit, Genesis 3:8. Observe here, (1.) What was the cause and occasion of their fear: They heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day. It was the approach of the Judge that put them into a fright and yet he came in such a manner as made it formidable only to guilty consciences. It is supposed that he came in a human shape, and that he who judged the world now was the same that shall judge the world at the last day, even that man whom God has ordained. He appeared to them now (it should seem) in no other similitude than that in which they had seen him when he put them into paradise for he came to convince and humble them, not to amaze and terrify them. He came into the garden, not descending immediately from heaven in their view, as afterwards on mount Sinai (making either thick darkness his pavilion or the flaming fire his chariot), but he came into the garden, as one that was still willing to be familiar with them. He came walking, not running, not riding upon the wings of the wind, but walking deliberately, as one slow to anger, teaching us, when we are ever so much provoked, not to be hot nor hasty, but to speak and act considerately and not rashly. He came in the cool of the day, not in the night, when all fears are doubly fearful, nor in the heat of day, for he came not in the heat of his anger. Fury is not in him, Isaiah 27:4. Nor did he come suddenly upon them but they heard his voice at some distance, giving them notice of his coming, and probably it was a still small voice, like that in which he came to enquire after Elijah. Some think they heard him discoursing with himself concerning the sin of Adam, and the judgment now to be passed upon him, perhaps as he did concerning Israel, Hosea 11:8,9. How shall I give thee up? Or, rather, they heard him calling for them, and coming towards them. (2.) What was the effect and evidence of their fear: They hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God--a sad change! Before they had sinned, if they had heard the voice of the Lord God coming towards them, they would have run to meet him, and with a humble joy welcomed his gracious visits. But, now that it was otherwise, God had become a terror to them, and then no marvel that they had become a terror to themselves, and were full of confusion. Their own consciences accused them, and set their sin before them in its proper colours. Their fig-leaves failed them, and would do them no service. God had come forth against them as an enemy, and the whole creation was at war with them and as yet they knew not of any mediator between them and an angry God, so that nothing remained but a certain fearful looking for of judgment. In this fright they hid themselves among the bushes having offended, they fled for the same. Knowing themselves guilty, they durst not stand a trial, but absconded, and fled from justice. See here, [1.] The falsehood of the tempter, and the frauds and fallacies of his temptations. He promised them they should be safe, but now they cannot so much as think themselves so he said they should not die, and yet now they are forced to fly for their lives he promised them they should be advanced, but they see themselves a based--never did they seem so little as now he promised them they should be knowing, but they see themselves at a loss, and know not so much as where to hide themselves he promised them they should be as gods, great, and bold, and daring, but they are as criminals discovered, trembling, pale, and anxious to escape: they would not be subjects, and so they are prisoners. [2.] The folly of sinners, to think it either possible or desirable to hide themselves from God: can they conceal themselves from the Father of lights? Psalms 139:7-13, &c. Jeremiah 23:24. Will they withdraw themselves from the fountain of life, who alone can give help and happiness? Jonah 2:8. [3.] The fear that attends sin. All that amazing fear of God's appearances, the accusations of conscience, the approaches of trouble, the assaults of inferior creatures, and the arrests of death, which is common among men, is the effect of sin. Adam and Eve, who were partners in the sin, were sharers in the shame and fear that attended it and though hand joined in hand (hands so lately joined in marriage), yet could they not animate nor fortify one another: miserable comforters they had become to each other!
6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat. 7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. 8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
Here we see what Eve's parley with the tempter ended in. Satan, at length, gains his point, and the strong-hold is taken by his wiles. God tried the obedience of our first parents by forbidding them the tree of knowledge, and Satan does, as it were, join issue with God, and in that very thing undertakes to seduce them into a transgression and here we find how he prevailed, God permitting it for wise and holy ends.
I. We have here the inducements that moved them to transgress. The woman, being deceived by the tempter's artful management, was ringleader in the transgression, 1 Timothy 2:14. She was first in the fault and it was the result of her consideration, or rather her inconsideration. 1. She saw no harm in this tree, more than in any of the rest. It was said of all the rest of the fruit-trees with which the garden of Eden was planted that they were pleasant to the sight, and good for food, Genesis 2:9. Now, in her eye, this was like all the rest. It seemed as good for food as any of them, and she saw nothing in the colour of its fruit that threatened death or danger it was as pleasant to the sight as any of them, and therefore, "What hurt could it do them? Why should this be forbidden them rather than any of the rest?" Note, When there is thought to be no more harm in forbidden fruit than in other fruit sin lies at the door, and Satan soon carries the day. Nay, perhaps it seemed to her to be better for food, more grateful to the taste, and more nourishing to the body, than any of the rest, and to her eye it was more pleasant than any. We are often betrayed into snares by an inordinate desire to have our senses gratified. Or, if it had nothing in it more inviting than the rest, yet it was the more coveted because it was prohibited. Whether it was so in her or not, we find that in us (that is, in our flesh, in our corrupt nature) there dwells a strange spirit of contradiction. Nitimur in vetitum--We desire what is prohibited. 2. She imagined more virtue in this tree than in any of the rest, that it was a tree not only not to be dreaded, but to be desired to make one wise, and therein excelling all the rest of the trees. This she saw, that is, she perceived and understood it by what the devil had said to her and some think that she saw the serpent eat of that tree, and that he told her he thereby had gained the faculties of speech and reason, whence she inferred its power to make one wise, and was persuaded to think, "If it made a brute creature rational, why might it not make a rational creature divine?" See here how the desire of unnecessary knowledge, under the mistaken notion of wisdom, proves hurtful and destructive to many. Our first parents, who knew so much, did not know this--that they knew enough. Christ is a tree to be desired to make one wise, Colossians 2:3,1 Corinthians 1:30. Let us, by faith, feed upon him, that we may be wise to salvation. In the heavenly paradise, the tree of knowledge will not be a forbidden tree for there we shall know as we are known. Let us therefore long to be there, and, in the mean time, not exercise ourselves in things too high or too deep for us, nor covet to be wise above what is written.
II. The steps of the transgression, not steps upward, but downward towards the pit--steps that take hold on hell. 1. She saw. She should have turned away her eyes from beholding vanity but she enters into temptation, by looking with pleasure on the forbidden fruit. Observe, A great deal of sin comes in at the eyes. At these windows Satan throws in those fiery darts which pierce and poison the heart. The eye affects the heart with guilt as well as grief. Let us therefore, with holy Job, make a covenant with our eyes, not to look on that which we are in danger of lusting after, Proverbs 23:31; Matthew 5:28. Let the fear of God be always to us for a covering of the eyes, Genesis 20:16. 2. She took. It was her own act and deed. The devil did not take it, and put it into her mouth, whether she would or no but she herself took it. Satan may tempt, but he cannot force may persuade us to cast ourselves down, but he cannot cast us down, Matthew 4:6. Eve's taking was stealing, like Achan's taking the accursed thing, taking that to which she had no right. Surely she took it with a trembling hand. 3. She did eat. Perhaps she did not intend, when she looked, to take, nor, when she took, to eat but this was the result. Note, The way of sin is downhill a man cannot stop himself when he will. The beginning of it is as the breaking forth of water, to which it is hard to say, "Hitherto thou shalt come and no further." Therefore it is our wisdom to suppress the first emotions of sin, and to leave it off before it be meddled with. Obsta principiis--Nip mischief in the bud. 4. She gave also to her husband with her. It is probable that he was not with her when she was tempted (surely, if he had, he would have interposed to prevent the sin), but came to her when she had eaten, and was prevailed upon by her to eat likewise for it is easier to learn that which is bad than to teach that which is good. She gave it to him, persuading him with the same arguments that the serpent had used with her, adding this to all the rest, that she herself had eaten of it, and found it so far from being deadly that it was extremely pleasant and grateful. Stolen waters are sweet. She gave it to him, under colour of kindness--she would not eat these delicious morsels alone but really it was the greatest unkindness she could do him. Or perhaps she gave it to him that, if it should prove hurtful, he might share with her in the misery, which indeed looks strangely unkind, and yet may, without difficulty, be supposed to enter into the heart of one that had eaten forbidden fruit. Note, Those that have themselves done ill are commonly willing to draw in others to do the same. As was the devil, so was Eve, no sooner a sinner than a tempter. 5. He did eat, overcome by his wife's importunity. It is needless to ask, "What would have been the consequence if Eve only had transgressed?" The wisdom of God, we are sure, would have decided the difficulty, according to equity but, alas! the case was not so Adam also did eat. "And what great harm if he did?" say the corrupt and carnal reasonings of a vain mind. What harm! Why, this act involved disbelief of God's word, together with confidence in the devil's, discontent with his present state, pride in his own merits, and ambition of the honour which comes not from God, envy at God's perfections, and indulgence of the appetites of the body. In neglecting the tree of life of which he was allowed to eat, and eating of the tree of knowledge which was forbidden, he plainly showed a contempt of the favours God had bestowed on him, and a preference given to those God did not see fit for him. He would be both his own carver and his own master, would have what he pleased and do what he pleased: his sin was, in one word, disobedience (Romans 5:19), disobedience to a plain, easy, and express command, which probably he knew to be a command of trial. He sinned against great knowledge, against many mercies, against light and love, the clearest light and the dearest love that ever sinner sinned against. He had no corrupt nature within him to betray him but had a freedom of will, not enslaved, and was in his full strength, not weakened or impaired. He turned aside quickly. Some think he fell the very day on which he was made but I see not how to reconcile this with God's pronouncing all very good in the close of the day. Others suppose he fell on the sabbath day: the better day the worse deed. However, it is certain that he kept his integrity but a very little while: being in honour, he continued not. But the greatest aggravation of his sin was that he involved all his posterity in sin and ruin by it. God having told him that his race should replenish the earth, surely he could not but know that he stood as a public person, and that his disobedience would be fatal to all his seed and, if so, it was certainly both the greatest treachery and the greatest cruelty that ever was. The human nature being lodged entirely in our first parents, henceforward it could not but be transmitted from them under an attainder of guilt, a stain of dishonour, and an hereditary disease of sin and corruption. And can we say, then, that Adam's sin had but little harm in it?
III. The ultimate consequences of the transgression. Shame and fear seized the criminals, ipso facto--in the fact itself these came into the world along with sin, and still attend it.
1. Shame seized them unseen, Genesis 3:7, where observe,
(1.) The strong convictions they fell under, in their own bosoms: The eyes of them both were opened. It is not meant of the eyes of the body these were open before, as appears by this, that the sin came in at them. Jonathan's eyes were enlightened by eating forbidden fruit (1 Samuel 14:27), that is, he was refreshed and revived by it but theirs were not so. Nor is it meant of any advances made hereby in true knowledge but the eyes of their consciences were opened, their hearts smote them for what they had done. Now, when it was too late, they saw the folly of eating forbidden fruit. They saw the happiness they had fallen from, and the misery they had fallen into. They saw a loving God provoked, his grace and favour forfeited, his likeness and image lost, dominion over the creatures gone. They saw their natures corrupted and depraved, and felt a disorder in their own spirits of which they had never before been conscious. They saw a law in their members warring against the law of their minds, and captivating them both to sin and wrath. They saw, as Balaam, when his eyes were opened (Numbers 22:31), the angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand and perhaps they saw the serpent that had abused them insulting over them. The text tells us that they saw that they were naked, that is, [1.] That they were stripped, deprived of all the honours and joys of their paradise-state, and exposed to all the miseries that might justly be expected from an angry God. They were disarmed their defence had departed from them. [2.] That they were shamed, for ever shamed, before God and angels. They saw themselves disrobed of all their ornaments and ensigns of honour, degraded from their dignity and disgraced in the highest degree, laid open to the contempt and reproach of heaven, and earth, and their own consciences. Now see here, First, What a dishonour and disquietment sin is it makes mischief wherever it is admitted, sets men against themselves disturbs their peace, and destroys all their comforts. Sooner or later, it will have shame, either the shame of true repentance, which ends in glory, or that shame and everlasting contempt to which the wicked shall rise at the great day. Sin is a reproach to any people. Secondly, What deceiver Satan is. He told our first parents, when he tempted them, that their eyes should be opened and so they were, but not as they understood it they were opened to their shame and grief, not to their honour nor advantage. Therefore, when he speaks fair, believe him not. The most malicious mischievous liars often excuse themselves with this, that they only equivocate but God will not so excuse them.
(2.) The sorry shift they made to palliate these convictions, and to arm themselves against them: They sewed, or platted, fig-leaves together and to cover, at least, part of their shame from one another, they made themselves aprons. See here what is commonly the folly of those that have sinned. [1.] That they are more solicitous to save their credit before men than to obtain their pardon from God they are backward to confess their sin, and very desirous to conceal it, as much as may be. I have sinned, yet honour me. [2.] That the excuses men make, to cover and extenuate their sins, are vain and frivolous. Like the aprons of fig-leaves, they make the matter never the better, but the worse the shame, thus hidden, becomes the more shameful. Yet thus we are all apt to cover our transgressions as Adam, Job 31:33.
2. Fear seized them immediately upon their eating the forbidden fruit, Genesis 3:8. Observe here, (1.) What was the cause and occasion of their fear: They heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day. It was the approach of the Judge that put them into a fright and yet he came in such a manner as made it formidable only to guilty consciences. It is supposed that he came in a human shape, and that he who judged the world now was the same that shall judge the world at the last day, even that man whom God has ordained. He appeared to them now (it should seem) in no other similitude than that in which they had seen him when he put them into paradise for he came to convince and humble them, not to amaze and terrify them. He came into the garden, not descending immediately from heaven in their view, as afterwards on mount Sinai (making either thick darkness his pavilion or the flaming fire his chariot), but he came into the garden, as one that was still willing to be familiar with them. He came walking, not running, not riding upon the wings of the wind, but walking deliberately, as one slow to anger, teaching us, when we are ever so much provoked, not to be hot nor hasty, but to speak and act considerately and not rashly. He came in the cool of the day, not in the night, when all fears are doubly fearful, nor in the heat of day, for he came not in the heat of his anger. Fury is not in him, Isaiah 27:4. Nor did he come suddenly upon them but they heard his voice at some distance, giving them notice of his coming, and probably it was a still small voice, like that in which he came to enquire after Elijah. Some think they heard him discoursing with himself concerning the sin of Adam, and the judgment now to be passed upon him, perhaps as he did concerning Israel, Hosea 11:8,9. How shall I give thee up? Or, rather, they heard him calling for them, and coming towards them. (2.) What was the effect and evidence of their fear: They hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God--a sad change! Before they had sinned, if they had heard the voice of the Lord God coming towards them, they would have run to meet him, and with a humble joy welcomed his gracious visits. But, now that it was otherwise, God had become a terror to them, and then no marvel that they had become a terror to themselves, and were full of confusion. Their own consciences accused them, and set their sin before them in its proper colours. Their fig-leaves failed them, and would do them no service. God had come forth against them as an enemy, and the whole creation was at war with them and as yet they knew not of any mediator between them and an angry God, so that nothing remained but a certain fearful looking for of judgment. In this fright they hid themselves among the bushes having offended, they fled for the same. Knowing themselves guilty, they durst not stand a trial, but absconded, and fled from justice. See here, [1.] The falsehood of the tempter, and the frauds and fallacies of his temptations. He promised them they should be safe, but now they cannot so much as think themselves so he said they should not die, and yet now they are forced to fly for their lives he promised them they should be advanced, but they see themselves a based--never did they seem so little as now he promised them they should be knowing, but they see themselves at a loss, and know not so much as where to hide themselves he promised them they should be as gods, great, and bold, and daring, but they are as criminals discovered, trembling, pale, and anxious to escape: they would not be subjects, and so they are prisoners. [2.] The folly of sinners, to think it either possible or desirable to hide themselves from God: can they conceal themselves from the Father of lights? Psalms 139:7-13, &c. Jeremiah 23:24. Will they withdraw themselves from the fountain of life, who alone can give help and happiness? Jonah 2:8. [3.] The fear that attends sin. All that amazing fear of God's appearances, the accusations of conscience, the approaches of trouble, the assaults of inferior creatures, and the arrests of death, which is common among men, is the effect of sin. Adam and Eve, who were partners in the sin, were sharers in the shame and fear that attended it and though hand joined in hand (hands so lately joined in marriage), yet could they not animate nor fortify one another: miserable comforters they had become to each other!
The Certainty Of Rapture
🚩Rapture will take place any time from now.
🚩Everything hindering the rapture has been removed.
🚩Gospel has been preached almost everywhere.
🚩All the prophecies have been fulfilled. Angels physically seen and captured on camera @ Dansoman also gives a 'sign'.
🚩The devil is working very hard to occupy Christians with the things of this world so that the day will catch them unawares.
🚏 Please be prepared. There is no more time, Use the advantage of this free sms to send this message to at least 10 people.
Do not ignore. This is also a source of evangelism.
Souls are dying.
GOD bless you!
📍Let’s Pray Hard:
🚩6 6 6 The Mark of The Beast Prophesy Finally Fulfilled… as Written By: Jonathan Annobil.
🚩The US Senate has passed the Obama Health Bill into law.
🚩The implementation would commence soon.
🚩This bill would require all Americans to be implanted with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip in order to access medical care.
🚩 The device will be implanted on the forehead or on the arm.
🚩This is to fulfill the prophesy in the Book of Revelation 13: 15-18 concerning the MARK OF THE BEAST.
🚩Are you still doubting the END TIME?
🚩Do U know that the special car which was made for Obama is known as the BEAST?
🚩Get READY. The rapture is near! Revelations 13 is being played out right before us.
🚩Many are still unaware.
🚏 Why is the chip being implanted exactly where the Bible says it would be? Why on the hand and forehead. Why not anywhere else?
🚏Why is it being connected to your bank account?
🚩Remember the Bible says you won't be able to buy or sell without the mark 6 6 6.
🚩And guess what! The chip is connected to your financial details.
📍What breaks my heart the most is that many people in the Church will not make it if JESUS comes now?
📍Many are unaware that the end is near.
🚩Don’t tell me that it's advancement in technology or development.
🚩If any area of your life is not in sync with GOD’s word, repent and be converted.
🚩If you miss heaven you can never miss hell….. think about it.
🚩Hell is not a pretty place.
📍The worst part is that it is for eternity…
📍He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit says to the church.
🚩Please rather than post and forward senseless messages. Send this one to everyone you know. Do the work of an Evangelist. PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE WITH ALL YOUR CONTACTS.
🚩Have you ever wondered what should have happened if we treat the Holy Bible the way we treat our mobile phone? And we really can’t live without it.
Only 7% percent will re-send this message.
Don’t be of the 93% who will not share the message.
📍Satan said. “I wonder how humans claim to LOVE GOD and disobey HIM, and claim they hate me yet they obey me” Do not send later.
Share and send now.
🚩May Almighty GOD grant success to everyone who reads and sends this message.
📍Tomorrow may be too late.
Pls spread this info.
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